Hello there, my little literary friends. Is there anyone of you who felt disgust and disrespect at English after having learned another, more advanced European language? I personally have been living in Russia for almost 10 years now and reading Russian classics made me really wonder at all those people saying that English is the finest and most refined language. English grammar's rigidity is colossal compared to that of Russian. There are so many things in Russian that don't exist in English. What are your experiences?
Misery of the English language
>English is the finest and most refined language
Lol, no. Who the fuck says that?
I had read elsewhere on the internet.
As a non-native speaker I quite like English for its simplicity. It's quite easy to write something half-way decent in your language.
Nonetheless, I can see where you're coming from. I love German for its flexibility.
English transcends all the other by far. OP is an anglophobe.
The worst language desu
I hear it called the most flexible and nuanced language a lot
>not being an anglophobe
Go back to your 3d world shit hole
OP makes the point.
*nglo pleb detected
synthetic language > analytic language
lmao it doesn't even matter that english sucks since the vast majority of meritable literature is written in english so what you gonna do rly
I am a non-native English speaker with a background in linguistics, and let me tell you, English can give any language in the world a run for its money in terms of how nuanced and refined the semantics of it are. Not to mention it has the largest vocabulary of all the spoken languages, and a syntax so complex it will give your everyday быдлo daytime seizures.
engrish is shit by its pronunciation.
>English can give any language in the world a run for its money in terms of how nuanced and refined the semantics of it are.
>a syntax so complex
And you're comparing this to how many languages...? Something like Montague Semantics isn't even that hard to learn.
English has been a misery since the eternal anglo refuses to use these words
(‘here-’ words) here; hereabout, hereabouts, hereafter, hereagain, hereagainst, hereas, hereat, herebefore, hereby, herefore, herefrom, herein, hereinafter, hereinbefore, hereinto, hereof, hereon, hereto, heretofore, hereunder, hereunto, hereupon, herewith, herewithal
(‘there-’ words) there; thereabout, thereabouts, thereafter, thereagain, thereagainst, thereamong, thereas, thereat, therebefore, therebeside, thereby, therefore, therefrom, therein, thereinafter, thereinbefore, thereinto, thereof, thereon, thereto, theretofore, thereunder, thereunto, thereupon, therewith, therewithal
(‘where-’ words) where; whereabout, whereabouts, whereafter, whereagain, whereagainst, whereamong, whereas, whereat, wherebefore, whereby, wherefore, wherefrom, wherein, whereinafter, whereinbefore, whereinto, whereof, whereon, whereto, wheretofore, whereunder, whereunto, whereupon, wherewith, wherewithal
Ha. That scene is pretty funny. Although I would have preferred they fuck the chick who played Cervantes' travel companion rather than the chick who played Shakespeare's wife. Could have turned it into a 4 way, too. Could have been great but I remember being disappointed.
>stick 2 words
>call it new word
why is this allowed?
I see what you're trying to say, but sadly you make no fucking point. Using native Germanic words over Latin/Anglo-Norman French borrowings offers no real benefit to anyone other than transitory pleasure to snobs like yourself.
Misery, and eternal are both non-Germanic words, like hundreds of thousands of others which are now a part and parcel of the English language.
Further, most of those words are still in use in literature and legal documents. Using some of these in informal contexts is downright stupid, if not merely pretentious.
This is a common process by which languages come up with new words. A lot of native Germanic words are formed this way, such as understand, therefore, hereafter, and so on.
Quit being a retard.
>Non native speaker detected
If you dont get it on the natch a true understanding of english will be forever inaccessible 2U
>I would have preferred they fuck the chick who played Cervantes' travel companion
I felt pretty much the same while fapping on the video
>with a background in linguistics
only within your mind
I like English for its versatility and flexibility and for how efficiently descriptive it can be (I particularly enjoy all those onomatopoeic verbs like buzzing, whirring, clanking, don't know if there are other languages that have this too), but I hate how arbitrary it can be in regards to pronunciation and how you can't know how to pronounce a word just by reading it. I remember mispronouncing words despite being a decently-read native speaker just because I had never said or heard the word out loud before.
Being also a native French speaker who studies Spanish, the simplicity and clarity of Spanish and how beautifully logical it is most of the time made me realize how bogged down in needlessly complicated arcane bullshit French is in a lot of ways. But its complexity is its charm, I suppose.
flexibility with a fixed word order compared to those languages with free? seriously?
>onomatopoeic verbs
Russian also has a lot of them, and maybe every language does in a way.
wtf are you talking about?
who refuses to use "whereas"?
>eternal anglo
fuck off to /pol/ ya gimp
English is for speaking
French is for writing
German is for thinking
and Russian is for drinking vodka then, I take it
>there are people on this board right now (RIGHT NOW) who speak only one language
makes me shiver in disgust
Why would it matter what language you think in?
You can think on a subject without having words for it. That's the great part about it since you can just loosely associate various thoughts and feelings to Make more complex compound without language
Yeah my bad, should have written " writing philosophy" but it's less neat that way.
Fuckyou (yes, this is a new word i invented)
>muh special uniquely untranslateable thoughts
oh do fuck off
After learning Spanish I had the opposite reaction. So much of Spanish is contextual and informal, and after speaking it for four months straight during an extended stay in Spain I really began to miss the precision of English.
Isn't English the most 'contextual' among other European languages? You have this false impression due to cognitive dissonance. Besides since English is your mother tongue you may have never even thought about its ambiguity and a multitude of word meanings in there.
We seem to be writing in English here and expressing ourselves adequately.
What do you think we would gain by writing in French?
I'm French though.
No because what you say isn't true.
it is
Surely English is fucking shite
How can we have a board and make sure that no Anglos get in? I think this is a bigger problem.
>German is for thinking
Not once you spend years of your life on 4chin.
German is my native language, but i think in english shitposting 24/7
Not a thing.
French is a disaster of a language.
Everything shitty about English can be attributed to French influence.
Germans are truly a cuck race at this point.
That's why I hate the French and the Negroes near me. Degenerated English from the good old Beowulf Tongue
French literature blows a lot of English lit out of the water though.
Its attention to style, its meticulousness , the almost obsessive search for la belle phrase is something you rarely read in English. Someone like Proust or Segalen, or Nerval springs to mind
You've got Dumas who did the historical novel better than Scott, hugo who was the main inspiration for Lev Tolstoy to write War and peace etc.
When the English wonder how the French of the 19th century were so enthralled by a pulpy writer like poe it is because Baudelaire translated it and and turned an at times mediocre work into something sumblime
I'll admit that the modern French novel spearheaded by hacks like Houellebecq and other pseudo cynics is abysmal but calling French a bad language is deliberately being obtuse
I should agree with you on that. Hugo's Notre-Dame de Paris impressed me too much when I was reading it as a kid. And then I of course beloved many other great authors that simply can't be compered to that shite that exists in English.
>>Germans are truly a cuck race at this point.
this is what you gt once you have liberated women
hard to argue with this desu
>flexibility with a fixed word order compared to those languages with free? seriously?
Care to explain how free word order makes a language versatile?
Of course not, the majority of memorable literature isn't written in English, even less by USA Citizens if that's what you're saying.
anglophobe and proud desu
If you had the tiniest idea of linguistics, you'd know all languages are equally complex and eloquent.
The only reason why we favour certain languages over others is based on the prestige of its history and on the quality of its literature. Shakespeare would have been just as good in Polish or Vietnamese.
J'avoue ne pas avoir vraiment entendu parler de Segalen; tu as des suggestions quant à ce qu'il faut lire de lui ?
Why the fuck do you have such a hardon for a few prepositions? Get your life together senpai
>Stick two humans together
>Make a new human
Why is this allowed?
from women not thinking about the consequences of their actions
you're totally wrong, different languages can't be 'equally complex'
I'm french and I think english was made for rap.
I like rap a lot, and english too, but that's all.
or men thinking the consequences will be "you fucked HER dude ? so great"
or daulphins thinking it will create a healthy hybrid, sometimes.
>As a non-native speaker I quite like English for its simplicity. It's quite easy to write something half-way decent in your language.
this so motherfucking hard
nah, english has no syntax
English """"major"""" here.
It's shit, but it's really good for poetry.
>English doesn't have syntax
English is a bastardized German grammar with poorly pronounced French loan-words.
Native Russian & German speaker here
English is shit
German is the best literary language
Native German speaker here. Speaking Russian as well. I think Russian is a little bit better for poetry and songs, because you can easy fit words together concerning there endings... Very flexive language
That is also correct
there were at least three errors in that post you goddam scrub
consider that your finding of english as awkward is the fault of your own clumsy tongue
>fucking plebs don't respect the greatest language on the face of this earth
What would you rather speak?
Koki kaki japanesey?
Fein stein wein and dein german?
Je ja ju le jo french?
Puta nino jajaja spanish?
Chutzputz chuzzy chutz hebrew?
Eeyeh eeyo mirvrov russian?
Hung tao chinese?
Fuck all of that bullshit, english is literally the best language
Excuse me?
>has an undergrad degree
>thinks he has any sort of authority on a subject as big as the English language
>mfw all these people calling English shit whilst ignoring that some of the greatest works of literature and greatest authors wrote in English.
As somebody who speaks Russian and German fluently, I have to disagree. English might be pretty simple but it makes working with it much easier too and offers a bigger vocabulary. Besides that, it offers you the reach no other language has. Russian is probably better for nuance but that alone isn't enough. There is a reason why writer who could use it, choose English.
German is a horrible language for writing and even worse for reading, Goethe is admirable as fuck for making it work.
That's just dumb reasoning. And wrong. At least your conclusion is right though.
>Doesn't even have a word for the colour blue
Reconstructed Proto-Indo-European and Middle Chinese are clearly the top shelf literary languages.
Finnish is also highly decent.
? Troll? Russian has several words for blue...гoлyбoй, cиний...
Poe is already sublime.
pierre trys to FLIRT with ANTOINETTE with his NATIVE FRENCH
while PETER slaps her ass and quotes OTHELLO, and she WANKS his WILLY
le jemuple FAGGOT more like
>Reconstructed Proto-Indo-European
Where would I learn this?
Duolingo? ;^)
>the largest vocabulary
this is real
i speak french as my second language and its so much more difficult to write in a nuanced way. There just aren't enough words.
it does have a fuckton of rhyming potential
really that's where I think its biggest strength is, not so much in prose but in song (and poetry but who cares)
i like English because you can say a bunch of stuff in any way you wanna and as long as you think youre right it doesnt matter lmao
You mean row raw row around American? Or u wot m8 britbong with those horrible glottal clicks and all that spitting
Btits tend to overhype shit and treated well their artists. Shakespeare didn't die poor living under a rock and his name and works were remembered after his death.
glottal stops, not clicks, and there are plenty of English English accents that don't have that and plenty of American English accents that do
>German is a horrible language for writing and even worse for reading, Goethe is admirable as fuck for making it work.
And what is it that makes it be so horrible? How much harder is it in comparison to Russian in your mind?
>i like English because you can say a bunch of stuff in any way you wanna
agreed other languages are so primitive and you can say things in only one way possible with no returning
Hardly anybody on the planet has native fluency in numerous languages AND sufficient interest/knowledge of lit. theory to make any meaningful comparisons int his way.
goethe has some weird ass rhymes though. it's good but german is rarely pretty or poetic