Who is Dostoyevsky's best translator?

Who is Dostoyevsky's best translator?

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An interesting and relevant article.

>Я дyмaю, caмaя глaвнaя, caмaя кopeннaя дyхoвнaя пoтpeбнocть pyccкoгo нapoдa ecть пoтpeбнocть cтpaдaния, вceгдaшнeгo и нeyтoлимoгo, вeздe и вo вceм. Этoю жaждoю cтpaдaния oн, кaжeтcя, зapaжeн иcкoни вeкoв. Cтpaдaльчecкaя cтpyя пpoхoдит чepeз вcю eгo иcтopию, нe oт внeшних тoлькo нecчacтий и бeдcтвий, a бьeт ключoм из caмoгo cepдцa нapoднoгo. У pyccкoгo нapoдa дaжe в cчacтьe нeпpeмeннo ecть чacть cтpaдaния, инaчe cчacтьe eгo для нeгo нeпoлнo. Hикoгдa, дaжe в caмыe тopжecтвeнныe минyты eгo иcтopии, нe имeeт oн гopдoгo и тopжecтвyющeгo видa, a лишь yмилeнный дo cтpaдaния вид; oн вoздыхaeт и oтнocит cлaвy cвoю к милocти Гocпoдa. Cтpaдaниeм cвoим pyccкий нapoд кaк бы нacлaждaeтcя. Чтo в цeлoм нapoдe, тo и в oтдeльных типaх, гoвopя, впpoчeм, лишь вooбщe.

>A trilithium weapon is a weapon utilizing trilithium as an explosive agent. It was capable of stopping all nuclear fusion within a star, causing an instant supernova. The Changeling Julian Bashir created a trilithium weapon composed of trilithium, tekasite, and protomatter designed to destroy the Bajoran sun, destroying Bajor, space station Deep Space 9, and a combined Federation-Klingon-Romulan fleet that had been lured to the mouth of the Bajoran wormhole in anticipate of a Dominion invasion. His attempt was stopped by the USS Defiant, which hurled his stolen Danube-class runabout away from the sun, causing the bomb to detonate harmlessly in space.

>I think the most important, most fundamental spiritual need of the Russian people is the need for suffering, perpetual and insatiable, everywhere and in everything. This thirst for suffering it seems to be infected from time immemorial of centuries. Suffering the jet passes through its entire history, not only from external misfortunes and disasters, a swing from the heart folk. The Russian people even in happiness there is certainly a part of the suffering, otherwise his happiness for him is incomplete. Never, even in the most solemn moments of his history, has he not proud and triumphant kind, only usilenny to the suffering kind

Yandex Cyrillic translator surprisingly good.


I see all sorts of memes about this translation, should I believe them? I've learned to not trust what translators say because they all seem forced to justify why a new translation is needed for a work that has been translated and re-translated over and over again.


Pevear and Volokhonsky, obviously

This man is a liar:

All of these people are liars. It's me.


So, we have Pevear and Voloxonskiy (yay for nabokovian transliteration) ITT. Who's the third guy?

I'm a Veeky Forums noob and you guys meme'd me into buying The Brothers Karamazov. But I picked it up not even thinking about the different translations. My copy says Dover - Thrift Editions... what does that mean? Is Dover the translator?


my parents-in-law allegedly introduced P to V (or vice-versa) sometime after the vietnam war.

the one about americans not reading dostoevsky or tolstoy, instead reading garnett, is true. ymmv as to whether or not you like it. (i'm not a fan)

dover is the publisher. i think garnett is the trans. see above for my two cents on her translation.

own this copy, can confirm garnett

Constance Garnett.
Also known as my waifu.

wew lad

Oliver Ready for C&P.
McDuff for BK.

Would you trust a translator who can't speak the language he is translating?

Then why trust Richard Pevear?

Richard Pevear also has the small problem of being a shit prose stylist in English.
