>In the end, he realized it was the year 2666.
In the end, he realized it was the year 2666
>"What longitude is this sir?"
>"We're at the blood meridian"
>And they all gathered to attend Finnegan's wake.
>"I've now realized for the first time in my life the vital Importance of Being Earnest"
>a child of God much like yourself perhaps.
>dude this joke is taking fooooreeeeever
""""Modern masterpiece""""
>and truly Wilhelm, those were the Sorrows of Young Werther
>and this court is none other than the critique of pure reason itself"
>a noble gentleman, a silent protector, you may call me El Quixote
>I knew him, Horacio, a fellow of Infinite Jest
>"I guess I'm the Catcher in the Rye after all."
>A Rainbow screamed across the gravity. I call it Gravity's Rainbow.
>In the end I may never find out wether it was all hallucination or wether I am an American Psycho.
>is this what you really want???
>Atlas shrugged - "idk lol"
>moby's dick
>On The Road again
>Just can't wait to get on The Road again
>The life I love is making music with my friends.
> its a bible!
>"Well Brett, did you know that the sun also rises?"
>After my training for the hunt I finally learned how to kill a mockingbird
>"I've now realized for the first time in my life the vital Importance of Being Earnest"
this is an actual line btw
And then the toreador's sabre pierced the hide of the beast. Just between the ribs. It would be another death in afternoon.
>And now I, absalom, as I lay dying under the light in august, in the sound and the fury, am unvanquished.
>Tyrone stopped to measure time and stared at his rippled reflection in the spurious depths of the mysterious pool.
>"Truly I is the Nigger of Narcissus" thought Tyrone, as raindrops shattered his reflection in the lake.
hey wait a minute you're V!!!
>But no one would ever know the verdict of...The Trial
I'm glad he died with lungs full of blood for this.
>mfw ending my magnum opus with a t-drop
this one's for you Veeky Forums
Looking back on his adventures, on friends made and lost, then into the eyes of his beloved, Odysseus, with a sigh of satisfaction at a job well done, whispered, to himself, "What a truly remarkable Odyssey this has been!"
I'm sure this is asked every time these threads are posted, but does anyone have some actual examples of title drops in the last line? Can't say I've ever actually witnessed it, but it definitely feels like I have
the crying of lot 49 one is all i can think of
what a horrible thing to say
and that, my friends, is the story of the karamazov brothers.
pynchon, the absolute madman
>You are about to begin reading Italo Calvino's new novel, If on a winter's night a traveler.
so meta! :D
>I did the Crime and Punishment I shall face
>After all that, I really did feel like the stranger.
>And the brush smeared the final lock of a portrait of the artist as a young man.
>wew! Those things before may be flowers, but they truly were Fleurs du Mal
>"hey, by the way, what color is the cover of this book?"
>"It's white."
>Before reaching the final line, however,
he had already understood that he would never leave that room, for it
was foreseen that the city of mirrors (or mirages) would be wiped out
by the wind and exiled from the memory of men at the precise
moment when Aureliano Babilonia would finish deciphering the
parchments, and that everything written on them was unrepeatable
since time immemorial and forever more, because races condemned
to one hundred years of solitude did not have a second opportunity
on earth.
>the greatest evil is war and peace must be obtained!
levin is a hack
There's literally nothing wrong with using a passage from your book as its title.
"The superior sex are women. And men should all be castrated!"
I can't believe I fell for the meme and stole the fucking thing from my library.
>In that moment, I could see le Nausea
>They had finally discovered... the Myth of Sisyphus
>The Plague had come to Algiers
Camus you french faggot fuck.
"So if we're in Paradise
and this shit makes me laugh,
am I living a Divine Comedy?"
>"...I.... uh ....wow. And... and what do you call your act?"
>"The Brothers Karamasov!"
Dosty pls
>Well Sherry, I guess he really showed us The Art of the Deal
>finally the Ramsay's were ready to go To the Lighthouse
"This has been a tale of the Ego, and its Own."
Really Nietzsche?!?
light kek
Wow, are there really so many well-known writers who were total hacks?
"One could say that with him dying on Saint Mark's square, he finally achieved a Death in Venice" - Tomhas P.
>And that was the life of one William...Stoner.
kek i actually found it funny that this meme was in that book
>And then I finally realized For Whom The Bell Tolls.
>It was in that moment that I realised the duality of man's nature, and his capacity for war and peace.
Mind blown.
>— That's quite an act, what is it called?
>— Negative Dialectics.
>Wow, I guess these books really DO burn at Fahrenheit 451!
> I guess I'm the Anti-Oedipus after all
Can anyone explain why people like Derrida ?
>in the end he realized, his life of godless hedonism had left him with a heart of darkness.
>So ya want a rabbit hutch, huh? Well.... you know what they say, about the best laid plans...... Of Mice and Men
>Get ready to pack your bags because you just won a roundtrip ticket to City of God Resorts
No wonder they call him the hippo.
>It turns out The Metamorphosis™© was actually on the inside
Pavel Ivanovitch Chichikov turned on his Xbox One™ and sat back on his Comfycouch Deluxe™. The television screen blinked to life.
"Man, I can't wait for this! It's going to be epic!" said the wandering businessman.
"What are you playing bro?" asked Sobakevich, barging in the room;
"It's the new game by the guys who made Dark Souls and Bloodborne."
"Epic bro, what'd'they call it?" said the stout russian landowner, cracking open a Pepsi™ can.
"Dead Souls".
''Harry... is that you?''
''Harry is dead... Call me ... Steppenwolf''
In the very last line? Can't say i've read any, but Joseph Conrad title drops at least 3 times in Heart of Darkness.
>"You see, now all the animals fell in the river and now only their heads are sticking out. We can walk on their heads and cross the river without getting our shoes wet! See how I go: I step on poultry, I step on cows, I step on horse, I step on fox, I steppenwolf"
>When we finally got home we realised what a journey we'd had On the Road.
Atleast relate it to the original story.
>not see, get it? xd
Virginia does it in the first line of Mrs. Dalloway. Literally the first two words.
>After the same manner also he took the cup, when he had supped, saying,
>this cup is the New Testament in my blood
Really Paul?
>I should have expected them to act humane... on an Animal Farm
and mason and dixon lived in america happily ever after.
"He was more than the Good Gatsby, he was the Great Gatsby"
>This has truly been a Bible
Jesus Christ
I love you, yes I do.
>"Doesn't matter, had sex", he said, proving that indeed he was A Man Without Qualities
>"you're pretty great, Gatsby. Not the greatest Gatsby by any means, but surely not a mediocre Gatsby, and I would even say better than a good Gatsby. Yes, as far as the Gatsby's go, you're a pretty great Gatsby."
>"thanks, old sport"
It's funny in context though
>"Hoo-wee!" exclaimed the Kid. "She sure do kick like a wild ol' bronco!"
>"Yup", Slim replied. "That's what I said too, when I first tried my hand at firin' The Western Canon: The Books and School of the Ages."
Really, Harold? Really?
>"Where you running off to?"
>"Cant talk old chap I'm afraid Im In Search of Lost Time"
Marcel come on. You're better than this.
>"You smoke a lot of pot?"
>"Haha yeah but I'm no Stoner!"
Literally closed the book
>it was either a blood meridian, or, an evening redness in the west.
McCarthy you fucking hack
>"How were these apples prepared?"
>"I Candide them!"
Holy fuck Voltaire, you talentless homosexual Frenchie
A sad straight drunk man is alone in the club on gay night
"Why don't you dance?" Says a nearby twink
Carver was supposed to be subtle guys.
>And then the children eviscerated the sailor, for they were like the sea, and he had fallen from their grace.
>It didn't matter that the sun is at its brightest at noon, because when you die, you see only darkness.
>Doctor Matthew O'Connor decided to call his late night erections his "Nightwood."
>"Why is Benji crying again?" yelled Jason Compson. "Won't someone shut him up? I can't stand this retard's blubbering Sound and Fury."
Truly the voice of the American south.
and then he an hero because nobody gave him the recognitions he wanted.
>This reference
I like you.
>Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio: a fellow of infinite jest,
lol look at this little ass man.
i hope you know i cried with laughter at this post
>And as Bronquito Damascus walked around the soft, brown earth, feeling the soft fragrancy of the maturing grapes, he realized he could never grow his dank ass 420 weed on these lands.
>Feeling a sudden rush of disappointmen to the head of his penis, he turns to Niobe Taumaurgus and sez 'I can't grow my dank ass 420 weed here, this ain't no weedground, but a Vineland"
really Thomas?