Marc Aramini getting a Hugo? Veeky Forums shitposters doing something with their lives
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General: i.imgur.com/igBYngL.jpg (embed)
>Flowchart: i.imgur.com/uykqKJn.jpg (embed)
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>Hugo, Puppies, Wolfe, Aramini, Wright, cucks

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This Marc guy looks like some kid from Jersey Shore lel

Guys, I seriously need something new to read. I still can't believe I wasted my money on Soldier of Arete when I didn't even like Soldier of the Mist

What's some good asian-inspired fantasy?

Bridge of Birds

Look for that question in the last thread. Can we get an Asian-inspired fantasy infographic?

By which I mean let's gather books for an infographic which I will make.

I haven't read it but the guy who translated The Three-Body Problem into English coined the phrase "silkpunk" w.r.t. his new book.


There's also this author I heard about from someone.

Probably not the best choice of clothes for a video on literature

Tell me about a cool concept in a fantasy or sci-fi book that you particularly liked, Veeky Forums.

Any good recent dying earth stories? I'll even take just recent.

Part of the magic available to women is a form of telepathic bond. Normally the bond is only formed after a lengthy ritual, but there's a genetic defect where a girl will automatically force a bond with nearby women and permanently join their personalities, forming a hivemind. Men can't get too close because the rat-queens are good at emotion magic, women that get too close get added, so they're generally dealt with by radioactive dust from a distance.

John C. Wright's Night Land shorts. Also Greg Bear did a Dying Earth novel, but I haven't read it.

>Golden Son didn't make the nom
I hope Jemisin is happy. She's never happy.

At least Pierce Brown can still get the Campbell. Whatever you want to say about Red Rising, Golden Son was incredible.

>Young Adult shit

I really enjoyed the concept of The Wild in the Traitor Son cycle. Fairly unique way of creating fantasy monsters.

>Golden Son
>Young adult
It is anime though.

Does Aramini actually come here?


Ken Liu is my favorite author for asian fantasy and historical fiction (for everything else he's pretty sub-par). I'm still waiting for the sequel to The Grace of Kings

>no ebook

Not sure where you're looking but it does have a epub/mobi version around.

fuck me

So if Space Raptor Butt Invasion were tagged "classic" would you have to defend it as a classic?

Maybe you need to have immigrant parents or something but I was underwhelmed by Liu's The Paper Menagerie.

Nice fallacy bud.

>YA is bad
>Golden Son is YA
>Golden Son is bad
Yeah, don't see any fallacies there.

Neither do I, good we agree.

I was too, but there were two good stories in it: the one about chinese prospectors and the one about fox girl who became a fucking transformer

Elaborate, baka.

Who do you think made this thread? Is Aramini even known to anyone but Aramini?

Anyone know any good sci-fi time travel books that are set in the modern day or near future?
I'm looking for ones that focus on the science of time travel and the effects of it. I want something that doesn't involve travelling to years in the past or set in a fantasy setting.

I just ordered Quantum Break Zero State which is based on the game Quantum Break, something along the lines of that is what I am looking for.

Finding new books to read is fucking hard

Not really.

>good time-travel books
There's your problem.

A lot of sci-fi books have time travel through time dilation. :-)

Here you go senpai

Bridge of Birds is first of a trilogy

I know, but there has to be some out there

Depends how high your standards are.

There was that 70s-80s one that's just about the guy getting time travel and realizing he doesn't like godhood, and so he ends up in a room with fifty other versions of him all having a lemon party, and there was The Time Traveler's Wife, some people liked that, I remember that one had the guy using time travel for gay selfcest too.

The Time Traveler's Wife is one of the worst books I've ever read. Granted, I was 15 at the time.

thanks user

The Anubis Gates

I was also a teenager and hated it. I remember it was one of the only books I skipped to the end. I guess he accidentally teleported in front of his in-laws while they were hunting and got shot or something?

>I remember that one had the guy using time travel for gay selfcest too
I don't even...

The Time Travellers Wife looks somewhat decent, but it isn't really what I am looking for.

Guess I will have to do some research on Google and Goodreads to find some good ones.


It was just one scene IIRC. The book was crap for other reasons.

Yep, he gets killed by them by accident. He had also time travelled far into the future and bangs his wife when she's old. Really shitty, forced romance, imo.

That reminds me of another present-day time-travel novel, where everyone on Earth gets a vision of what they'll be doing twenty years in the future for a few seconds. It was really boring, but the main character is also banging his elderly wife in the future.

The SEP field from HGttG.

I'm not exactly sure why, but it seemed like a really funny, and at the same time functional, idea. Granted, there's not much you can do with it outside of camouflaging shit, but still...

Well, kind of hard to explain but... The book takes place in old medieval England, it's basically King Arthur, I guess.

The Wild is a force of magic opposite to God. The creatures there are just nightmarish abominations that eat each other's souls in an orgy of violence. Men push The Wild back by burning the forests, but the forests regrow and the creatures return. Endless cycle that humans are losing. They want to eat us, I guess because we have extra juicy souls.

SEP field was where they painted it pink right? With the story about the dude shipping away a mountain?


Yeah, that's the one. Neat concept, but it bored me to tears. I don't even remember how they reconciled the flash-forward proving free will doesn't exist with people committing suicide to get out of their drab future lives.

Yeah. This magician bet his life he could make a mountain invisible. The point was that an SEP would have saved him a lot of time and mortality.

Not sure, a pink elephant was used as an example, but it was used to hide Slartibartfast's ship in front of everyone's faces.

>A S.E.P. can work in much the same way in dangerous or uninhabitable environments. Any problem which may present itself to a person inside an S.E.P. (such as not being able to breathe, due to a lack of atmosphere) will become Somebody Else's.

Now i remember why i liked it so much.

Sounds like the Fae in Coldfire.

Never read coldfire. What's their deal?

I'm writing one, but I think it sounds too much like Vance.

Implying you don't still secretly enjoy young adult shit a little

>a little

>“Safe Space as Rape Room” by Daniel Eness (castaliahouse.com)
>SJWs Always Lie: Taking Down the Thought Police by Vox Day (Castalia House)

>Perfect State by Brandon Sanderson >(Dragonsteel Entertainment)

Name a better comic book from last year.
SSSS, I know.

Yeah, at least last year was somewhat about the merit of the work, this is just a cringey pissing contest.

>Article exposing the rampant pedophilia in SFF writers and fandom
>pissing contest

Whats the problem with that?

At least I get to append Hugo Nominee to my name even if they No Award the shit out of me.

Do the ends justify the means? Probably.

you can't make this shit up

I thought about reading 2nd and 3rd Dune book in order to read God Emperor but then I remembered I forgot most of what the first one was about... I remember sand people were commandos and Sardaukars were basically Dune version of Iraq's 'Elite Republican Guard' in Gulf War and that protag was some sort of prophet Jesushammad figure that... won? I'm too lazy to read all that shit again. Can't even remember what happened to most of them.

It's just a pity you BLaS had to be up this year, when the whole puppy drama hangs over everything. It's good enough to get the nod purely on its own terms, but having shit like space Raptor Butt Invasion just drags everyone down.

Thanks for recommendation, just started, and it's pretty decent :)

Why do you keep bringing up fucking reward shows to this thread?


Why the retarded idiotic adviceanimals meme for the opening picture

What the fuck is wrong with you?

We apologize for the interruption and will now return to our regularly programmed Dark Souls and why women can't write.

I really enjoyed it, but man it was bizarrely difficult for me to get into. Haven't really read any books like that before, like almost a historical non fiction tone with some "by the blood of jesus christ!" shit going on but with magic bears

Fuck off you fucking retard and take your reward shows and identity politics somewhere else, can't believe even the smallest of boards have to deal with this vile shit


Now i want to include that in my story as a sort of literal plot device that later gets destroyed to avoid people saying "why didn't they just use that to take the bad guy out?".

Best Related Work should be restricted to books about genre fiction. No blogposts or fan drama allowed.

I signed the contract before the Hugo debacle of last year ... if Castalia didn't publish it, it wouldn't be up at all. No one I sent it to reviewed it, no other publisher was interested. Vox didn't give me the run around, he took it and my editor helped me immensely in formatting, etc, so even though ideologically I am not quite aligned with every aspect of my publisher, I DON'T have to agree with my friends, and they don't have to agree with me, as long as we like each other. Between Light and Shadow would never have been nominated without Vox, and that is certain. If my loyalty to someone who has given me exposure costs me, so be it. At least I know that I had integrity, and refusing the nomination makes no sense for an obscure work like mine - I believe it deserves to be there, and it is there. Justice is *almost* served.

>not vile

/sffg/ I have two similar ideas for a short story, help me pick which one to go with

>Two childhood friends fall in love, but the girl is a werelion and any transformation could be her last. Worse, the leoanthropy gene is dominant and having a child is a coin flip


>in ancient Amazonia, a child set fire to one of the rare sacred trees that allow Amazons to give birth through parthenogenesis and for that she was cursed to become a were lion and banished until she brings back a sacred sapling

Ideologies aside Vox is a retard, no matter how you look at him. John "Korrasami in the trash" Wright is at least intelligent.

Yeah but he's our retard.

Our dark knight.

Having every successful scifi/fantasy writer being a straight white male is a problem. Without diverse influences art becomes a stale echo chamber

There are so many dull european epic fantasies, dresden clones, supernatural romances, steampunk detectives, space operas and dystopias that unless we adapt, and diversify SFF is doomed

John C Wright is the personification of fedoradom.

Is Wright as pompous in his novels as he is on his blog?

So why haven't SJW types written any diverse scifi/fantasy novels, let alone successful ones? Is it because they're a bunch of no talent hacks whose only skill in life is crying and demanding other people give in to their demands?

He uses elevated vocabulary, but it doesn't break immersion, at least not in the pre-Castalia novels.

More so lately, he used to be pretty solid back in the Golden Age/War of the Dreaming days.

>hat an' beard
Every time.


Butler? Delany? Do these names mean anything to you?

Including different sexualities and ethnicities in your work is just the start. Too much SF is utterly conventional in style and form.

Patently false. What matters is never the author, but the idea. Card, Correia, Sanderson, Hickman, Mull, and McClellan are not only white and straight but Mormon, an incredibly conformist group. Do they all write the same things? In the same way? From the same perspective? Are you literally incapable of separating the work from the author?

why do you people manage to take the stalest day 1 bait and fall for it


This is literally the day they released the nominations. It's like asking /a/ on a Sunday in 2008 to not talk about Code Geass.


LeGuin too, but in general female SF writers are only slightly more common than female Smurfs

It's a knack.

There's at least one user other than me suggesting the Feist/Wurts Empire Trilogy.

The works of white authors will be better if the works of nonwhite authors are more prevalent. Ideas don't spring fully-formed from the void, but are cobbled together from many different influences. The more varied influences there are, the more combinations are possible. It's simple permutation theory

The braided path