
why is this in spanish
i bought it in an american bookshop
why is not english

how did you miss the fucking title

Leelo en el idioma original maldito idiota, cuan dificil es aprender otro lenguaje?

>judging a book by its cover

fuckin monolingual murricans

Ésto, yo leo a tus malditos autores en su idioma original.¿por que no harías lo mismo por los míos?

Sweet meta commentary OP
yes indeed hurr hurr muh American monolingualism etc.

Well if you think about, is something very borgian.

Papa borgia è onestamente il miglior pontefice del suo secolo

Why didn't you look in the book?

America has no official language. Now you're paying the price of confusion for your negligence.

fuck off spics learn american

>be American
>learn American
>get shot

>spanish all over the cover
>content is in spanish

r u tryn to trik me aigan, Borges?

>learn american

I know "American", you dingus. But in this day and age why would you speak only one language? That's pretty plebeian if you ask me.
Same goes to those spic brothers who can't into English.

además Borges y todos eso se leen mejor en su idioma original. He encontrado bastantes errores en traducciondes de Marquez. No se como pueden vivir asi los gringos.

il Kekke, Paisano

Nice spaniol, marico. ¿Where are you from, pendejo?

Why didn't you just open the book? I fact, why didn't you just read the cover if you don't understand Spanish?

*In fact,


Es como los idiotas que compraron en Argentina (país de habla hispana) los libros de GrrM en inglés porque era más barato que los libros en español

Because you voted Obama in. Twice.


y por eso te cuckean las editoriales, narizon de mierda.

Lindos memes internacionales, grasoso :v

> :v

¿Qué quiso decir con esto?

Fitting that it has a toilet seat on the cover.


Quads confirms that Spanish literature belongs in the shithouse of Western literature. Stay buttmad, spics.

y no comprenden el inglés, entiendo, porque si no es un win win, por el precio y porque la traducción es una mierda.