What is the best translation of Tao Te Ching?

What is the best translation of Tao Te Ching?
Or if there is no such thing as the best,then which one do you recommend?
I want to read it english,since it made me feel something so weird.

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Not that version, Magyaranon.

Cover doesn't matters as long as the content is fine.

then which one?

A little bit of time on google says Stephen Mitchell's translation is pretty well liked but no idea if that's true. There was a thread about this a week or so ago where some anons talked about it so probably worth checking archives.

That cover is like putting the Eiffel Tower on a book about Ireland

I know the cover is shit.
It was really cheap.
Could we talk about muh english copies of the book.

Not liking BASED Weöres. You are worthless szarposztoló kolléga

I liked it.I found it excellent
But reading an english translation sounds good in the case of ancient chinese philosophy,since it could change meaning úton útfélen.

Amúgy milyen ez a helikonos cucc, mármint a kiadás minősége? Mennyire hamar esik szét.Még nem volt a kezemben


Nem annyira rossz,bár nem tettem ki őket extrém körülményeknek.
A borítója kartonből van pl.tehát eléggé büdzsé kiadás.
De kibírnak 3-4 olvasást simán ha nem egy nemtörödőm gyökér vagy aki csak belebasz mindent a táskába.
De egy ezresért mit vársz?


A lábjegyzetek minősége változó,van amikor a lap aljára kerül és van amikor beteszik csak a végére,de van.

what is the problem?

Kösz szerecsen

It's essentially the same as Lao-Tzu
It's just a translation.Don't get mad over it.

>lae ce
>tao te king

fuck off with these meme names

tell me how does it make you feel.

i make your mom feel

I don't know.

AC Graham's is the best translation of Zhuangzi.

In fact, after googling, Victor Mair's looks like the best English translation.


Mitchell doesnt read Chinese, his is more a modern reinterpretation.

>complains about tao te king
>not about weöres sàndor fordistasabanasdasd

there is nothing wrong with this language