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Literature #80
Who wrote the Quran?
What are some books similar to Morrowind?
"Real life" and lit
What famous people are surprisingly well-read?
How hard is pic related to read, my main men?
Paperback Vs hardcover
Is this anyone else's first year of 'serious' reading?
Thinking about tackling this behemoth Veeky Forums...
Ernest Hemingway
Write almost six pages of novel in one sitting
Hey Veeky Forums, /mu/ here, I just want some confirmation. This is mostly fabricated, right?
Muh bland protagonist
You will never play the glass bead game
Does love actually real?
Which book changed your life?
Recent Purchases Thread
Latin American books
So I'm really getting into noir/hardboiled detective stuff, and I need suggestions besides Hammett and Chandler
Is this the highest form of art ever created?
Where do I start with poetry ?
Mods deleted the last thread before it could be completed. Here is the most updated one I have. Keep going!
This movie is adapted from a lost Pynchon novel. It has to be
This is the single worst book I have ever read to completion in my life
I've finally gotten around to buying the first book. I've heard lots of good things about the Wheel of Time series...
I have known her longer, my smile said. True, you have been inside the circle of her arms, tasted her mouth...
"A bird can fly but a fly can't bird." Can you post here short sentences like this?
What asian language has the best literature...
What would post-post-postmodernism and post-post-post-postmodernism look like?
Any good books to learn about Libertarianism? (please none from the American point of view, just neutral ones)
Can you explain to me how Marcuse who's part of the Frankfurt School is so revered by the SJWs even though he's against...
If you were to tell a person to read 1 book before committing suicide, what book would it be?
Is Carl Jung legit?
Can someone explain the 'prose' meme
What do you think of these?
Taipei by Tao Lin
God is dead
I'm new to reading. When should I read this shit?
What are best books for learning about fascism?
Find book I want to read
"Child Soldiers" Story
Best books for starting theology and moving up afterwards? like from beginner to expert
ITT: Veeky Forums approved Youtube channels
Any gift ideas in form of books for an awesome kid and her parents...
Is Veeky Forums as virgin autist loser with the ladies more or less true or false?
How difficult is Absalom Absalom! as compared to Sound and the Fury or other books?
Im looking for somethig romantic
Post the First Sentence in your Book
Hi Veeky Forums
Post a better written book
Are there any books that describe extreme alienation from society? It doesn't have to be super too deep for you stuff...
Tfw you long for death's sweet embrace but your disgusting animal body isn't ready yet
Is it okay to just read Ecclesiastes and not the rest of the bible...
Hear about Thomas Ligotti on Veeky Forums
Are there any worthwile female authors?
In the end, he realized it was the year 2666
Could you recommend some books for a 25 years old with existential crisis?
Who is the best Science Fiction author out there, Veeky Forums?
Lend best bud leatherbound copy of Dante's Inferno
What is your favorite Camus and why?
50 books a year? Ha. Child's play
What are my fellow memesters reading and drinking today? I'm drinking pic related and reading a Rémy Martin VSOP...
Writing General / QTDTOT / SQT
What poems/books do you have memorized?
What went wrong?
God-Tier Science-Fiction Only
Why do people who talk about 'that 137 page book' get banned from Veeky Forums
What makes a "good" title? What are some titles you like, and why?
I liked this book. Recommendations for books with similar themes?
Books about the narcissist way of life
Favorite Poets and Recommendations
ITT: Post your favorite
Philfag here. I have a philosophy professor at Harvard who I feel was intellectually abusing his philosophy undergrads...
Tfw actually starting with the Greeks
What's the consensus on Jane Austen? I've never read anything by her, but this new movie's getting great reviews
What are some good reads about libertarianism and the natural rights of the individual?
People think it's impressive to speak multiple languages with the same character set and 50% vocabulary overlap
I'm six chapters in and my shit-tier sense is tingling. Am I wrong about this book or should I have already dropped it?
Literally everyone who says Camus' books are crappy have only read one of his books (The Stranger) and translated to...
Hey guys just letting you know there's a great discussion on the merits of YA vs literature going down...
How do you deal with the fact that you went to a non Oxbridge / MIT / Stanford / Caltech / Ivy League university and...
Alternative mythology
Are you a fascist lit/ ? Take the test to find out !
Who are the contemporary poets that are worth a damn? Are all good poets either dead or about to die?
Is there any book that'll help me deal with my insecurities?
ITT: wildly misinterpret the moral of a book
I'm offering to critique a chapter of your work, in exchange for a critique of a chapter of mine...
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
The two grandfathers of modern psychology, Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) and Carl Jung (1875-1961)...
I don't get it. Why is this considered good?
What's your major and how'd you choose it, Veeky Forums?
ITT: We draw Harold Bloom
Unfilmable Novels
Is lovecraft overrated...
Is this faggot a hack or is he on to something?
Is being on Veeky Forums "reading?"
Jorge Luis Borges
Veeky Forums cringe thread
Post your word processor
Do you think there are books that aren't worth reading after a certain age?
Books about cognitive biases
How did you crack this one, Veeky Forums? Did the Skeleton Key help at all? Any other readers' guides?
Was Saint Paul more instrumental than Saint Peter in laying a foundation for a universal Christianity...
Harold Bloom negs every writer who isn't Shakespeare
Is this the worst book ever written?
About to read this
I'm 80 pages in
Completely ignoring any sort of religious shitflinging, the Bible is pretty well-written
Among those 602 people, the average correct score was slightly lower at 5.76
No one actually reads this for fun, right...
The Trial - Kafka
It makes me so irritated when plebs call grrm a "master...
Who are some good East Asian philosophers these days?
Post Your Favorite Book Cover Thread
I'm at pic related. Trips decides what I buy
I'm wondering if there is a correlation between musical and literary taste
If you wanna change the world, why do you study English literature or the humanities/liberal arts and not economics?
What are some books that try to sell you a scam or a lie that I should watch out for?
What's a book that will make me stop wanting to die
What are some books about people who are disconnected from humanity/have dissociative tendencies?
Finding a qt
I've become a big-time misogynist over the past few months...
George R R Martin
Why do people want to appear grown-up and mature?
Is 'getting old' when you give up your dreams for comfort?
Spend hours working on four pages of writing
Edited prose
I became an avid reader like three months ago and I can't stop...
Veeky Forums humor thread
Stuff that this utterly patrician board would crucify you for reading but you enjoy anyway
Should I dedicate 12 hours a day to reading this?
Are you a spiritual person, Veeky Forumserati?
ITT: Books that no on here has actually read
From /mlp/
My name is user, and I'm an addict
What do you think of Stephen King?
How long does it take you to read a book, user?
What Was The Worst Book You Ever Read?
Just finished reading pic related. Where's my prize, Veeky Forums?
If you fucks like this book so much, why do you all so accurately embody the attention-seeking...
Zizek is called "the most dangerous philosopher of the West"...
Hit Veeky Forums
The most dull-witted things a person has told you about books
What should I read next lit? I have a looooot of stuff to read
Spanish and Italian tier
I consider myself an Intelligent person, but I do not understand the purpose of "The Sound and the Fury"
Can you guys recommend me books about gender dysphoria and longing to become a girl?
Does any translator do a better job than this?
You guys are about to fall in love wayy to hard
Why do you hate me so much, Veeky Forums? Is it just because I'm successful and you're not?
/sffg/ - SciFi and Fantasy General
These are always interesting. Literary trivia thread
Body language
I've tried to get into books, really I have. I started with the Greeks...
Anyone else disappointing in the human race? Books for this feel?
Wanna get into politics, can you guys recommend me some entry level books?
You cannot KEK the Zek
Hey guys it's polandbananabooks here!
Why is cyberpunk so boring and biopunk so interesting...
Who is the male protagonist you most admire?
Was he a overrated hack or was he legit a litterary genius?
In my experience, people who have studied English, creative writing, or journalism usually make the worst writers...
You guys like this book? is it good?
Fappable Authors
I just finished No Longer Human. Where do I go from here? Who are some other Japanese authors worth exploring?
Is the world as we know it over?
Thinking about finally getting an e-reader
Bookzz is shit what is a good tracker for ebooks
Make something
Trivia - prove yourself's lit-tards
The Canon Is Sexist, Racist, Colonialist, and Totally Gross. Yes, You Have to Read It Anyway
What's a truly disturbing book? I don't mean like some gore fest...
Veeky Forumserati
Is this a decent version of the Arthurian legend?
Thoughts on how to make this less edgy/better in general?
User posted this earlier in a general >>8078729. Any suggestions on which one to start with? Which one is the best?
William Gass
Do you rank him above Shakespeare?
Write the edgiest possible sentence, Veeky Forums
Can someone please recommend good literature with a female protagonist who
Is Prague the most Veeky Forums city?
Happy 100th Birthday
What books have ***almost*** made you cry? I mean, surely you've never actually cried because of a book...
Nietzsche + Marx
How does one overcome their spooks?
What justifies Stirner's egoism?
Ernest Hemingway thread
Plot question
Best poetic prose
"yeah i love reading"
Is this the greatest mind of the 21st century?
Me at 16: I'm going to be the next James Joyce
I think my prose is shit and my thoughts cliche. How do I improve?
As a rule, which is better, penguin classics or oxford world classics?
Macarthur grant
ITT: We describe normal, everyday actions in the most cryptic way possible
What pieces of writing were forever seared into your memory the moment you read them?
What am I in for, Veeky Forums?
Lear was just pretending to be mad all along so he could find out which one of his daughters really loved him
Professor calls me a pleb
History of Philosophy
Why is literature meaningful? Is there more than philosophical/sociological/psycological content to literature...
Who was in the right here?
What's the proper Veeky Forums order to go through The Bible?
Hatred of the bourgeois is the beginning of wisdom
Something I've been wondering: are there any genuinely good writers whose careers and reputations were ultimately...
Who's side does Veeky Forums take ?
How does the nose "know"
Making my way through the Dune saga, and just finished Dune Messiah...
Iceberg Chart
Probably a long shot, but do any of you guys have high res scans of the dust jackets for these? I got them all cheap...
Anyone know where i can steal this book?
Is Sargon of Akkad today's greatest living thinker?
ITT post images that inspire you
What is the very best stream of consciousness writing you've ever read?
When I first started college, I promised myself I'd have a published book by the time I graduated
Why live?
Man, I really don't want him to die
Anyone else hyped?
Have you ever met someone smarter than you?
"Yeah, so it all takes place over the course of a single day."
Why is he so based?
Has anyone read Svetlana Alexievich? Is she good? What should I start with?
What's the most emotionally devastating book on this list?
Books vs Fitness
Who is the closest to being Bach's analogue in literature?
Comments on this?
TEJU COLE is my favorite contemporary writer. What's yours Veeky Forums?
You will never be this talented
Why are notable young authors almost non-existent...
Is there something to read beyond Nietzsche...
Critique the last book you read without using the letter 'e'
I don't really look up to anybody, I guess I have some favorite people that I like a lot. But I don't emulate anybody...
Portuguese Language Thread and Critique
What are some good books about collectivism...
What do you think of Oscar Wilde, user?
I found this in my 9 year old brother's school folder
ITT: sources you can trust
Ch 3 or 4 of infinite jest
Why does lit get so sperged out by Sam Harris?
In all seriousness, define "good prose"
Why am I such a fucking slow reader? I pick up a picture of dorian grey...
You can never despise a country once you enjoy its literature
Socrates dead
VICE a shit
/sffg/-Science Fiction and fantasy general
What are the books that depressed people read? for music the music you'd listen to would be have a nice life...
I'm a sexist tbqh
Just bought this, I've heard it is one of the no nonsense self-help books. Have you read it and what was your opinion?
Misery of the English language
Just finished this
Want to keep buying books
How Wanky is your Bookshelf?
Poems for a funeral
Do you consider graphic novels as actual literature? Why? Pic related
Just finished this. Thoughts?
Why writers suffer depression and are suicidal, Veeky Forums?
Hmm what's this 'reddit' site? seems pretty interesting
Not owning the meme editions of the meme trilogy
ITT your favorite Books and why you hate women
We can all agree the printed page is obsolete, right?
What are some good books about feminism? Positive or negative, fiction or nonfiction
Short books
Book has chapters
ITT: Books that are impossible to "spoil"
Attn plebs: it's pronounced "junior"
What music does Veeky Forums like to hear if any at all while reading?
What's he trying to discern?
Am I just a contrarian or are the Harry Potter books shit...
Has a book ever made you fap, Veeky Forums?
"Dude, just be, you know, uhhh good and nice and beeee yourself... and shit! Uh, like, yeah, and so but..."
Tfw never seen an opera/play
The story goes, that this book was left by an /x/phile's grandfather, and for the past week...
"An artist respects the silence, it serves the foundation of creativity"
Thomas Pynchon power rankings itt:
I want to start writing but I suck ass at it...
If I wanted to learn about materialism and idealism, etc., what should I read? Should I look for articles or books...
Who here achieved a high literary status yet? Or feels like it to some degree?
What's your favorite story from Dubliners?
Veeky Forums's opinion on Toni Morrison?
What is the literature equivalent of the TDKR opening scene ?
What kind of pen/pencil do you use for writing on your books?
What does Veeky Forums think of Sam Harris' recommended reading list?
Let me give you some stats which prove I'm right
Great south-Slav writers
What comes after modernity?
Tell me this isn't like Harry Potter
Hey Veeky Forums, what books do I need to read in order to have an identity as a "leftist"...
When you can tell the author used a thesaurus and none of the big words actually make any fucking sense in context
What am I in for?
I've finished with the Greeks, where do I go now in my pursuits of philosophy?
Just b urself
Why are you guys so afraid to read this
Post Quality Joke Books
Hold the door
What is the most Veeky Forums music?
Is this just a meme or is it worth the read?
Hey Veeky Forums so yesterday I was at a party and this really drunk chick mentioned something about feminism (I don't...
Was he the most spooked man in all of history?
Does anyone else think that these books are competely pointless?
What is the most important trait for you (i.e. what do you value the most)? Intelligence?
Is it acceptable to buy a Wordsworth edition?
Hey Veeky Forums, what books do I need to read in order to have an identity as a "leftist"...
I just finished reading Ready Player One and holy god damn shit...
"Gosh A-non, oyyy knoww! Naow let's go to the independent cinemahrr to woch that new Iranian film! Qwik...
A prevailing possition of the English language
This book is pretty funny actually
Favorites thread
Signs of Pseudo-Intellectual
Befriend Veeky Forums user online from any board besides Veeky Forums
Daily routine thread
Sylvia Plath
You get one chance to tell me why light novels should be treated any differently than novels such as The Great Gatsby...
Got pic related as a gift recently, is it any good?
No joke. I work as a YA librarian but never read YA books...
What's your excuse for not being a proponent of psychological egoism?
Hey Veeky Forums
Books that made you a better person
Is there any literature about incest or fucking your cousin?
Just b yourself :)
How did this shitty book make a whole nation vote for Trump?
What book should i read?
What position does Veeky Forums read in?
Book is more than 512 pages
What were your favorite parts
Pitch a YA Series
"This world is a comedy to those that think...
Veeky Forums, home of the Memelords
Gender/Queer criticism
How does one properly make a teleological suspension of the ethical in the modern world...
How do I motivate myself to become extremely hard working when my massive brainpower allows me to clearly see the...
I know this is a weird request, but I need someone who is the smart version of Russell Brand...
We all know that the biggest loser, Adolf Hitler liked to listen Wagner. What author did he like to read?
Tfw too dumb for complex, difficult books
God is dead
Faulkner Thread
Re-write the following sentence in the style of an author
Unpopular Veeky Forums opinions thread
1. Why do we start with the Greeks and not the Mesopotamians?
How are some writers capable of producing so many books?
The Veeky Forums guide to (analytic) philosophy
ITT: give the opening line, sentence or passage of the book/story you're working on
Was DFW fat?
Soon, fellow il/lit/erates
Anyone heard of any good contemporary russian lit?
How would a 19 year old like me get into philosophy, Veeky Forums? what books should i read? please help
Birthday coming up
Name a book that seriously affected the way you perceive things now, also mention what those things are
ITT: Everything you've read this year
Reading George Orwell's works by the ESL faggot
I'm an edgy depressed teenager that listens to sad boy music all day and drinks coffee and watches foreign films and...
How did this shitty book make a whole nation vote for Hitler?
Arguments against Stirner
Existential Crises 'R' Us
Aside from reading, what else do you guys do?
Bookshelves general
Economics Literature and Economic Philosophy
Did you ever write an article for Wikipedia?
Is college/university worth it?
Nietzsche on Islam
What are some famous authors email addresses?
What books are just anime?
I went to pick up a copy of Infinite Jest the other day, the other copies were in horrible condition...
Is belief a choice?
What do
General Critique Thread
Life is 30-40% over
So if sexuality is socially constructed then how come that I, despite being above my facticity...
Should Veeky Forums have a book of the week kind of thing so that we can all at least talk about one book instead of...
Do US libarts colleges give good financial aid?
Why are you wasting your time on here and not reading instead?
How are the sequels?
How would you describe this series?
Romance is selfish
My girl's birthday is coming up and I'm going to get her a book, what's the most likely to get me laid...
Do you go on goodreads? If so, why?
Did cyberpunk become obsolete because it, unlike biopunk...
I've read 1984, Fahrenheit 451 and Brave New World so far. Dystopically speaking, which book should I read next?
What book will convince me that there is anything more to life than masturbating and shitposting and having no friends...
Jungians of lit, I have a question for you...
I used to hate the "The movie wasn't as good as the book." people, until I got into reading...
Why is it ok on Veeky Forums to debate obvious left wing philosophers and authors...
Is this board proof that reading/having interest in reading only turns you into an insufferable cunt?
Have you read the entire Veeky Forums starter kit? Is it dated...
So why the fuck did this pussy lie about the downsides of inherently beneficial herbs?
Philosophy as a form of academic study or being part of higher education in general is entirely pointless and actually...
Recent Purchases?
Start writing my 1,000 words for the day
What's your favorite chapter?
"Remember that life is made up of loyalty: loyalty to your friends; loyalty to things beautiful and good; loyalty to...
Where to start with samuel beckett, namely his novels?
Who is the final boss of philosophy?
Which book will transform me from a cynical, lethargic, brain-dead idiot to some sort of amazing, happy, great...
I've noticed that I enjoy reading shitposts on Veeky Forums much more than your average book
What does Veeky Forums think of Elliot Rodger's "My Twisted World"? Is it a good read?
What is the deal with the story in the Bible about Jesus cursing a fig tree so that it may no longer bear fruit...
What are the best portrayals of the devil in literature?
/sffg/- Science Fiction and Fantasy General
The Way of the Pilgrim
Should I be embarrassed to read this in public...
How come high school lit class made me want to burn books? Why are there no good required lit highschool books?
Ex muslim atheist living in a muslim country here. Should i read the bible? Is it worth reading...
Anti-sex/for celibacy philosophy
Are there any published novels written by legit crazy people?
ITT: post your stack and other anons rate it
Learn these languages: Ancient Greek, Latin, Spanish, French
What book will help me find inner peace?
What do you think of Ellison?
Why do hipsters who pretend to be into literature talk so much about Bukowski?
How do I get invited to bilbiotik? I have an overdrive library card
Do audiobooks have less merit than paper or digital books that you have to read?
Writers who chain smoke while they work. Who has kicked the habit and has it affected your relationship with writing...
How do we stop him?
Come in and join the discussion
be Britfag
What does Veeky Forums think of Lotr?
Finish a book
What is the best form of art? In my opinion it's either music or mathematics
The Bard goes bare: The Tempest performed naked in New York
I'm considering reading Atlas Shrugged. Would I be wasting my time?
Do you guys use money as a bookmark?
What labels do i fit into?
Think of a book you like. Got it? Good
What historical literary/philosophical scene would have been the coolest to have been a part of?
How is this not a most authentic and sincere first person description of our Zeitgeist?
My sister is turning 11 next week and I want to get her a good book...
What is the Morrowind of literature?
Is this a good place to start with Wittgenstein? Or should I start with another book or another author?
I think I'm Kierkegaard. What should I do
What are you reading rn Veeky Forums?
Is Call Of Duty an institution devoted to the masturbation of virility in an era of absent and timorous paternal...
Could we get some actual moderation on this board, please?
Find an editor
Cultural Marxism, Regressive Left, SJWs, Third Wave Feminism
Describe picrelated
Have you guys ever published anything before, whether professionally or for free?
Would you consider this to be the most recent work in the western canon?
Now that the dust has settled, is there such a thing as good American literature?
Current Year
/asoiaf/ general
"Unfilmable" books and movie adaptations
How is gaddis not more famous? I just finished this and it was amazing. one of my favorite books of all time...
Satan controlling four fifths of mankind - Mark Twain
"Celebrity" Writers
Who else here feeling like a total pleb reading Huysmans his "À rebours"?
Cop or not?
Existential Crisis (2.5 years and counting)
Hey lit, did you like Karl Ove Knausgård?
Best American Veeky Forums
Just powered through this on my downtime at work, and it was really good actually
Let's talk about something none of you memers ever seem to care for: up and coming writers
What are some good esoteric books?
Heart of Darkness
Well Veeky Forums pleb here
Where on the Internet does Veeky Forums go to read about culture?
What happens when you die
Tfw your prof tells you you're a literary genius during office hours
Awful Millennial Vocabulary
Do you think he's well read?
Hey everyone. I'm looking for some recommendations. I have a seething discontent with the human race. Except...
There are people on Veeky Forums right now who unironically believe that these three books are the greatest books of...
What do all of you aspiring novelists do for work?
What is the moust profound book you have ever read? Or a book that really touched you and stayed with you...
Going home after 9 pm
How the fuck do you get published? Not even with novels, I mean a goddamn short story or something
Who here really enjoyed
Why read when you can just smoke weed (or other drugs for that matter), play video games, or listen to music (or eat...
Why does Of Mice and Men make me feel more than The Brothers Karamazov?
Would you be flattered or embarrassed if a novel you wrote became a high school english class novel?
Every time I sit down to write something, it inevitably turns into smut...
Finally read Hegel
Describe a more correct theory of human nature
Hello Veeky Forums
What would fit better into the last book you've read, vampires, werewolves or zombies?
So why aren't you reading this?
Is it wrong to steal from small bookshops?
Well this was pretty gay
Just watched this and it scared the hell out of me
What would you say is Stephen King's all time greatest book?
Can we have a serious discussion about Sam Harris here?
I'm about to read this book what am I in for
Underrated Veeky Forums
How do you guys deal with this suffocating feeling that you're never going to absorb all the knowledge you would like...
My sister is a history/social studies major, and she's really into social constructivism, post modernism...
I'm looking for a book that is extremely dark but also extremely hilarious
Daily routine thread
So, i was looking through some books and my local bookstore and saw the Song of Ice and Fire franchise...
I like how emotionally distant yet very observant and to a degree very curious the narrator is...
Hey Veeky Forums
Why has British Philosophy gone so downhill in the last century?
What type of litterature is Veeky Forums ?
Should i go for these translations?
Daily reminder that while YOU spend your summers reading an extremely strict amount of books from the CANON...
ITT: post favorite paintings
Was he the last Romantic poet?
Do you read a book a day?
Greatest Living American Writer
What are Veeky Forums's thoughts and experiences on poetry slams?
How do I get the motivation to read? I find it easier to play video games and I hate myself for it
What do you think about this book and the works of Michio Kaku? Is it worth the read...
Post the comfiest books you know...
Who is your favorite character and why
Ohhh haha I get it, they're all hipsters. holy shit does the world really never change...
How do idealists explain the origin/the coming into being of the intellect/the subject?
How the fuck do you guys even read all these postmodernists, classics and a whole shitload of novels on top of that?
What does Veeky Forums think?
What does Veeky Forums think about Guattari?
Falling for the e-fedora meme
Recent Cops
Pick up a book by a gay writer
How do I stop spacing out when reading books?
/wbg/ - Worldbuilding General
Is there a difference between philosophy and the arts?
I'm only posting this because I think the drawings are cute
Daily reminder that the analytics are the worst people around
Pynchon's BOEING notes
The Road - Cormac McCarthy
How do I avoid purple prose or sounding too pretentious? Also, how do I write convincing dialogue...
So which is it, Veeky Forums?
Does this board still pretend to hate Judith Butler even without having read her work?
Could Kafka rightfully be called a pioneer for Absurdism?
Consider one of the greatest writers of all time wrote a book of Evangelion...
Why is philosophy important?
I want the sentence "Well then what are you?" to be spoken very quickly in one breath with no pause...
At bookstore
Guys, I'm trying to start writing my own YA books...
Caring what europe thinks of your literature
How do I read this out in public without looking like a douche?
/sffg/- Science Fiction and Fantasy General
Looking for Southern Gothic that isn't Faulkner or O'Connor
I study philosophy/literature/
What does Veeky Forums think of Will Self? Fraud or talented?
Jonathan Franzen went on Jeopardy and missed this Shakespeare question
What mangoo and comics are a Veeky Forums fan allowed to read?
Bookshelfs of lit
I'm a UK 25 year old dilettante stemtard...
If all philosophers in human history were put into a giant gladiator arena and they were to have a fist fight to the...
Recently saw the
I'm not looking for poet recommendations, but are there any books on HOW to write poetry...
Or Beethoven and Mozart with current music?
Do I really need to start with the Greeks? Schopenhauer and Nietzsche are much more interesting
Maybe kids of the future will be studying ASOIAF and writing about Cleganebowl
My mom's story about me in the Wash Post
Find a flaw
Assposters Welcome
Can we have a biography thread? I really enjoy interesting facts and tales from the lives of authors...
Capolavoro della letteraturia italiana, lo avete letto ? che ne pensatE ?
Is ASMR Veeky Forums-approved?
How do I become more articulate when speaking and expand my vocabulary?
Trivialize an author/book/philosopher with
What is the most Veeky Forums university in current year (In terms of student body and general campus/atmosphere)
Finnegans Wake by James Joyce;
Is there a correlation between intelligence and attraction...
No Trojan horse
Understanding Shakespeare's Language
What books did high school ruin for you?
Strictly book readers need to quit their bitching and fuck off. It is still the number one show on television...
How Veeky Forums is your city? Philly here, and it's lit senpai. Lots of parks, lots of history, lots of art...
How could a man like Watts, who had discovered such profound wisdom in the East, end up alcoholic again?
Posthumous Recognition
Which books will help me understand in great detail this whole new trend of SJWism / PC culture / cultural...
Are there any pure-worldbuilding books out there of quality?
What are some Veeky Forums-approved comics?
"there are only two kinds of people in this world"
This is true
Thoughts? this writer isn't very well-liked but this seems like a good book so far
He isn't fluent in Latin and ancient Greek
Muh maga
In your own words, explain Marxism
Spend 10 years avoiding Wallace because I think he's some final boss of literature
Why did no one tell me how good this was?
What is Veeky Forums's opinion on Emily Brontë's "Wuthering Heights"?
Philosophy is the most superfluous academic discipline. Prove me wrong
How do I write like him?
I'm writing a book where I talk about my political and social point of view...
Life is inherently worthless, but living it is still worth it
What are some good leftist books, fiction or nonfiction, that will make me react like this?
Conservative neoliberal/libertarians mostly hate those who enter the humanities/liberal arts/lit
What is the essential knightly literature? I read the Book of Chivalry by de Charny...
What's your opinion on Dutch literature? Best works?
Are writing contests a scam?
How the fuck can philosophy be taken so seriously when we unironically cannot know nuthin...
Do you guys read books to escape your shitty lives?
What does Veeky Forums think of Jung? probably more than anyone else...
Literature people died over
I'm currently studying mathematical logic and I'd like some recommendations on more classical logic and philosophy
Dog ear or bookmark?
3x3 of your favorite books? provide recs for others, no bully, make suggestions, etc
Have you ever found any good books at the thrift store? And nice hardcovers, not destroyed spines
Let's have an actual philosophy thread
Hey Veeky Forums, could you recommend me some starter poetry bundles?
Can anyone recommend me other self discipline books? I found this one on amazon for $4.50 for Kindle and am interested...
Is your diary honest?
Smartest Board
What went wrong?
Can you be a "mature" nihilist...
Tfw you'll never be a classy well respected author or artist
How do you fix a gf who thinks Hegel and Kierkegaard are "boss" but thinks Camus and Sartre are "hacks"...
Gassposters Welcome
"The price [of a commodity] then, is merely the money-name of the quantity of social labour realized in this commodity...
Hey, Veeky Forums, I'm curious: what writers and thinkers have informed the modern social justice movement...
"Man reaches the maturity of his reasoning and mental faculties scarcely before he is eight-and-twenty; woman when she...
Was he a good author?
So I'm WRITING about a guy who wants to kill his unwanted baby without getting caught
Thoughts on Walt Whitman?
Philosophers who would smoke pot
Good lit for when you're suicidal?
How do I rebel against my overly strict Nietzchean parents...
I've been talking to this girl who's really into reading, her favorite authors being Joyce, Fowles, Kafka, Vonnegut...
I just found out that I identify fully with a satirical character. Kill me
*finishes philosophy*
ITT we post spooks that we think help us and other posters tell us why they are bad for us
Do you read a book a day?
Spend 10 years avoiding Derrida because I think he's some final boss of philosophy
Green Wars Episode IV: A New Grope (John Green hate quarantine)
Is there good fiction featuring pro wrestling?
“I do things like get in a taxi and say, "The library, and step on it.”
Sherman Alexie
For what purpose?
Why are all the chicks that read left-leaning?
/sffg/- Science Fiction and Fantasy General
How does rap at its best compare to written poetry at its best?
PhD candidate in sociology here, ask me anything
I'm going to a poetry slam today. We're allowed to read any poem as long as we acknowledge the author...
ITT: People who have never read Ulysses tell us what happens in the book based of what they learned from Veeky Forums
Implying this isn't anything short of a masterpiece
Faulkner and Light in August
Thought Experiment
Is Veeky Forums "Pseudo-Intellectual Millennials: The Board"?
I got a gift card for my birthday for amazon for 25 bucks from one of my relatives...
21st Century Literature thread
What is it that makes languages like Latin and Ancient Greek superior?
While listening to the Beatles' "Strawberry Fields Forever" one day...
How do I into New Sincerity?
Who is Harold Bloom and why does his opinion matter?
Misanthropic Books
Academia general
Veeky Forums crushes
Hello lit/
How can one country be so devoid of talent?
What the fuck, Veeky Forums? Is this book just jibberish or am I a poor reader? Why did you recommend me this...
I was nothing, a shout in the playground, a rock in scree, the hooting of a car horn
Why does Veeky Forums have such a massive hateboner for this man?
Natalism is the ultimate failing of the categorical imperative
Who has the best work ethic? how do I get a better work ethic?
Hello, Veeky Forums I'm looking for some help with Frege's Sense and Reference
Iwl thread
Books that leave you empty and make you think a lot about how existence is fucked up
Author voice thread
If this picture was a book, what book would it be?
What types of books do (only) English majors read? Not text books...
What are some cool Greek words?
And then he said Thomas Pynchon was the greatest writer ever lived
Nietzsche's suggestion that aesthetics should be the supreme value above truth...
Books will you never understand the circlejerk over
Ulysses reading group/discussion chat
My mom's really into reading fiction so I don't read fiction because I don't want to end up like her...
Who are your top three favorite philosophers?
"What're you reading, user?"
Being happy or satisfied feels unnatural to a person. While they will gain some temporary elation...
Just read this for the first time. This book is really fascinating has anyone else heard of it?
Just got into this school based on a friend's recommendation. What do you guys think of the great books program...
Woman blames patriarchy for illiteracy
Are you living your life alone because of a conscious decision or are you alone because you can't change the current...
Which psychology/philosophy book will help me best understand why I drink gallons of caffeinated drinks and masturbate...
What does Veeky Forums think of Franzen? Is he the bastion of New Sincerity?
PhD Candidate in Philosophy here, ask me anything!
I'm about 100 pages into pic related and about to give up
I want to know more about you guys?
Im 70 pages into IJ and have no idea wtf is going on except some tennis boys and drugs. Honest advice...
How does Veeky Forums feel about Eragon?
Alright Veeky Forums let's have a classic fun thread, post the absolutely terrible book covers
"Veeky Forums" unironically dislikes the most evocative and culturally poignant novel of the last 30 years
So Veeky Forums i'm taking a seminar on marxist theory in the fall, what are the essentials of marxist criticism/theory...
Starting with the greeks not because of meme...
Lawrence frequently uses the semicolon. thoughts?
There's no great American novel, they're all severely flawed
Describe a book with > muh and others have to guess what it is. I'll start
I am going off to college soon enough and I don't find enjoyment or interest in anything other than literature...
Just got a Kindle Paperwhite. Should I link my Amazon account, or just go offline and transfer ebooks using calibre?
He still thinks that philosophy isnt useless
ITT: lines from popular songs which deserve the full attention of philosophers (or sophists)...
/sffg/ - SciFi and Fantasy General
Name the finest books on ancient and classical history
What novel has the greatest soundtrack?
What was his fucking problem?
Post the introductory paragraph to the novel you're currently working on
Harry vs Harry
I'm looking for literature about women who feel alienated from other women, possibly also men and humanity as a whole...
Why is every manlet on Veeky Forums riding his dick?
Let's be honest Veeky Forums
I don't understand the philosophy of this story at all Veeky Forums. What must I read to make sense of it?
How old were you when you started becoming Veeky Forums and actually read books?
What is the literary equivalent of Eric Andre?
Anti-Numale lit thread. What are some books that display healthy traditional Masculinity?
When did you realize that the Islamic State is the living realization of the radical Traditionalist revolt against...
I'm looking for some literature that expresses disdain for the masculinization of men
Is there any novel that helps you accept the inevitable fact that you're going to die some day?
Tai Lopez claims he reads a book a day. I don't know if that's even possible
Female authors
Post an album and it's literary equivalent
How's the writing career coming, Veeky Forums?
QTDDTOT Behold A Man Edition
Politics entirely aside
Is anyone up for an Infinite Jest reading group starting May?
Oh, hello wageslave, enjoying your weekend? Getting a lot done on that big novel that's going to change your life...
Post patrician humor books
What have I done? I can't bring myself to watch TV, movies or even play games...
Spend 20 years avoiding Wittgenstein because I think he's some final boss of philosophy
Daily reminder to learn a new language
"OH MY GAWD! I asked user for help and then he asked me out! WHAT A CREEP! "
Its a shitpost thread
What would make up a Great British Novel?
What's Veeky Forums's opinion on this chart?
Did Lolita want it?
Critique Thread
User, it is crazy how much we have in common. It's really cool how you read so many books, too. 12 in a year...
Is this "gym" the embodiment of ressentiment? Where would Nietzsche work out?
How do I start with [post]-structuralist/pomo philosophy?
Is there a correlation between homosexuality and creativity/intelligence?
Reading anything modern
When did you finally realize you are shit writer?
/sffg/ - Sword and Sorcery Edition
Misunderstood genius or talentless hack?
Writing with a typewriter
ITT We rewrite a scene or line from Shakespeare in the style of John Green
All the non-native English speakers here: how did you start reading the greats...
Daily reminder that poetry is the ultimate form of literature
Picked up a book of Rilke's poems
What are the defining books of the cyberpunk genre? If I wanted a genuine cyberpunk experience...
ITT books women will never understand
Thomas pynchon is in this photo
Books that depicts boredom, doxa and the mundane?
“I don't want to die without any scars.”
What are you currently reading? How do you like it?
So Allen Ginsberg was a paedophile...
Holy FUCK this book was good
Take one word from the title of a book and replace it with nigger. I'll start
/CRIT/ Club
So is Trump the first post-modern candidate?
ITT: Authors you would travel back in time to assassinate before they could publish anything
Haven't touched a book in months
What is the saddest book ever written?
Why do people overrate this book so much?
What does Veeky Forums think of my tattoo? Can you name the author?
What do you think of new sincerity? Is being genuine the best way to live?
Recent Purchases
What is your favorite book of the Bible?
Make an ordered list of the books in your backlog and roll to see the book that you'll be reading next
Was Heidegger an über-autist for hating small talk?
Veeky Forums Flowchart Dump
Is it over?
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games