Should I dedicate 12 hours a day to reading this?

should I dedicate 12 hours a day to reading this?
will it still take forever to finish?
will this method give me autism?

you would finish it in a day and a half

just started reading it

have patience, give it a fair amount of time to grab you

if it doesn't, if you dont like it, just drop it, life's too short

correction: just start* reading it

don't bother. it's garbage.

Why? Read it if you want to no one is holding a gun to your head

how about YOU give us one reason you feel you should read it.

Stop validating yourself on an image board and read the fucking thing. If it's terrible put it down and if you like it keep going. Do something independent of big brother for once, you'll be a lot happier with yourself.

Why is THIS board's main troll meme so effective? I mean no one falls for delete system 32. And I highly doubt /g/ gets anyone with "install gentoo".

I just want to know if I should get through it quick or get through it slow. I read a random paragraph in it and it scared me, it's very advanced for a goy like me.

why 12 hours a day?
fucking retard

nothing else to do

You probably already have autism.

But really, Just read about 20 pages a night before bed and you'll be done in a month and a half. You could read more if you want to, but DFW gets tedious in large bursts.

shit bro even as a permaneet i can't find the time to read twelve hours a day. i've got to mix it up with some cod and tv and masturbation.

shit bro, go for the "12 hours days to Infinite Jest" program, works like a charm, could give you autism.

That's because you're weak

say that shit to my face, cuh

There are twelve steps to curing the IJ meme.
First, you need some other meme-y books to talk about. Anything will do. the Tunnel, even, if you are desperate.
Second, you need to delegate an hour or so in your day to praying. You can pray to Talent, or Merit, or Good Prose, anything. Only then you'll start to get rid of the urges to read(or reread) IJ.
Third, get rid of bad company. IJ s the easiest thing in the world to talk about. The abundance of shallow themes makes it a perfect conversation topic, and you'll spiral to it if you are with other ex-readers. Talking about disabled? Suddenly, the topic switches to Wheelchair Assassins. Block the bad influence.
Fourth, get a mentor that will lead you to the path of good literature and prevent you from slipping. Avoid namefags, I recommend IRL friends.
Fifth, destroy any copies of Wallace works in your household. Temptation is a fickle thing and can take over any time.
Sixth, attend group meetings of those who used to abuse IJ. Public scorn will make it hard to turn back to old habits.
Seventh, eighth, and ninth: get a job or other stable income, graduate, and get a GF/BF. This will make it impossible to sympathise with characters in the book, and erase the delusion of "oh, Dave soooo gets me".
Tenth, use filters on lit, or quit it altogether. Fighting against IJ is the same as enjoying it - both are unhealthy and lead to the same results.
Eleventh, stop seeing it as a status symbol - understand the fact that having read it makes you a degenerate, not a patrician.
Finally, twelveth: try writing a novel that mimicks IJ and understand how easy and obvious the process is, and there is no inherent worth to it. Then burn the results.

I'm basically not that into it and getting between 20-30 pages done a day, 10 if I forget. I'll still be done with it in less than 6 weeks. I normally spend 2-3 weeks on a 300 ish page novel unless I really like it in which case a few days / 1 week. People who say it takes months or a very long time just don't read as many of the pages as they need to a day to make it be over.

Why do some people hate DFW, I quite like him, isn't that ok?

You are pathetic

He's memeing by ripping off AA's 12 step program model.

It is not about enjoyment - DFW is dangerous, it destroys you as a human being, even if on the surface IJ looks innocent. Slowly, but steadily, and there is no going back. OP considers twelve hour binges - does this look healthy to you?

I want to thirteen step you