Veeky Forums TRIGGERS

>uses the feminine pronoun because they hate social norms that much

I thought you would just say their in that case? I don't see why you'd be upset. The writer just trying to be an edgy women can do everything a man can do shit.

or maybe it was written by a woman and her default pronoun is female because she herself is female
this may come as a shock to you but not everything is a conspiracy to bring down white men

>dorky bourgeois white middle aged professor trying to be hip with the SJW crowd
>doesn't realize it'd castrate him and turn him into a pinata regardless of anything he did
>doesn't realize it will be liquidated by Hitler 2 soon anyway

shit like this is why i'm voting trump

fuck off you dumb autist and make a thread about LITERATURE

Literally every legal casebook has switched to her. It is now the norm in legal writing.

Just to be clear, I'm not endorsing that change.

My freshman English prof said that their is incorrect and shouldn't be used in this case. Then she said she preferred
xer, and people laughed at her and she got angry kek

Xer sounds like the pronoun you'd use for an extraterrestial

I've noticed Harold Bloom does this. Strange cause he's very anti politically correct crazies.

>its rationality

Either "his" or "her" are wrong.

I'm glad my country is cucked in other ways and here grammar isn't seen as an oppressive institution against the uneducated

Yuval Noah Shahari or whatever his fucking name is, the writer of Sapiens, unironically alternates between using male and female pronouns when the gender is neutral; presumably to introduce gender equality or such nonsense in his books.It is really, er, something.

>referring to a "human" as "it"
If you're going to be a prescriptive mongoloid at least do it right. Fucking Christ.

I'm essentially a proto-Nazi and use "they" as a gender neutral singular pronoun for the sake of clarity. Only using the feminine or swapping between the two just seems like attention-whoring.

It's basic fucking grammar you literal illiterate ape

Also the norm in academic philosophy.

I think it's fine. If it does matter which pronoun we use, then we might as well switch to feminine for a while, out of fairness. If it doesn't matter at all (my own view), then, well, it doesn't matter.

when a male author uses she for undefined gender i always assume he is a latent tranny

"They" is plural, dumbass.

Do you fuckin' retards not realise this has been a trope in philosophical literature since long, long before the SJW movement?
Pretty sure Old Bertrand Russell was using the female pronoun.
Philosophy is a woman, and loves only a warrior.

Feminists are extraterrestrial. They don't mate with human males so what else could they be?

Who the fuck gives a shit?

most of feminists are men so they can't procreate when they mate with human males anyway

oh come on, now we remember boethius and his lady philosophy

boethius wasn't a warrior though

When talking about a human or eventually a living thing you show affection to, you must use the masculine gender which is actually concurrently the neutral gender.

Exactly, him AND her.

I'm pretty much the same desu. What matters is that whatever message the author was trying to convey is communicated, the weird language they might use is of secondary importance unless they're writing a piece of fiction as opposed to an essay.

I use "he" with 'individual' or 'human' or just a standard pronoun, but I occasionally like to use "she" specifically with person. It fits the scheme with German (die Person) and Russian (ocoŠ±a)

Even in English "young person" traditionally referred to women

According to style guides, you're supposed to use "he or she," "he and she," or "they." If using "he" is considered sexist then why would using "she" be okay?

women can't be sexist, silly

i know, i'm a woman myself

>If using "he" is considered sexist then why would using "she" be okay?
The patriarchy

>feminine pronoun
A real womyn uses "xer"; the letter "h" is a tool of the patriarchy, shitlord.

"They" works perfectly fine when applied to a single person of unknown gender.

"their" is incorrect for a singular possessive. The correct choices are either his, her (if you're trying to be politically correct), one's, and his or her.

you can't say she without saying he :^)

k, i meant 'write' but you got me

You don't have an opinion, WHITE MALE.

I can't BELIEVE it's 20-FUCKING-16 and people are still using this disgustingly sexist SLUR 'they' instead of the more appropriate, and less triggering 'txey'

Foiled again.

check your privilege.

>being this mad about people using he or she
So what?

Expecting a women to write he as the default pronoun is rather sexist

>feminine pronoun

Also, /pol/ and /r9k/ lately seem to be containment boards just as much as a rotting corpse could be considered a "containment" for maggots and flies. Female pronouns are way better than the incorrect use of "they", let alone "he or she", so I don't see why Veeky Forums should be triggered. It's a nice way of handling gender equality without butchering language.

A person comes to a stream, what can they do to cross it?

You can use it that way, but you are incorrect.
