Requests allowed if you need something more specific.
God-Tier Science-Fiction Only
Avoid the movie.
This one is pretty damn based. Especially if you've never read much sci-fi before.
This and starship troopers. Starship maybe a bit better but the movie is still good just completely different story. Would you like to know more?
Don't let its reputation fool you. This is, at its heart, just a really good (fairly weird) scifi about technological warfare and transhumanism.
>Babbys first science fiction novel
Card is utter shit. You fags just like him because it's the first book you ever read once upon a time in middle school english.
this desu
Infinite Jest
>God-Tier Science-Fiction Only
So far, mostly pleb-tier shit has been mentioned ITT. Raise your standards.
Thanks for your constructive opinion and enlightening counter examples.
>Card is utter shit.
Motivate your opinion or shut the fuck up.
I swear they should ID everyone so that edgy pretentious 15 year old can't post in some boards...
Forever War by this guy was pretty good. I'll have to check this out.
"Edgy pretentious 15 year old" is the target audience for Ender's Game.
Actually, more like 10 years old.
Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy if you don't want anything serious.
The last book hasn't been fully translated but I think this might be the best scifi series I've ever read.
Also, has anyone here read anything within the Noon Universe? Trying to determine if its worth hunting down all the books.
These are great.
This is the best sci fi recently.
Also this is the god tier:
Foundation series
The Gods Themselves
2001 A Space Odyssey
The Time Machine
This, Wolfe is king
Are any Heinlein good? I don't know SF.
What the fug is this series about? I've seen it mentioned over and over but no details.
I can't help but think people like this guy just because his pretty much the only Chinese guy to write Scifi for an audience outside China, ever.
Worth the read?
Two of the characters change the world by shitposting online
I don't think so, but I've only read one of his books. It put me off him so much I have no desire to read him again
The series being Chinese helps because it is a fresh setting and within a different historical context than the usual fare. I don't want to give too much away but the first book is essentially about contact with a desperate alien civilization during the Chinese cultural revolution and a virtual reality video game fifty years later. The scope of the series is fucking huge (500+ years) and it heavily embraces concepts across many scientific disciplines to use as plot elements and devices. If you are interested in history, anthropology, physics, mathematics, and computer science then you will most likely love the series. It should be 1000x more popular than it is.
>It should be 1000x more popular than it is.
In the western world, that is.
Yes, and after you read it you should pick up a copy of Idoru.
>tfw your wife gets all the credit
>I don't think so, but I've only read one of his books. It put me off him so much I have no desire to read him again
What book? I read The Moon is a Harsh Mistress and was put off.
Highly recommend, very unique.
same one
I really love this book.
>the cover spoilers the end
You have 10 seconds to give me an alternate history story more autisticly detailed than The Domination of the Draka
It's actually a genius novel, but it requires some depth of soul to appreciate it. It helps if you're a soldier and have known war.
You think it's childish because it has kids in it. That's like saying Lord of the Flies is childish because it has children.
Just get rekt, you're simply a homo who got butthurt because Card is against fag marriage. Stay mad.
'Lord of the Flies' is childish, moron. It's a children's book.
>It's actually a genius novel, but it requires some depth of soul to appreciate it.
also, suddenly, it's a story about child soldiers, pretty much like what spoke of
>"Edgy pretentious 15 year old" is the target audience for Ender's Game.
The audience is mostly soldiers and actually intelligent folks. No surprise you don't like it. Peer pressure is a hell of a thing, eh?
Back to normie books, friendo.
Starship Troopers
Stranger in a Strange Land
Heinlein can be hugely different depending on what you read by him. Don't think one book will be like the next. Definitely a genius, no matter what edgy posters on Veeky Forums may want to say.
Shelly just rewrote it and his additions were shit.
>thought ---> reflected
Just replacing words by latinate words doesn't make your style smarter. Dumb cunt.
>'Lord of the Flies' is childish, moron. It's a children's book.
>a children's book is always childish
You must be young. Patience, young padawan, one day you'll be older. In the meantime, post less.
>also, suddenly, it's a story about child soldiers,
I'll stop wasting my time on idiots like you. Best thing I can do. Get the fuck out of this thread.
Stay on plebbit until you've finished your YA phase. Thanks.
Advise my ass:
>read Arthur C. Clarke: Rama and Childhood
What's next for me with Clarke?
Also, was he a pedophile or just a homo?
heinlein wrote most of his stuff aimed at male 'young adults' (they called them teenage boys back then) and he is remembered mostly for those; starship troopers is one of those books
stranger... is a just typical hippie book
neither of those books is anywhere ''ingenious'
>even using the phrase non-ironically
As usual, the worst channers are just negative Nancies who are too dumb to appreciate things for what they are. If you read for ego, just lift, brah. It'll work better and you'd get laid more easily.
Are you the guy always posting John Green threads here? Do yourself a favor and fuck off.
>heinlein wrote most of his stuff aimed at male 'young adults' (they called them teenage boys back then) and he is remembered mostly for those; starship troopers is one of those books
Factually wrong. Heinlein spent his early career writing for children and young males, but he is not remember for these novels, that's just insanely off the mark, as any research would show. ST is the last novel from that period, and it's arguably well beyond the scope of his earlier material. He wrote it with a mind to annoy his communist acquaintances, and the style in the book is far from "children's book", by far. You should never comment on a novel you haven't read.
Stranger reads like a hippie book today, but you have to consider the context of when it came out, otherwise it won't make much sense. You seem to think that an author is necesarily bound to the ideas he uses in a book, which is ridiculous. Heinlein went all over the place with ideas in novels, you can't just reduce everything to such a simple understanding.
Both books are pretty damn brilliant. Stranger has insane style (but if you read the unedited version, not the one that came out originally).
Both books are sheer genius, but sometimes it takes one to know one. Don't worry your little head, user, there are other books for you.
>Are you the guy always posting John Green threads here? Do yourself a favor and fuck off.
I resent John Green and I've never read his books; I've seen some of his videos and I like the astrology Crash Course series but that's about all I'll tolerate from him, so no, that user wouldn't be me.
If you don't like a thread, don't stay in it. Otherwise you're either a troll or a pathetic person. Suit yourself.
>novels I don't like are written for children or young adults
>my opinions are based on what others said and the popularity of the authors: the more famous, the more I dislike them
>I'll pretend to like Wolfe because fewer people have read him, not because I appreciate him
>I'm full of shit and don't know jack, but browsing Veeky Forums makes me feel smart, which I don't normall, which is why I'm here, and I accomplish this best by being negative and trying to look superior to others
You young idiots are far too transparent. This is truly the worst board on Veeky Forums, because you find the most arrogants fucks of the entire website, yet with rarely anything to back your "superiority" up. No arguments, your facts are wrong and easily proven so.
No idea why I thought you deserved a second chance.
- an actual lit doctorate
You are so full of shit it's coming out of your ears, son.
>This is truly the worst board on Veeky Forums, because you find the most arrogants fucks of the entire website
If you don't like a board, don't stay on it. Otherwise you're either a troll or a pathetic person. Suit yourself.
I hate it for it's content. I wouldn't describe it as childish, just disgusting.
It's audience is for the teenager interested in combat. A soldier who's seen action would take one look at it and cringe.
Happy to see all you Trumpsters wasting your time online.