Is it bad to like the beats?

is it bad to like the beats?

Yes, nobody likes the beats apart from the beats.

the idea of it being bad to like something is a spook op

They range from okay to garbage teir pedo apologist Jew.

Really depends who you are reading.

Yes. As a rule, you should always feel bad for whatever Veeky Forums tells you you should like and you're not sure you like yet. Remember to repent and ask for guidance daily.

why does lit hate jews?

not really dude, they're pretty decent headphones


Yes. It's a movement that was started by the original hipsters who just wanted to be special snowflakes and stick it to the man and all that gay shit.

Not to mention a lot of them were literally gay, not in the cultured Truman Capote way but in the degenerate fuck-literally-everybody leftist way.

don't believe everything you read, friend

jews killed Hitler

The only one of the core i like is William Burroughs. But people that trash the beats yet love Pynchon fail to see how he assimilates part of them and are too against liking beat writers already to even give them a chance.

kinda, yeah

>alcoholic catholic
>Jew pedo
>insane junkie / murderer

Of course they're worth reading

Don't forget that the society they were so butthurt about was obviously experiencing a golden age in hindsight.

The best minds of your generation were going to the moon and running a world-spanning empire, not doing drugs and writing free verse, sorry you degenerate Jewish faggot.


i wish i could live like them tbqh. all the beat hate seems like ressentiment. that they cared to live life fully. which included sex, drugs, friendships and experimentation in on various regards of life.


The other day me and a friend dropped acid and were hanging out in his room listening to a jazz album with another friend and his roommate walked in looking disheveled wearing flannel and he asked where the rum was and in that moment I felt like it was the 50s and I was Jack Kerouac. It was cool.

it's because people know that it's all false,

their like a siren song for young people, whispering in their ears that maybe they don't need these rules, maybe everyone else is crazy...and maybe if they can't be great and moral (or at least live better) and free at the same time maybe they suck, that they suck.

but then you look at what became of the writers, and it's just terrible.

The Japanese don't like Jews

Because /pol/ and Trump supporters

Wow!!!! Btfo