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first for anime
Take Sanderson to /a/
How would you define the subgenres of fantasy, and what do you think are the best examples of each?
I wouldn't at all. The division is artificial and arbitrary and just leads to garbage floating up to the surface, with say 'best urban fantasy' or best 'dark fantasy' or whatever. It's just an aesthetic which doesn't hold much importance, unless you have autism.
There's Shit and then there's Not Shit.
I understand where you're coming from to some extent, but I don't think it's entirely arbitrary. Something like Conan is pretty distinct from something like ASOIAF, which in turn is pretty distinct from something like the Amber series. So I do know what kind of thing to recommend if someone asks for sword-and-sorcery vs. if someone asks for epic fantasy.
First for Riyria being the new Gray Mouse meme.
Bros going on adventures and fucking shit up? Riyria
Bros going to loot shit?
Except it's shit.
Yeah, except Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser is still better.
a jap is trying to pronounce liliya?
Conan and Fag Mouser is shit too, yet you still shill it. So me and our «Anti-Dinosaur Crew™» gonna shill it till thy kingdom come.
I remember being the first time posting Fafhrd and Grey Mouser. It was almost never mentioned. But the rage of plebs against it has given rise to it, entering the holy fantasy meme trinity.
>everything is actually shit
I just summed up your entire existence. How depressing is it that you can't enjoy anything?
Nice projections, how depressing is it that you can't deal with reality?
Being elitist means your enjoyment of things is immensely greater, because you don't read for instant satisfaction, but for acquisition of knowledge and experience and unique aesthetic beauty.
You people are worst tha scum. We are trying to give people fucking quality literature to read, and you oppose us every time with your fucking brain dead drivel.
When persons ask for recommendations, they want books that would strengthen their understanding of the human condition. Not fucking medieval spiderman flying around on a smoke sword and giving quirky remarks.
Why you beta nu-male trash stick around, after we constantly belittle you is beyond my understanding.
Veeky Forums is for the discussion of literature, go to Veeky Forums /co/ or /a/ if you want to discuss what you like.
The problem isn't that you're pushing new books. It's that you're pushing shitty new books at the expense of good books that happen to be older.
This discussion made me think;
What are some books or authors that are between 'high brow' (Wolfe, Peake) and 'low brow' (Rohtfuss, Butcher)? So not completely bland, but also not overbearingly artistic (you aren't always in the mood for something like Peake).
I'm guessing Malazan would fit. What else?
>Conan and Fag Mouser
Come on, now. Fafhrd is pretty different from Conan, and if you're going to make gay jokes, "Faggot and the Gay Mouser" sounds much more like "Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser."
At least step up your trash talk.
Sword and sorcery in general. Conan, Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser, Elric, stuff like that.
>When persons ask for recommendations, they want books that would strengthen their understanding of the human condition
Yes, clearly every human being ever that reads books only wants to read for that specific reason. Dumbass.
Yes, because we all know reading Gray Mouser is going to increase your swordman aesthetics and your stealing knowledge.
Gray mouser is shit why can't you fags get it through your heads? Is it because you don't read much fantasy? It reads like one big cliche and the narrative is fucking goddamn annoying.
Feel free to post better books. Though it's pretty clear Ryria isn't one of them.
Riyria is right on the money.
I'd still put that under low brow.
>The thing you're enjoying is shit why can't you get it through your head that you aren't really enjoying it!
You responded to my post within 50 seconds, which means you're doing nothing more than sitting at your computer waiting for replies. If that's not depressing then I don't know what is. I would venture to guess you aren't even reading a book because your attention span shouldn't be taken away from it so quickly - and if it is, either your attention span is shit or the book you're reading is shit (or both!).
Fortunately, there's a perfect board for posters like you, maybe you should consider checking it out:
So after your initial projections you respond with more projections, good job. There's this thing called tabs, it lets you have more than one thread open. You're a pretty sad person.
Same can be said of you and Riyria you fucking hypocrite.
>he doesn't like my books
What an uncultured swine
>I don't like his books
Clearly my better breeding has given me an acquired taste, plebian need not apply
First for Red Rising Trilogy.
>it's YA meme again
Can you guys stop this?
What exactly is a meme about that? Veeky Forums is a 18+ site, we shouldn't talk about books aimed at kids.
Look in gay rape, and random sections
>rape, gay, murder, cannibalism, overthrowing the gov,
>all things that are aimed at kids
This board is lit, that means you have to read to be able to post here. Not just meme.
There are multiple people in this thread. I never commented on Riyria, because I've never read it. Seeing your attitude kind of sours me on the idea, too. Had you brought it up in a context other than shitting on other people's taste and trying to convince them to stop liking things that they like, I might have given it a shot.
Anyway, you're the one who constantly throws a tantrum any time anyone brings up Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser or any other fantasy series that started before the year 2000.
I did say kids, not toddlers, no? The writing style is extremely bland and the plot is made for people with ADHD. No artistic merit in any form whatsoever.
More like baroque aesthetic of the city and a tale of friendship as well as vast imagination of Leiber.
That's the content of anime at large because being edgy is actually aimed at teenagers.
Don't compare a higher art form like anime to the shit that is Red Rising ever again.
>it's only one user that doesn't like what I like
Sure it is buddy.
If you don't want to read Riyria because I'm fed up of pseudo elitist cunts constantly saying what they like is the epitome of fantasy, and I'm doing something about it, and you got caught in the net because you were posting like them, then I'm sorry.
You'll miss out, there are more than one /Riyria/ in these threads, and soon we will spread it to the masses.
I bet you like Infinite Jest you fucking commie.
>anime is a higher art form
>Sanderson is anime
>ergo Sanderson is a higher art form of literature
>Sanderson is anime
What? He writes books, he doesn't draw or animate or do anything related to anime
Is there more than one person who likes Riyria? Almost certainly.
Is there more than one who has a meltdown and starts ranting and calling everyone dinosaurs whenever anyone talks about Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser? Probably not.
>tfw cataloguing sff library till 4am
I can't reliably avoid duplicate purchases anymore.
Does anybody here use some kind of software to track and manage their collection?
The Crown Conspiracy was an enjoyable enough book, but nothing that wowed me. It was generally well-paced, but it also wasn't a book that I couldn't put down...
I think one of my complaints was that there wasn't really a lot of character development - it's very much a plot-based book. Which is fine, for what it is - I just, personally, tend to prefer more depth in characters. I felt it was kind of standard "reluctant thief, jovial merc, brat prince thrown into power... Go!"
Try Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser. It's waaaay better.
Is there anything in fantasy that comes across as a war drama?
Book of the Short Sun, but in a specific way. War takes up a lot of it and it's a great read, but maybe not what you are looking for.
>half the people memeing about wolfe and Mouser never even read it
You mean those who didn't read Leiber and couldn't finish Wolfe?
I have Swords Against Death in front of me right now and am about a third of the way through it right now.
Never read Wolfe, though. Should I?
I think he's by far the best sff writer, and if you enjoy mystery, symbolism, heavy atmosphere and religious under and overtones, he should make a fantastic read.
Question, why have scif/fantasy book covers become so shit? They use to have cool painted covers that really intrigued me but now many have these horrible designs made in photoshop.
Fanbase changed from normal people to 'nerd culture'. Also, the dumbest of the female sex read a lot of fantasy, which brought it down even more than the neckbeards.
Perhaps because artists don't need to do book covers to get exposure anymore? They can showcase on the internet now.
>mfw the Gray Mouser kills death.
Where rhe fuck you gonna go from there, Lieber?
He's right you, they are in fact just words and a few illustrations
So what makes Riyria shit. What if I read Lankhmar and Ririya,
Tbh it seems to be with most books. It's either you get a minimal design (Title/author with a fancy font on a single color background, maybe a symbol) or bad photoshop.
The same is happening with movie posters, and the reason I heard is that studios don't what to shill as much money for good artists so they just try to get marketing to make something in photoshop. I'm guessing it's the same with publishers.
Death kills him with old age.
Also, the 4th book is the best. They fought off the Skaven
I haven't read Riyria. I'm sure it's fine. What's annoying is just the way it gets brought up as if it somehow makes Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser irrelevant.
Is the fourth book the one that's a novel?
It's all kinda mixed up by now, it's been some time and I've read 6.
Is Berserk the best work of fantasy of all time or what? Will there ever be a book to surpass it?
>Is Berserk the best work of fantasy of all time or what?
Not even top 50
>Will there ever be a book to surpass it?
That many? Which? Because I know for a fact that no Wolfe book is even remotely close to the genius of Berserk.
Why do these shitty baits get posted here?
No idea, I guess some people are bitter their favorite books aren't as good as Berserk.
That's because they didn't read Rothfuss and Sanderson.
Can we discuss autistic shelving methods?
>sort stuff into genres (SF, fantasy, horror)
>within each genre, alphabetize by author's surname
>within each author, arrange chronologically by publication date unless it's a direct sequel to something else
How do you do it? The main drawback with mine is that an author's works can get scattered on different shelves, for example Mieville has three separate groups.
Skip the separate folders for genres, do everything else the same, and add genre tags. Then everything is sorted by author properly, and you can still filter by genre.
Ooh, that's good. What about for physical books?
I haven't read Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser. I'm sure it's fine. What's annoying is just the way it gets brought up as if it somehow makes Riyria irrelevant.
Riyria is the thing that makes Riyria irrelevant - it's garbage that is even below Sanderson and Rohtfuss.
What are some good fantasy books about cute boys going on adventures (a la HxH)?
I am unfortunately tight for space, leading to a simple author grouping. My paperbacks are all stacked sideways at two to three layers of depth. I bought a shipping container to fill with shelving, but it's a work in progress.
Yeah, it looks pretty cool, but I prefer to keep software local.
>I haven't read Book of the New Sun. I'm sure it's fine. What's annoying is just the way it gets brought up as if it somehow makes Harry Potter irrelevant.
What makes it irrelevant here is that nobody cares about it but you because you only mentioned it for the first time in this thread. For all we know it might be Rothfuss tier or decent.
Truly herculean user. An effort much appreciated. I was wondering though, how are you catergorizing modern? Isn't the Niven book a bit out of place?
Delete this
Here have an improved version
What's that read colour thingy?
Do you even read the threads? Or do you just post to the most replied post?
Last thread confirmed that there are atleast 4 Riyria fags lurking in the general.
Just stop, everything you make is trash.
Would anybody like to give me a non-biased, objective as possible summary of the sad puppies thing.
(Sorry if I just opened up a can of worms).
>hugo becomes shit because of massive influx of progressive ideology
>some people don't like it
>a group of not so great thinkers organises themselves to vote other novels which are ironically also shit
Basically a smallish group of fans, led by Brad Torgersen and Larry Correia, felt that the Hugos were biased against pulpy-adventure type fiction and had too much of what they call "message fiction" (books with an ideological or political content). They took advantage of a loophole in the Hugo rules to "slate" some works they liked better, getting them nominated with only 200 or so votes. Some other people in fandom thought this was unfair, there was much arguing back and forth, and nothing the Puppies nominated won. (This is the first round of things, 2013-14 or so).
Alright, take the bickering in this thread. Now imagine it taking place at an international award organization. Sad puppies thing in a nutshell.
Sometime in late 2014 or early 2015, Vox Day got involved. And, while I'll try to be unbiased as you asked, I have to say he's basically a troll - he's written /pol/ style books called "SJWs Always Lie" and "Cuckservative", and runs his own vanity press called Castalia. Also Vox Day is a pun on "Vox Dei" - he seems to consider himself the voice of god or something. He started a campaign of "Rabid Puppies" alongside the Torgersen/Correia "Sad" ones, doing kind of the same thing but with a more /pol/ flavor to it. He and John C. Wright think there's a conspiracy in the Hugos to award "SJW" writers, especially women/minorities, regardless of actual quality. It became a whole political deal, they nominated a bunch of Castalia books (mostly by Day and Wright themselves). The Hugo voters didn't like this, and voted "No Award" over the slated works in almost every category. That was last year.
I prefer sword and sorcery stuff. The problem is the puppies aren't genuinely pushing pulpy stuff but actually pissed off at the very fact of non-conservative fiction ever winning. They push this absurd "it's all pretentious" angle as if the Hugos have always been about simple adventure tales, ignoring the fact that Dick and Le Guin won awards for pretty heady stuff.