ITT: We describe normal, everyday actions in the most cryptic way possible

ITT: We describe normal, everyday actions in the most cryptic way possible

I am seated in an office, surrounded by heads and bodies.

La puerta aparece delante de mí. Un coloso orondo me espera sentado en con aire de dios displicente. Sólo distingo sus gafas y su bigote antes de bajar la mirada para ofrendar el acostumbrado sonido metálico, fría brevedad preñada de resonancias rituales. Tomo el papel que se me ofrece como testimonio de la ofrenda, lo doblo furiosamente y lo repudio sepultándolo en mi bolsillo seguido de una hilera de fieles. Comparto su callada humillación. PandapandapandapandaIgotbroadsinAtlantatwistindopeleanandtheFanta. El aire frío me vuelve a dar la bienvenida.

The primal creator is a feces-mailer.

>tfw this is a great thread idea but I'm not clever enough to contribute

Have a bump instead.

?Newspaper journalist


u takin a doodoo

no i'm playing poker while white water rafting

i feel my bare bones clasp around the blushing orb, splitting flesh from flesh in an attempt to delay the inevitable; the tartness quells my morbid mind while i begin the biomechanical process that ensures the future.

A slight, but hard brushing. Tastes like old chalk.

jacking off

It grows and boils within me, spreading its silky scalding tendrils over my body. It calls to its kin. But in time, I'll overpower it, its family and the urges, and evict them on fresh dirtless grass lawn.


Flat transparency
Reflecting light
Transmitting totality
Out of a window
A door
An Ocean, rectangular
Sticky surface
Clinging creation
Whirlpool touch of the Tentacle
As it drags itself on the Surface of the Deep
Of the flat transparency.
A click, a beating machinery pulse
Bright lights
Height sights
Numbers eternal as symbols of thought-eternal permanence.
The Light shows the bare mammal
Engorged chest
Hairless, soft

But we know
The Light is not.

not even close

I am in here

I put a hairy plastic stick into the hole wich I use to eat in order to remove bacteria from the white, hard things in there.

I did one, but I'm a shit writer. Here it is anyway I guess.

I begin awash in lard and protean fix; waved out by steel into cemented wakes. This second fetish in my concoction is of many makes. Commonly a flowing slurry but, as of late, a spit that could plug a dyke with a chip that echoes broken autumn leaves. Then I map out a new land, one that bears a cache of Brasilia and Amazónica; of Empire and Homer. Spoils of work that will never succumb to the spoilage of life. Familiar carbon steers in this uncharted sea and supplies one more note to our chord. The penultimate becomes ultimate when I man these projects, as the last feature is an inconsequential one.

Behold, God spills forth the seeds of life, bringing death in it's wake.

His question echoed through the chambers of my mind. I contemplated it, difficultly, as his judging eyes pierced the depths of my soul. The bitter aroma of the room swelled into an unbearable stench. Soon souls would gather in, they watched me with pity, with contempt. I eventually mustered the will to answer the man. My voice quivered as he gazed into me, and as the souls congregated around me.

"I..I'd like one grande mocha frappuccino p-please..."

eating an apple


I drink lots of vodka. That cleans out my system, and even cleans my teeth (I haven’t brushed in years, and haven’t had a cavity since).

I also eat a liverwurst sandwich pretty much every day – to counterbalance the effects the vodka has on my liver. I make my sandwiches on seeded rye (because it’s the healthiest bread), with mayo (because eggs are the best protein; I use kewpie, because the msg makes it taste better), coarse mustard (good for the white blood cells), zucchini pickles (because they taste good), and a bunch of baby spinach (just for filler; it could honestly be left out).

I also eat a lot of canned fish (mostly sardines, but also the occasional fancy smoked oysters) on saltines. They give you all your essential amino acids, and provide a nice opportunity to try out various hot sauces, which are generally very low in calories, while high in flavor and immensely prodigious to healthiness.

Aside from that, I drink large amounts of water (anywhere between ice-cold to slightly chilled) every day, always through a straw, and sometimes with a lemon wedge.

To each their own, I say, but I’m just shy of 30 and am doing better than most of you.

His skull-sockets sizzled in electric sun.

thats a spicy meatball

Flâneuring through the endless expanse of these unstreets, filled yet not crowded, - spectres that strolled and sustained and refreshed were willing to do anything, just not form a crowd - he lingered for long times on curiousities that were waste, in truth, there things were built on waste, of it, but the nature of its nature was erased and abolished - of no malice, of forgetfulness.

taking a nude selfie

Close. It's vodka, because calls to its kin, you know.

browsing Veeky Forums at 4am

do you not have any idea what is going on here are are you just pretending to be retarded

was blushing too conspicuous a clue?

The king of the miniature cosmos sits upon the marble throne to ponder upon all that was and is yet to be; and thus the taint and impurity returns to the cycle of decadence of the outer world.

I return. I give as much as possible, and I search for every excuse to do so. If I have not given enough in my return, I try to help. How can I give you more? Help me help you, friend. Give me everything you've got, so I can give as much as I can in my return.

some form of self-harm? am i close?



Fool, it's taking a dump

Yeah this was it

damn that's obvious looking back at "marbled throned"

i assumed the first half of the sentence had something to do with post-orgasm clarity ("ponder upon all that was and is yet to be") then just related the same idea to "decadence"

Buena prosa user.

I feel bad for calling you a fool now, sorry user. It was marble throned that gave it away. Still not really getting "king of the miniature cosmos" though

As a dim transparency climbs through the throat that leaves to the world my form shapelessly distress itself with what seems droplets of water falling into a crater (puck, pack. Puck, pack). The stringed sounds come falling from before.

(English is not my first language, so I'm sorry if I misspelled or it wasnt clever enough)

Underrated post

thanks nice trips


>I'm a bad writer

Was this a feeble attempt at exalting yourself? i bet you spent hours solely on that shit paragraph 'non

Interacting on a board on a computer with an idiot is like talking to a blank wall with indecipherable graphetti scribbled all over it.

Ported outside-in to the abstract. My body is a corpse with lightning eyes.

truly bad attempt

using internet

Nope, not internet

sleep or meditation


REM sleep

Ye, REM sleep

Supposedly what is experienced, which is all that is experienced, in the moment, unilaterally becomes a sequence of recalled sounds of different pitches.

I float slowly on the ocean of a distorted world, slipping from cosmos to cosmos, when suddenly crashing screams rip through the sky, turning the paper whiteness to confetti. I am torn from my cloudy raft and tossed aside onto my solid mat, the screaming of harpies surrounding me, forcing me to a stand, as I suddenly silence all.


>present tense

No like 5 minutes,


A dog scratching its fleas off.

Gracias, amigo. Pero, para ser sincero, a mí no me parece que ese post la tenga.

It screams past death and gripped by a searing hatred spits liquefied spite.

There exists an interesting series of neuroscientific studies on this. Tell me if you're interested.

>This is very rewarding but tends to be quite expensive even if you own all that you need. The outfit does not really matter. One can get seriously injured without proper instruction even if it comes more naturally to some people than others. Some don’t like the smell or the lack of control. So some people are scared to try it even if they’ve dreamed of it since they were a kid reading about it in books and watching it on television. A running start is uncommon, although there are some who do it. Typically, success requires that you start with your left leg, and make sure that it is securely in place. Then swing your body high into the air. The direction matters. Once you are settled, your thumbs should be pointing up. Sometimes there is no security but the animal’s hair. Other times you can hang off to the side. In any case you will be sore if this is your first time.

I am enjoying a modest proposal while pondering the works of the exceedingly boring Mr. Ulyanov.

He was done with me, I had given him more than he had given me, too lazy to make it for myself, convenient and modern, a smirk as he asked if I wanted a written list of what I would be doing tonight. I packed my things and left; only to return the next day.

mmmmm burgers

hit me senpai

Dreaming, alarm wakes you up, turn off alarm