Goodreads Thread!
Post your accounts and what boards you browse.
I browse /pol/ and Veeky Forums
Goodreads Thread!
Post your accounts and what boards you browse.
I browse /pol/ and Veeky Forums
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Hello, boys and girls!
Hola ;^)
I browse Veeky Forums, sometimes /b/ when I'm drunk.
How do you guys read this many books? I'm truly in awe.
Of all the books I've read, you haven't given a single one of them 4 stars or higher, except the Odyssey (I preferred Iliad). Nearly every book has 3 stars. Isn't that a little too critical or harsh? Der Prozess, for example, why did you give that only 3 stars? Do you think every book is sort of similar in quality?
I think Hamlet, Mysteries, or Petersburg are way, way, way better than Candide for example. Browsing your reviews, it's so hard finding out what's actually worth reading. I get that nothing is perfect (technically 5 stars), but doesn't it defeat the purpose of the entire rating system? Giving something 5 stars just shows that you thought the book was fantastic, which would be your 4 star rating right now.
No offense.
I think he uses the 5 star ratings only to have those books displayed on his profile, i.e. 4 is his "highest" rating.
Yeah I know, but then you aren't even able to differentiate between Candide and Hamlet, and that's pretty weird and makes the ratings worthless, in my opinion.
googleread ratings are already worthless
I browse /lit and /his and sometimes /pol to have a good laugh
Cheers mates. I've updated the books I've read pretty recently.
were books the escape from your mandibular prognathism
One at a time
I will to start writing reviews again, i swear.
Just Veeky Forums, sometimes Veeky Forums or the porn ones.
mostly Veeky Forums and /mu/, sometimes /g/ and /vr/
>Hearing Trumpet
Hey, are you that person who bought it in order to maybe gift it to a girl? How did you like it?
Not me, m8. Great book though. Very hallucinogenic, phantasmagorical surrealism in the vein of Unica Zurn and Henri Michaux
>it's a sebastian thread
2015 Reading Challenge
Sebastian read 597 books of his goal of 40! "
Lol you really want us believe that you read almost 2 books every day and not forget what they were about right away? Your kind are the worst on GR
>Sebastian has read 342 books of his goal of 100!
Terrible reader or a liar
Undoubtedly they are. Just like the ones who only read Euclid/Wittgenstein/Pynchon/whatever I mean come on how pleb can you be if you so desperately pretend you're not.
Mind you I'm not saying there's anything wrong with reading Plato, but there's definitely something wrong if your list only contains the Veeky Forumstest Veeky Forums shit.
>read (12268)
>Berna Labourdette read 1325 books of her goal of 800!
lol ridiculous
In 2015 I lived most of the year in a psych ward and read all day, in 2016 I am neeting at the moment. I don't think reading around 2 pages per minute is that fast, I just read up to 15 hours a day.
#1 top librarians
#1 top users
#1 top readers
#157 top reviewers
#13 best reviewers
#4 most followed
Clearly that's why she 'reads' so many books. And why would anyone want to follow her? Why do people look up to someone like this.
So how do you explain having already read 342 books by May?
lol look at this douche he reads 133 books a day
>47 books read this week
fucking wat
Well, 2 pages per minute, 15 hours a day is up to 1800 pages a day.
I only browse Veeky Forums.
Those rankings are regional, so if you live in some shitwater country you can easily make the rankings
Yes, it's a great book. Very imaginative, from an interesting perspective. Really want to read The Door, but I can't get it anywhere. I'll add you.
That user lives in Mexico, so no wonder
I read like two books during the week, then up to two more on weekends. Best I can seem to manage having a full time job.
That's better than I've managed lately, you do you.