Ernest Hemingway thread

>in a spanish bar
>this guy walks up and slaps your gf ass

wat do

give him electroshock therapy until he kills himself

>"bet you could have slapped her ass harder if you weren't such a flabby, old tryhard. Least I can still get it up. If you were half the man you claimed to be, you would've died in the trenches"
>two weeks later
>blows brains out


Find his gf and cuck him by pretending to be a faggot matador

Don't be calling matadors faggots now, user


No one gets that obsessed about the idea of getting penetrated by a bull without something fishy in his mind

Just bought this because you faggots said it's a good introduction to his work.

Did I get memed?

Why don't you read it and figure it out for yourself? I enjoy it.

No it's really gud

he seems about to grow a corporation

Enjoy it, I'm rereading it now and it's great. Pay a lot of attention to the character interactions.

>Reading any hemingway about bells, balls and bulls

Yes, you did get memed.

>ywn be Robert Jordan
>ywn go to Spain and fight for communism with a qt by your side

I could go to Rojava I guess but I'm chubby and have no combat experience.

i guess isis still can employ you as a gay whore, i heard their high command had those

Easy solution nigga, lose weight by fighting, gain experience by fighting. Shits just excuses for being a pussy

There's also the factor of wanting to avoid a hilariously awful death at the hands of ISIS on the basis of them wanting to make another wacky video

That's one of his weaker books, For Whom the Bell Tolls and The Old Man and the Sea are far more engaging reads

They don't let people without experience go over anymore. They're bordering on a massive famine and it would just waste food.

Best Hemingway is short story Hemingway, but Sun Also Rises is generally considered his best novel. It's much better, and less self-indulgent, than his later works.

>That's one of his weaker books, For Whom the Bell Tolls and The Old Man and the Sea are far more engaging reads


That really is a lovely publication.

Favorite author is Dostoyevsky but I really like what Cervantes did in Quixote. I have some weird feeling drawing me to Old man and the sea and even weirder it was the only Hemingway at my local bookstore when I went. Am I memeing myself?

>but Sun Also Rises is generally considered his best novel

that's if you like cuckoldry

True shit my man, how anyone could prefer reading about Brett slutting it up over the aforementioned books or even A Farewell to Arms I will never know.

or if ur a white male slowly-growing-up manchild.

Hemingway was the DFW of his generation (and of actual literature)

>can't into lost generation
>reading for plot

Back to Bernard Crowmell and Allan Mallinson lads

this desu


Can anyone help me see the appeal in Hemingway? I've read The Sun Also Rises (twice), A Farewell To Arms, and Old Man and The Sea and I still don't enjoy his works. His prose is great but that's all for me.

Hemingway appeals to a certain niche of people, perhaps more so than other authors. If things like warfare, drinking, travelling, and hunting appeal to you, you're more inclined to enjoy the things that he's saying.

Don't ask Sarah whatever you do.

Yes, he's the biggest hack in history (my next People on Things will be about him, Ernie Hemingway on an Electric Chair), so you absolutely got memed straight the fuck out.

DFW's writing is a lot more interesting than memmmmmmmmmmmmeingway's, even if they are comparable in a lot of ways.

>wardine be cry

Try his short stories.