Do you go on goodreads? If so, why?

Do you go on goodreads? If so, why?

i do pee pee instead

Whenever I google a book, the average rating from goodreads appears, and it's always about 4/5.

i once made a post on Veeky Forums and it got haha inside?



beware of the sebastian syndrome gr users


To show people how smart I am. Same reason I go on Veeky Forums

Unless it's a classic in which case it's a 3/5 lol.
Goodreads users are disgusting tumblr lgbt regards who can only appreciate ya girl books and eating shit


•To keep track of books I've read
• To keep track of books on my to-read list
•To [skeptically] read reviews of potential reads

I'm linked with my gf, friends, and acquaintances on there, but we tend to not have common interests in this regard, so the social aspect isn't really helpful to me.

>accurate review

I use it like a 'myanimelist' to remember what I watched/read and what I want to watch/read

I had a Goodreads account until I realized it was just a contest to see who can get the most books read and review them. I deleted it.

Yes, I enjoy looking at reviews for books and seeing women write bout ones I like because I'm a very very sad man

kill urself ok?

i fuckin love lists

No, never seen a reason to

I don't really watch anime anymore, I saw the 10 good ones then stopped

- Remember everything I've read
- Compare pages read form certain time periods.
- Buried Book Club

I started to but then deleted my account after being forced to review the books I've read. I feel like I'd just give everything 5 stars because I'm really good at picking out books to read.

What is Sebastian syndrome?

Yeah just to keep track of books that I've read

I keep my to read list there and only log the books when I finish them. Maybe I can survive without the statistics.

I also try to add people to get recommendations but they never accept.

Most of people who posted in the lit goodreads threads have 30+ friends.
Most of it is useless, but you really only need 4-5 well read anons for assessment of will you like something.

I add people with similar and good taste, but they don't accept.

Post in goodreads threads, like why would you post there if you didn't want to add people

To track my books and to-read books that I cannot instantly pirate and collect Veeky Forums autist friends to get recommendations from or feel superior too.

Also their recommendation engine is not based on user ratings, but on genre, year published, and geo-location so its great for discovering new stuff.

Good Reads ratings are terrible since 70% of the users are 20 something year old women and moms that read "best-sellers"

Feel superior to*
That's pretty inferior mate

>Do you go on goodreads? If so, why?
Why do you go on Veeky Forums?

>being forced to review the books I've read
This doesn't happen, though.

I used LibraryThing first. I moved to Goodreads because that's where everyone on Veeky Forums was; it's only superior for the social aspects. I don't really use it much anymore. Almost entirely just to see what friends are reading.

Laughing at the reviews for the prince of thorns was a good read.

You mean you saw the only good ones.

I made a profile after a thread here a couple of years ago. I only still use it because I think the thing it does at the end of the year where it shows everything you've read is pretty neat.

I only have a few friends on there, including Sebastian.