Sexist Pigs

Why doesn't Veeky Forums like female authors?
Ever heard of Free Indirect Discourse? Invented by Austen.
Best British Novel? Written by Eliot
Modernism? Best modernist novelist is VW.

welcome to Veeky Forums. even the aspies who think they're smart can't shake their fear of women

Goethe did free indirect discourse first. The other two are opinions.
Eliot and woolf are both good though.

>best British novel


I'll give you the other two thoigh. Vw and Jimmy are a toss up but since she's criminally underrated here, why not.

Joyce was a better novelist than Woolf. She was the second best, in any case.


About 1/3 of the books I read are by women authors. In my anecdotal experience women prefer books written by women so I don't know what the big catastrophe is if men do something similar. More romance novels are sold than any other type of book and if men are writing those they're using pseudonyms.

I don't hate women/girls I just find them different and strange so stop trying to tar us all with the same brush shitlord

>Marie de France
>Anne Frank
>O Connor
>Elaine Dundy
>bell hooks
>Jhumpa Lahiri
>Beecher Stowe
>Stella Gibbons
>Sasha Skenderija
>Rainer Maria Rilke
>Ninni Holmquist

I need more Sappho, but my female author collection is doin p tight so far

Rilke is a man, man.

I liked Frankenstein



this answers many questions I had about "her"


women write about boring shit tbqh onee-senpai

Middlemarch is considered by some people to be the best novel, or at least one of the best novels, ever written in English

check out Eliot's essay "silly novels by lady novelists" where she basically rips apart some of her contemporary female writers. it's awesome.

Austen and Rossetti are the only good female writers in English.

Jesus christ, what a list of trash
At least include parker

>Anne Frank

Jesus Christ, pure shit. Woolf, Austen, Eliot and O'Connor are the only good ones there, and that's because they are excellent writers. It has nothing to do with their genre.

but that's just a list of female authors whose works I have in my room

I don't think I own any Parker though. Gonna need some info

you're tryin real hard

Wuthering heights is pretty okay

Jane Austen
Mary Shelley
Emily Bronte
Charlotte Bronte
George Eliot
Edith Wharton
Willa Cather
Virginia Woolf
Margaret Mitchell
Zora Neale Hurston
Carson McCullers
Harper Lee
Iris Murdoch
Flannery O'Connor
Doris Lessing
Toni Morrison

I had to read Jane Eyre back in college and I will never forgive women for that ever.
All women must be punished.

I don't like women authors because they seem to be middling social critics at best

I like authors who grab life and the universe by the balls and go "I'M GONNA SQUEEZE THESE UNTIL YOU MAKE ME UNDERSTAND YOU"

Women just kind of go "hehe wouldnt it be cool if I didnt have to wear large bonnet but could instead wear smaller bonnet. big bonnet society is so absurd"

All the women who come close to being great are hardcore bulldykes or at least tortured crypto-lesbians, and all the women who fucking suuuuuck are typically feminine babbies like Beauvour lapping Sartre's cock and happy to be his derivative groupie for her entire life

In what? Sorrows was first person, and I'm not familiar with his other works

>I like authors who...
This is your problem. Why cut off while styles or world views?

This is a fair point. There's nothing wrong with being biased towards your gender, but try and acknowledge that it's subjective and there are good writers of both. It's a shame to miss out on either. I'd say the same about a preference for writers of your social class or nationality.

Middlemarch is incredible and I think, personally, that it's very female in outlook: sociability, interrelations, personal judgements. The exterior life.
Best is a dumb and impossible idea, but it's deffo my favourite.

>Why cut off while styles or world views?
Time is limited. Have to filter somehow. Same reason you don't eat food that tastes disgusting when there's better tasting food that's equally nutritious.

being 'well rounded' is such a cuckish,well behaved thing to aspire to. I'll pass on my well rounded ribbon and stick to reading predominately male writers. I don't want to please anybody but me.