Critical Theory Lenses

Help me decide which critical approaches I should take for my literature assignment? I have to use two critical theories and apply one to two of these short stories: Eudora Welty's "A Warn Path", Katherine Mansfield's "Miss Brill", Stephen Vincent Benet's "By the Waters of Babylon", Kate Chopin's "Story of the Hour", Willa Cather's "Paul's Case", Gabriel Marquez's "A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings"
These are my approach options: PERSIA Approach, Hero's Journey, Psychological (Freudian), Marxist, Spiritual, and Gender/Feminist.
I'm actually really hyped on discussing these with you guys, so thanks ahead of time.

Other urls found in this thread:

Coming, Eudora!

anything but formalist approach is trash

this sounds really gay.

>choose 1 of 6 short stories
>the same 6 you will be studying throughout your undergrad career btw
>now choose 1 of 6 critical theories
>not that you understand any of these thoroughly
>I'll post the PowerPoint online in case I'm moving too fast lol :)

Agreed, but I'm not allowed to use that one unfortunately
Kind of is. I just have to make two power points on two lenses using two of these short stories. I wanted to make this the best I can so I wanted other people's personal opinions on which to use for which stories.



>want to talk literature
>go to Veeky Forums
It's a shame I get more help from /int/ than Veeky Forums

here's what you do: come at the Welty from a feminist perspective, then blow it to bits with a Marxist reading that ruthlessly historicizes the very bourgeois feminism you just spent 5 pages advocating.

just use marxist and say it's bourgeois, doesn't matter which story.

Spiritual sounds like your best bet.

you won't get any help here user. in the past perhaps, but we're going full meme now. the best advice i can give you if are serious about your studies is to leave Veeky Forums

or succumb to the memes, which we are dutifully lacking in

Is there a short story collection containing all of these works?

Just read Mansfield's The Garden-Party. Did I like it?

You did, in fact it was perfect, an absolutely perfect morning for a party

If you didn't learn that Marxist readings are literature on easy mode in high school, now's the time.

Just talk about oppression, materialism, desire and alienation.

Would Marxist work for that one?

well how about this, what are the best two lenses?

I thought Veeky Forums liked discussing literature

for me, gender/feminist for Wilaa Cather and Chopin are the easiest. For example, the husband isn't a bad husband, but just being unable to bear her life makes the sudden freedom mind-expanding and therefore the marriage by its very unequal nature is oppressive. In Paul's case, expectation of behavior and his foppishness creates a strange atypical manliness/exuberance that is more often stereotyped as femininity. Is this an early case of transgender, or simply an inability to conform to masculine expectations? A Worn path would probably be the only one you could force the hero's journey on, unless you really wanted to twist it into a failed journey for Paul. Marxism is shit.

>Marxism is shit.
Why do you think that though? What's wrong with it?

damn i guess im out of touch on popular theories

WTF is a "PERSIA" approach?


is this at all related to somethign like new historicism or is this a separate thing?

look up china mieville's marxist iron man comic pitch and some of the horror will be revealed. Such an irony in the most educated and lucky classes advocating that kind of approach to a literature in which one of the golden dreams was often class ascension.

Until the rider was thrown from his horse, JACKASS!