What happens when you die

what happens when you die

convince me it's not nothingness

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look at the signs nature gives us :o)

well, your brain releases a bunch of dmt and you hallucinate for a bit. then it's nothingness.

>Muh dmt in the brain myth

not nothingness, although I don't know what

there looks like all the bases have been covered

you go to heaven.

its true because i read it in a book that's not in the fiction section.

that's stupid. the bible belongs in the fiction section.

Read the Monadology.


karmic recurrence, you'll live again, but only in a form fitting to how successfully you destroyed your sense of self here, in this life.

inb4 stfu Nietzsche

Are you just presenting another theory, or do you really believe so?

i don't know
nopony knows
phaedo didnt persuade me
i feel sad -_-
being agnostic is hard

The opposite of being

Holy shit how long will you fucking pseuds keep spreading this myth?

how is that haircut named?

I'm pretty sure it's just like a fart in the wind

we just get blown away unto the aether

particles to far a part to be smelled

by even the best of noses

What happened before you were born?

absolutely disgusting how you have to cling to this delusional belief, you sheep.

>nopony knows
>tfw lost /mlp/ are the only people reading the classics
at least you probably got more out of the clouds than most =/

>sometimes, observable phenomena are periodic
>therefore you are reborn when you die

1. Death restores you to a state of non-existence, the same as before you were born
2. Before you were born you were in a state of non-existence and you were brought from this into existence

Why the fuck is this so hard for people to see?

the trees stay, but the leafs are not the same. in autumn the old ones die, and in spring the completely new ones grow.

Botanist Francis Hallé thinks that the trees are excrement from the photosynthesis process.

how is that relevant?

Are you sure that you even live?
Brain is just a biological computer.

You will be that which you were (or were not!) before you were born.

But take heart! For you will experience...


Did the Phaedo really convince anyone?
He isnt able to define the individual soul. Spinoza and Hegel do the whole ontology thing way better.

>never actually puts on a fedora
Ya got me

Side parting, afaik

You go to a nice farm in the country.

I feel like analogies like this (assuming its an analogy) are always silly.
"Plants are excretment of photosynthesis"
No, plants are organisms which photosynthesize, amongst other qualities.
We already have adequate language to describe these things.

This is just the thing. lt doesn't matter what you believe. You want others to believe for you.

and one day all those trees will die, and rot away into the earth.

the trees is leafs too

I always thought death was the same as pre-birth. You have no real conception of existing after it.

It's impossible for me to imagine, though. It's weird to think all my emotions will just TURN OFF and not exist.

You're assuming wrong, plant.


your body breaks down and becomes plant and animal food. these will be food for other animals. you will become a turd that will dry become turd dust which in turn starts the process all over again.

might as well go around and call everyone turd dust. it's what we all are.

From a phenomenal and subjective, what-it's-like point of view you will almost certainly experience *something* but you won't be able to articulate it, since you will, after all, be in the process of dying and never-returning. The thoughts that you have, the very thoughts that distinguish you from others (=your personality), only come to surface in your mind because you're willingly engaging in an active, neurobiological process that we call 'thinking', but there is no reason to think that this activity goes on by its own accord after your bodily death. So, nothingness, or something very close to it, it is.

From an empirical point of view you'll simply disintegrate to the point that it would be practically impossible--though possible in principle--to collect and rearrange those once-disintegrated chunks of your body in such a configuration that it resembled some prior version of you.


beat me to it.

Stop complaining and make the best of your current existence.

Not nothingness, only silence.

i just think about the time before you were alive, before you were born, absolutely nothing, you don't even know your alive to see the blackness. Its comforting and sad to know

Your remains become food for new life, so in a sense you do reincarnate.

OK devil zizek

it's not-nothingness - the absence of any experience, including that of nothing.

if you want to experience your consciousness falling apart (I imagine the process is similar to some deaths) smoke salvia.

That's not nothingness. Nothingness isn't.

However, nobody on this side of the yawning awe can answer that question for you definitively. Everyone claiming to is lying.