Writers who chain smoke while they work. Who has kicked the habit and has it affected your relationship with writing...

Writers who chain smoke while they work. Who has kicked the habit and has it affected your relationship with writing, the act of writing in particular.

Yes, they may. And so are you?

When babby form and you written during the chain smoke, how has it affected your relationship with smoke, the act of writing in particular.


Two man get together while they work. And bird brings babby, formed. So are you? Writers who chain smoke?

Nicotine is a stimulant so it probably can't hurt the writing process.

damn, that's the kind of picture that will make you want to commit genocide against all smokers

Writers who used to chain smoke while they wrote but have since quit smoking whilst continuing to write, this post is addressed to you. I would like you to tell me if no longer smoking while you are writing has made the experience writing different and if so how so?

what about movie stars who smoke? back in the early days of the tobacco industry anybody who was somebody smoked, but now it's like nobody smokes, i wonder why they all stopped and how it affected them! what a mystery!

Yeah there's a good Will Self lecture on nicotine's psychoactive effects re:writing. I was really looking for someone to explain to me how they wrote without smoking. I can't imagine it.

what about writers who chain chug mountain dews while writing epic fantasy tales? has anyone switched to monster energy instead? did ur epic tales stay as epic? or were they like less epic?

how the hell do ppl write without heroin? if you're not a junkie ur just a dilettante and will never truly experience the literary life

Oh fuck off, you know the question I'm asking and that I'm well aware of the health risks and, given the nature of my question, that I'm attempting to quit. Enjoy making that joke did you? Thought it was awfully urbane?

smoking cigarettes while sitting at a typewriter is cargocult writing, you'll never be great, go work at 7/11

Cheers you fucking useless cunts.

I smoke a pipe at least twice every day.

It almost feels like you're actually doing the work yourself, and in turn are actually intrinsically worth something as a writer.

Psychological dependency is a nasty thing. I never smoked while creating any work of art even while I was a smoker, solely for this reason. You can feel from a mile away that it's a bad idea in the long run for your self-esteem.

do u have a trenchcoat with a popped collar? all the best writers have one of those, then u can light a cigarette and squint at chicks at the other end of the bar and be like "yeah baby! i'm a writer! can't u tell by this trenchcoat and cigarette?"

...Which is not to say that you *are* any better of a writer if you write while you're smoking. It's just the ">muh "cigarette smoking is cool" phantasm" talking

It's really nothing to do with image. It's psychological dependence, which I think would be fine if it weren't for the health concerns. I'm sure you're psychologically dependant on some things, ritualistic behaviours you engage in while working, even if only mentally. I did not expect /lit to be so puritanical on the subject of smoking.

so switch to vape and shut the fuck up, no one cares

not external image, but self image. so even worse. yeah I agree it would be fine if it weren't for the health """concerns""" (= it kills you, and not even that slowly)

fuck vape. we don't know nearly enough about that shit. at the very least it might be ototoxic. just fucking seek professional help if you're in distress due to quitting cigarettes, or if it was your reason to start.

No, not to do with self image at all. Basically when you become stressed the chemicals that control your cigarette cravings also spike, hence the "cigarettes reduce stress" myth. I think with writing it's similar in that the cycle of frustration / excitement yada yada prompts a craving although I don't know the exact chemical explanation. I think what it will mean is that when I quit I'll experience my strongest cravings while writing, which I imagine will have a detrimental effect. I was asking if anyone had any experience of that. That was all.

How else do you tell someone is a writer?


>not smoking

homo alert lol

I used to smoke a lot during my writing and honestly you'd be surprised how different (ie harder) the experience is now without it. In that five minutes i would be able to conjure up a fair few notes to riff off later on my laptop. Nowadays, having cut down on both booze and near quitting cigarettes, I'm regaining myself after a four month writing block.

People say its just a repetitive exercise and can be replaced (I've heard cracking and eating nuts) but I'm not super convinced.

hello mpc

I had an opportunity to smoke crack once but I pussied out. Every once and a while I regret it. It may not have helped my writing but it would have been something to tell my grandkids about, you know?

I quit about two years ago and I barely miss it. At first it felt like something had been amputated from me and I didn't know what to do with my days. I would find myself standing in one place wondering, "What now? What am I supposed to do now?" But I slowly adjusted and now I don't feel handicapped at all. The worst for me is the dreams, almost every week I have a vivid dream of buying and smoking a pack of darts, and there's always a lot of anxiety and guilt in the dream. But it's just dreams.

*once in a while


Its a nice social thing and it feels great after a big meal, or on a sunny day drinking beer. Eventually the taste went for me and i got bored


Why does this place like Will Self so much?

He's like Frankenstein's Monster on Leftism.