/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General

Pulp edition

What's your favorite pulp novel, author, or publisher?

Busy reading about the Wankh: R E C O M M E N D A T I O N S

Selected: i.imgur.com/3v2oXAY.jpg/
General: i.imgur.com/igBYngL.jpg/
Flowchart: i.imgur.com/uykqKJn.jpg/
Selected: i.imgur.com/A96mTQX.jpg/
General: i.imgur.com/r55ODlL.jpg/ / i.imgur.com/gNTrDmc.jpg/

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I claim this thread in the name of the Unholy Consult

>Posting literally the worst of jack Vance's work

What are you doing?

What's going on here isn't this the general?

Two threads made at the same time. This one was posted first in the last thread

sorry, servants of what?

>servants of wank

what was his fucking problem?

So I started reading Malazan

I have no bloody idea what the fuck is going on

Lel dated user made a thread.
Time for it to die like his beloved dinosaurs.

So I'm about halfway through with The Last Wish by Andrzej Sapkowski and i really enjoy it. I don't read much and haven't really picked up a book in the last year to read for fun because Nursing school, but I decided to pick this one up> I tried to play the Witcher 3 but felt lost, so i tried to play the Witcher 1, and felt even more lost, so I decided to read the books. Anyways, what are other good books about a protagonist that fucks shit up, but in a way Geralt goes about doing it? Or anything sorta similar?

Sanderson and Locke Lamora are both terrible (the latter had potential, but was hamfisted into becoming a trilogy). Why are they on a recommendations list?

Just ride with it for as long as you can. If you have to read some chapter recaps do so.


>Nursing school

why does everyone assume I'm always a gril

Because most sff is garbage that makes Sanderson look good.

Peepee doesn't matter, ur a grill.

I Don't remember having so much fun before reading Sanderson

HP Lovecraft: sheltered white boy gets scared by hillbillies and blacks.

What's wrong with Planet of Adventure?

>the latter had potential, but was hamfisted into becoming a trilogy

But he's always planned for it to be a longer series.

He thought the universe had actual opinions.

I'm reading a through The 1001/Arabian Nights right now and I'm wondering, is all the blatant anti-black sentiment in the original compilation, or is it the product of localization by 19th-century white dudes

>19th-century white dudes find blacks distasteful
>Medieval Arabians take blacks as slaves and castrate them
You tell me, user.

hey, I don't know arabian history. They don't teach that stuff in american schools

you are funny, i know you are likely not serious, but still

>Ecли нeгp бyдeт пoймaн, eгo yвeдyт
>Ha нeвoльничий pынoк Хoдeйды в цeпях

if a negro is caught, he will be drawn
to hodeidah's slave market, bound in chains

that's from a gumilev's poem about red sea in guess what, 20th fucking century

arabs were complete slavers for hundreds years

I honestly didn't know. I mean, I knew they had slavery but I wasn't sure if it was racial slavery or if they just grabbed whoever and put them to work


Does anybody have a link to that podcast where a woman explains the plot of Tyra Banks' Modeland to her husband?

The main thing I remember is that there's a albino that wants to eat a girl's liver.

Wait, what the christ?

>A baby gets born in a toilet full of vomit, from a model-thin girl who didn't even know she was pregnant. And really, she wasn't even in pain. It took two seconds for her to poop it out. What.

>There are brutal disturbing deaths involving torn off body parts.

>Half of the time Tyra is being incredibly dark and edgy with dirty language, and half of the time is completely immature and childish and colorful. She can't decide which audience she's writing to. It's a new genre! Clearly.

>And soooo much sexual-but-not-meant-to-be-sexual writing!!! "She then heard Bravo squirt some cream into his own mouth." I...see...

>"Chaste was also standing still. Slowly, the needle bore down on her head, it's tip piercing her skull and continuing all the way through her body to the ground. When the needle retracted, Chaste was...gone"

Is Malazan a history record or something?
Dry as shit

I know this may actually come as a surprise to the average white person but first of all, nobody really likes black people and second, the Arabs were the most prolific slavers AT LEAST since the fall of the Roman Empire if not in all of human history.

their slaves weren't only blacks, but they were mostly blacks


also generally when one nation exploits another or hates another some kind of racial or national prejudice appears inevitably

"Racial Slavery" is a term made up long after the fact to exactly encompass Negro slavery in North America and nothing else so I can save you the trouble and tell you that no, it wasn't "racial slavery". As to whether it was bad you're going to have to make up your own mind based on personal study because your education system didn't provide you with a good answer.

>Riiiip. A girl stepped on the train of a walker a few feet from Tookie and tore the fabric right off the dress. Both girls fell forward into a heap. The walkers behind them stepped over their bodies and continued.

>Crash. The De La Crème white and cream blow-up tent went down as two brawling girls entered it. Oof. A girl who looked as if she had never walked in heels before stumbled, breaking the tips of both stilettos. Two girls got into a fight at the end of their makeshift catwalk, rolling to the ground. "Kenya, use the Gyaku Zuki move!" her mother screamed. "Reverse-punch the hairy hag! But watch your hair, sweetie!"

>Tookie wheeled around. The hairy hag was Abigail Goode, sideburns in full glory, faint mustache above her upper lip, unshaven leg hair coating her calves, underarm hair swaying in the wind, and a DOWN WITH RAZORS! picket sign still in her hands. The girl she was fighting with tried out a karate move on her, but Abigail expertly evaded her blow.

>Tookie's jealousy meter skyrocketed. Even Abigail was competing? She looked around some more. Actually, not only were eligible girls walking, but lots of other people were too. An elderly man on a power scooter shot a gap- toothed smile to the crowd as he steered his vehicle with his hands on his hips. Two down- on-their-luck women dressed in trash-bag dresses and beat-up sweat suits walked while pushing everything they owned in shopping carts, heckling every girl who passed. "Honey, you wish you had it like I do."

has anyone read Shades of Grey by Jasper Fforde? Really fantastic desu

>mfw the ending ;_;

You're correct, they're both bad, but there aren't many good fantasy books, so if you want to have a chart with a decent number of books you've got to put some crap on there too.

I guess she's the new Pynchon

Here you go. It's certainly something.

And the thing is, she probably actually wrote this, because you figure if some ghost writer turned in a book like that, they'd probably get fired because they're supposed to write a self-aggrandizing puff piece not make the person look like they're batshit insane.

>I tried to play the Witcher 3 but felt lost, so i tried to play the Witcher 1, and felt even more lost,
My advice is to find a summary of what you need to know going into TW3, play it, and if you like it go back and play the other games.

No but I read the first three Thursday Next books - first one was brilliant, but it felt like he used all the ideas on it and the sequels gave me no will to carry on. Think I'll probably get SoG soon, though, I've seen people speak highly of it here before (unless that was all you, of course...)

who /worm/ here? I've never loved something i know is trash so much. I read all of it in like a week. anyone else still chasing that feeling of being completely absorbed in a story?

I found part one fascinating, with the concept of psychohistory and the gaal going to trantor
but part two seems pretty boring so far
is it worth continuing?

no it wasnt, i got the recommendation off reddit ;^)

but seriously, its really good

You will, soon. The first back is really terrible as a first book. And starting with the second the books will start to being really good and making sense.

If you have specific questions just ask.

The first book has its issues and the series greatly improves with the second one.

That said, wars play a major role throughout the series which means that the books sometimes feel like a record of history. But everything will be told through the eyes of different people.

I suggest sticking around with the first book and atleast reading the second.
Because that is the part where the series gets really good.

Good news, Laird Barron will finally be published by a big publisher instead of a small press!

Bad news, their regular neo-noir/hardboiled fiction instead of his interesting mix of hardboiled/Lovecraftian fiction.


Hopefully he finds success and goes on to re-publish his horror works, they definitely need a bigger audience.

Just started The Blue World by Vance. It's pretty fucking great so far. Also reading the first Cordrum by Moorcock. I'm finally getting back into pulp, especially sword and sorcery, after reading more Veeky Forumsish books for a long time. Feels good. I needed those feels after finishing Dark Souls 3.

Also my favorite pulp is probably the first Viriconium novel, The Pastel City, by M John Harrison. Shit is so cash, and the fact that each novel in the series riffs on the same motifs in increasingly abstract ways getting more and more literary is just icing on the cake.

nothing. i think the four books would make a kick-ass series of films - it's just OP can't stop giggling like a schoolgirl at the name "Wankh"

so why say it's vance's worst work

There's at least one Vance reader here who genuinely thought the Tschai novels were shit. Dunno his reasoning. I think they're great fun.

Been meaning to try him for a while, what's a good entry-level book?

I never wanted to fuck a dead chick more than the one in the Malazan books.... to feel that cunny of hers

His first collection, The Imago Sequence. Just read them in order of how they've been released.

Any good fantasy books with a woman as protagonist?
Preferably a young woman

Are your tiny arms aching after typing all that, trex-sama?

Anybody here tried reading the arabian nights?
I got through a couple of chapters but it seemed to only be about cuckolding.
Does it get better?
skulduggery pleasant...

Angel's Egg

Wish we had gone with the dinosaur squad thread

Yes it gets much better.
I also found part one the best, the second part really picks up when it comes to the Mule

Keep at, don't make the mistake I did and stop reading only to then go back and reread it months later and curse my laziness.

I'm proud to be called a dino if it means Peake and Wolfe desu.

literally this


i didn't. shit-head up there did. i like Vance's insectoid aliens. dem chitinous faces.

there's one in every thread. they shit on stuff because it's safer than trying to defend their own preferences, which they are always careful to conceal.

No no, he had read a lot of Vance, and he liked a lot too. Just not Tschai.

Fun fact: they changed "Wankh" to "Wannek" when Vance was told of the implications of the word.

I've watched Angel's egg.
But really want something with a young girl as MC


read alice in wonderland and through the looking glass already

He got around 10 recommendations. Report him on sight.

Who the fuck are you? Get out retard.

>one poster asks something
>therefore everyone who asks the same is that one guy

>one poster asks for the same thing over and over again for a month and it's somehow not one person

Any books like Spirited Away (the movie)?

Spirited away (the book)

Actually, it was the complete opposite.

>There are libruls who unironically say things like this
What a time to be alive.

What is the dino maymay about anyway?

norway is a crazy country

There is such a thing as conservative PC speech.

Indeed. It's reatraint from blasphemy and vile talk of one's own country.

Who's the Mr Toad looking motherfucker?

Lasd I asked this in the other thread, but I only got two replies (Necromancer and Yahtzee's books). Can you recommend me some good Sci-Fi/Fantasy comedy?

Read Bridge of Birds.

The one guy who has tried to uncuck Britannia. Nigel Farage.

i'm in the mood for some fantasy.
mistborn or path of kings? or something else entirely?

How can we know what you want? There's books in the OP.

i know, i had a look at it. both books sound interesting and i'm looking for personal opinions.

try this


Mistborn is bad.

Every sentence Sanderson has produced is bad, but that's clearly not a problem with his audience.
Depends, do you want braindead autistic world building, fun adventure pulp or literary fantasy?

There's a pretty large difference in quality between Mistborn and Stormlight Archive.

not him, but could you elaborate on what makes it bad?

I never read any Sanderson and I'm on the fence.

Mistborn is pretty YA tier. He worked a lot longer on Stormlight and it shows. If you want to read Sanderson read that.

I see. I thought the premise of Mistborn was very interesting though.

>what if "the dark lord" actually won? What if the heros of prophecy actually failed?

>what if the others failed
>Well a mary sue would just rise up lol lmao

There's a difference in quality between Black Veil Brides and Linkin Park too, but it doesn't make Linkin Park a quality band.
He has terrible prose and really shallow and annoying characterisation.
It's been said before, but the likes of Sanderson are comparable to Warhammer 40k because it makes for a fine Wikipedia read, but a crappy novel.
Again, what are you interested in reading? Pure autism world building? Adventure? Atmosphere? Literature? Fantasy has been around for almost a century and a half, it's a very diverse field.

>Again, what are you interested in reading?
>not him
>"not him"


original guy, i'd say mostly atmosphere and perhaps a bit adventure? just not run of the mill hero saves the day fantasy plot.

Land of Unreason.