Veeky Forums needs a philosophy meme trilogy. I suggest these 3 since they would work

Veeky Forums needs a philosophy meme trilogy. I suggest these 3 since they would work.

Other urls found in this thread:

Not talked about enough
Maybe Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Critique of Pure Reason, The Ego and Its Own

I like those guys but Nietzsche is clearly Veeky Forums's resident meme philosopher


The hell you say.

While we're at it, I think the Laozi should be on there.

How about.
The Ego and Its Own by Max Stirner.
Sex and Character by Otto Weininger.
Fanged Noumena by Nick Land.

Stirner is customary, of course.

Then, Thus Spoke Zarathustra has a good meme potential.

You can't force a meme. The only philosophical books mentioned enough to be meme-worthy are The Ego and Its Own, and possibly Aurelius' Meditations or The Myth of Sisyphus

Phenomenology of Spirit, Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Being and Time

>Can't force a meme
>The Ego and Its Own

It's already a meme.
It was never forced.

That is how it become a meme.


No good meme books tho.


this. maybe replace Heidegger with Schopy or Nietzsche bc nobody really reads Nazi boy

Liggottis meme book

(-380) Plato: "Republic"
(-340) Aristotle: "Nicomachean Ethics"
(400) Augustine: "Confessions"
(1274) Aquinas: "Summa Theologica"
(1620) Bacon: "Novum Organum"
(1641) Descartes: "Meditations on First Philosophy"
(1651) Hobbes: "Leviathan"
(1677) Spinoza: "Ethics, Demonstrated in Geometrical Order"
(1689) Locke: "Two Treatises of Government"
(1690) Locke: "An Essay Concerning Human Understanding"
(1704) Leibniz: "New Essays on Human Understanding"
(1710) Berkeley: "A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge"
(1739) Hume: "A Treatise of Human Nature"
(1748) Hume: "An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding"
(1762) Rousseau: "The Social Contract"
(1781) Kant: "Critique of Pure Reason"
(1785) Kant: "Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals"
(1818) Schopenhauer: "The World as Will and Representation"
(1859) Mill: "On Liberty"
(1863) Mill: "Utilitarianism"
(1874) Sidgwick: "The Methods of Ethics"
(1884) Frege: "The Foundations of Arithmetic"
(1886) Nietzsche: "Beyond Good and Evil"
(1887) Nietzsche: "On the Genealogy of Morality"
(1890) James: "The Principles of Psychology"
(1892) Frege: "On Sense and Reference"
(1899) Peirce: "Collected Papers of Charles Sanders Peirce"
(1903) Moore: "Principia Ethica"
(1907) James: "Pragmatism"
(1919) Russell: "Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy"
(1922) Wittgenstein: "Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus"
(1928) Carnap: "The Logical Structure of the World"
(1934) Popper: "The Logic of Scientific Discovery"
(1936) Ayer: "Language, Truth and Logic"
(1949) Ryle: "The Concept of Mind"
(1953) Wittgenstein: "Philosophical Investigations"
(1955) Goodman: "Fact, Fiction, and Forecast"
(1960) Quine: "Word and Object"
(1962) Kuhn: "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions"
(1962) Austin: "How to Do Things with Words"
(1963) Popper: "Conjectures and Refutations"
(1965) Hempel: "Aspects of Scientific Explanation"
(1971) Rawls: "A Theory of Justice"
(1972) Kripke: "Naming and Necessity"
(1974) Nozick: "Anarchy, State and Utopia"
(1975) Fodor: "The Language of Thought"
(1975) Putnam: "Mind, Language and Reality"
(1979) Nagel: "Mortal Questions"
(1979) Rorty: "Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature"
(1980) Davidson: "Essays on Actions and Events"
(1981) Putnam: "Reason, Truth, and History"
(1981) Dretske: "Knowledge and the Flow of Information"
(1981) Nozick: "Philosophical Explanations"
(1982) Evans: "Varieties of Reference"
(1983) Lewis: "Philosophical Papers"
(1983) Searle: "Intentionality"
(1984) Parfit: "Reasons and Persons"
(1984) MacIntyre: "After Virtue"
(1985) Williams: "Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy"
(1986) Nagel: "The View From Nowhere"
(1986) Goldman: "Epistemology and Cognition"
(1993) Singer: "Practical Ethics"
(2000) Williamson: "Knowledge and Its Limits"
(2008) Quine: "Quintessence"

bit heavy on post 1960's philosophy, eh?

Analytics, much like scientists, place a heavier emphasis on recent philosophy because they view it as a linear practice, one of constant refinement and improvement. Kant might as well be Copernicus!

That's like saying the neuroscience curriculum is heavy on post 1960s neuroscience.

Good juxtaposition.

Don't listen to these guys OP, it's a creat trilogy

Only thing I'd change is placing Capitalism and Schizophrenia (or just A Thousand Plateaus) instead of Cioran, but either way it's fine really

Why not?

>no Philosophical Investigations

Why would they?

Because they could? He's influential? Idk why not?

He was a charlatan obscurantist who wrote gibberish for a living.

Neuroscience and Philosophy are very different fields, with very different subjects of study.

How would one go about actually understanding land?What are Bataille's most important works and what are the other necessary readings?


>How would one go about actually understanding land?
Literally impossible. Read his blog, though, to start.

I thought his blog was more about his politics and not his philosophy?

His philosophy shines through clear as day. Also, it's basically wrong to say Land "has politics." The interpretation of Xenosystems as being political completely misunderstands what's going on... and explains all the confusion people have about him.

Sure, but the man is a living meme.

>Discipline and Punish
>Phenomenology of Spirit
>literally anything Zizek

I'm not well versed in philosophy, so I'm saving this for choices with regard to future pick-ups. Thank you.

You can read Thirst for Annihilation fine if you are just a little familiar with Bataille. Story of the Eye and Literature and Evil would be fine.

No Dugin?

4th Political Theory is pure meme material

> Philosophy meme trilogy
> Not Stirner there