Daily reminder to learn a new language

Daily reminder to learn a new language

Tutti i giorni finché ti piace


Da vero non ai un altra orazzione? per favore

>not creating your own language


Stratsi mao catemis, anone. :))))

Tenho tentado, mas obrigado pelo lembrete. Seu estroina.

De vero vosotros non saberan pas comment une non podra pas facer tutti les coses de le mundi. Un devrois voler hasta le ciel par le langue e morir en un livre. Pax vobis, ave Maria, Deus vult. Hue

>decide to try to learn French again
>for real this time
>decide to immerse myself in French which includes listening to French news and reading French books
>decide to read a children's book since children can read them
>pick out "Tyranno le Terrible" since it's the first one that pops up when I search for French children's books
>expect it to be along the lines of "see Spot run. Run Spot, run"
>spend hours today just translating words and writing them onto note cards to practice vocab later
>only 4 pages in
Fug this shit is hard. It never occurred to me that children's books are hard. I had an easier time reading Les Misérables last time I tried to learn French. I think I just need a qt gf to teach me the language

find a duo language edition of some simple french book

usually people use the little prince for it

Je parle français mais j'ai un pénis
>mvq pas de copine étrangère mignonne à qui apprendre le français
>je ne parlerai jamais de ce qui me passe par la tête avec une jolie rousse alors qu'elle me caline dans le noir après le coït
Au moins je parle anglais.
get translating faggot

J'essaye , mais il est assez difficile : ^)

j'aime cette variation pêh

Qu'est ce que veut dire ?

Was trying to find a way to say to be honest in a similar way that's filtered here tbqh

>un pénis
Un pénis feminine?

le lee leeee le le le leel ee lelel lelel lee lee leee lee lee leeP

c'est un acronyme. La traduction de "desu".

étrangement "pénis" est masculin
tant qu'il est pas emasculé

lleee leee le leee le ee lleee lleeee lee lee

i speak french but i have a penis
mfw no cute foreign gf to teach french
i will never speak of what i thought about a pretty russian at the time when she held me in the night after coitus
at least i speak english

pour etre honnete

is korean a language worth learning?

I have literally NEVER seen anyone discuss korean as a second language (except on korean-specific websites).

rousse =/= russe
mais je dirais pas non à une russe non plus. La plupart des filles de l'est que j'ai rencontré étaient hyper distinguées et classes, du genre à porter des vieilles jupes, à téléphoner à leur grand mère et à fêter Noël traditionnellement.

You made a slight error with "at the time when". Is that your translation for "alors"? Here alors means as (alors qu'elle me [verbe] = as she [verbs] me)

im a bit tipsy so i probably just missed the o for the redhead/russian thing but your construction of the last sentence seemed a bit awkward, mostly the usage of 'avec'. why not ditch alors and use quand or something similar? also why the present tense as opposed to m'est passe?

er, me suis passe

"alors" is "as"
"quand" is "when" so it means there's more than one occurence
>implying I snuggle with redhead russians on a regular basis if at all

my french writing is gone to shit. I've realized I write far more english than french because of Veeky Forums. Also I haven't slept in a while. Le soleil se lève ici. Je vais me promener dans les bois.