Anyone got any literature related to depersonalisation disorder?

Anyone got any literature related to depersonalisation disorder?

I read nausea and it seemed pretty plausible that
rocquentin had it

Anyone here got it? I'm sick of it, I think I'd rather be dead but too much of a puss to stab self

I have a pretty bad case of it. It's one of the most irritating things in the entire world, because it's almost impossible to relate with other people. With depression, at least people can somewhat understand what you're talking about, and the idea of depression has been memed enough so that people realize how shitty it can be..but with depersonalization, no one really gives a shit.

find and read this.

I know what you mean. Everyone except close friend whose had experience with it is dismissive of it. I can't concentrate on anything and I have to stare at simple things like 'remove card now' when paying for something for like 3-5 seconds before it converts to any sort of appliance meaning. Or at least I used to, now it's automatic even though I'm never quite sure I'm doing the right thing.

It's a pain in the fucking ass. People inspire me with as much emotion and empathy as the npc's in gta

Looks interesting, I'll check it out.

Looks interesting ty

All mental illnesses are fake.


Did you have something happen to you OP?

The combo of narcissistic parents plus a later stage trauma is apparently what gives a predisposition to it.

My experience seems to fit that

No. Not at all. Par example Schizophrenia is clearly visible in the brain structure.


Considering that dfw has said that IJ was a realistic vision of his reality I would say that

Oh? thanks, that changes everything

Schizophrenia can be, and the symmetrical brain structure also doesn't mean definite schizophrenia

Naive. Super is great.

Looks cool
Is the guy actually mentally ill or just without meaning? Not that the two aren't linked

I have a question

I smoked weed for the first time two years ago, and I had a major panic attack, lasting 3 hours

ever since then I began having weird moments of feeling "distant from reality", or as if things began feeling unreal, dream-like

a year after the 3 hour panic attack, I began having smaller panic attacks, most often after consuming caffaine, or thinking about/ watching/ being confronted with things related to the universe.

I went to a doc and he diagnosed depression and General Anxiety Disorder but I feel that's not quite it.

idk man

Yeah sounds like minor depersonalization. Good luck, because it doesn't get better.

why not?

Because you saw the absurdity of the universe and human condition for what it is. You have insight into something most people dont so don't waste it. several strange epiphanies and disconnections have occured to me while smoking weed, I always enjoy them several days later when I have to time to reflect, although they are terrifying in the truest sense of the word while going through them; once for a brief second I actually lost my mind. This is why I am scared of hallucinogens because I can get pretty far out there from only smoking pot.

did you tell him you smoked dope? thats probably what brought it out.

Well, so what do I do now? I couldn't go asleep at night because I would have obsessive thoughts regarding the universe, consciousness and existence in general, often resulting in panic attacks. I'm currently medicated, on Pregabalin, and it prevents the panic attacks and axienty.

I did tell him, but it seemed like he didn't even consider it. He seems to be looking for things that might have happened in my childhood.

Fight Club iirc

Reading suttree helped me, he goes through something similar. Maybe read Wittgenstein or heidegger, maybe some plain English cosmology. Delillo as well.

>back to >>>/tumblr/

you are worried you have more than general anxiety, because you have general anxiety, which makes you worry

tao lin