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Literature #81
Waiting For Godot
Oh hey, it's user, right? From class
Just marathoned the first three chapters. When will it get good ?
Dude living was never for me, I literally feel sometimes that I am living purely out of spite for the universe...
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
Voted leave a few minutes ago
You can only choose one
Reading books with a glass of wine
What is Veeky Forums's iq?
Let's play the "I've never seen that posted in lit before but it's amazing" game
There is something infantile in the presumption that somebody else has a responsibility to give your life meaning and...
I was recently FORCED this pile of garbage. I'm an advanced reader and it was a relatively short...
You are dating a 10/10 girl who's attracted to your intelligence more than chad's muscles
What is the absolute worst book you've ever read?
Hi every1 im new!!!!!!! *holds up spork* my name is albert but u can call me t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m!!!!!!!! lol...
Post things that you like that aren't books, and c/lit/s post books that you would like based on that
Gonna dive into Murakami for the first time and see what the fuss is. Do you have a favorite...
Starting a novel is one thing, but continuing to write it is another...
27, no job, no home of my own, no hope, no future. Beginning to see nothing for me on the horizon
What's the point of literature?
ITT: Anarchism without adjectives
Is this the best version of the hadiths?
I havent read since high school but felt like doing it
How good is a literature degree if I plan to score pussy on college?
What are some books one should read to not become a nu-male?
ITT: Books that improved your life. I'll start
Has a book ever changed your political ideology?
My name is Clifford Le Sergeant
Whats up with goethe's faust part 2
English or philosophy
Unorthodox stage direction in Shakespeare's plays
ITT: Favorite Collection of Short Stories
Ask a girl out for the first time in 22 years of existence
Are Buddhist ethics and Buddhist liberation two things that can be approached isolated or are they necessarily...
Bookshelf thread
What the fuck does dialectical mean?
Hello Veeky Forums. What is the required reading in order to fully appreciate and understand Metamorphoses...
Tristram Shandy
Can Veeky Forums recommend me some books on WWI and WWII? I'm talking history here and just the basics genow...
Itt fuck up classic lines
Author and/or narrator isn't a staunch Nazi
Who is the most Veeky Forums publisher and why is it NYRB?
ITT we write a simple sentence and make it into something Lovecraft would write
I've signed up for a "Major British Writers" course for my next year at uni to see what it would be like; why not...
On Lolita
I fucking hate Plato
Do you believe in this particular country at this moment of time?
People on this board are unironically Marxists
Just finished Dune
Is this accurate?
The depiction of female sexuality near the end of this book made me nauseous. It was well written, but still...
It's my grandmother's 80th birthday on Sunday and we've bought her a kindle...
Thoughts? I'm sure there are a billion problems, but please tell me and I'll change it...
Most badass names in literature
What's your favourite Borgesian story/poem?
What book comes closest to being Vaporwave: The Novel
Tfw can't decide what to read
Rowling / Harry Potter General
Are there any works on sexual capital and how it works in the same was as traditional capital when it comes to power...
Setting time aside for reading
Against Technology
Someone told me that this was "so heartbreaking and infuriating and important"
How do I into politics?
By which
Who is yer favorite poet and why?
Is he worth reading, or is he just a lunatic?
Gorgias was right
Pardon me
Is Nietzsche a good read to help inspire you to do something great with your life?
Rewrite better? Also Critique thread
Best selling books of all time
Top 10 American Novels of the 20th Century
Anyone up for a Plato reading group?
Share your biggest literary fascination with Veeky Forums...
Lit I can't fucking stand it. I just look in the mirror and I get uglier and uglier the sadder I get...
I don't get this book
How do you guys stand being in English classes at university with picrelated types who don't give a shit and only want...
So I hate actually reading books. But I want to know the stories of Barsoom, Tarzan...
Hi Veeky Forums
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
"Tao Lin simply does not know how old he is already and how young he is still going to be.” - Harold Bloom
When did infinite jest become casual reading for the uninitiated?
ITT: Post your favorite book, philosopher, album, and movie
Can you understand philosphy without studying it at a college?
What's the difference between a strong female protagonist and a mary sue...
The Second Sex
Gimme a list of the most cynical, mean, pessimistic, hopeless writers you can think of...
A gender-neutral pronoun, the passive voice...
What happens if STEM god tier gets its way and the humanities are banned from college and the study thereof becomes a...
Wake up at 5am
Vocabulary thread
When will the next Infinite Jest come along in terms of big, complex, zeitgeist capturing...
Summer Reading Projects
Hi Veeky Forums, newfag here from /sp/. I'm studying medicine and I like to read about some new subjects...
How do I learn to love reading?
Reading is for fags
Great books with <200 pages
Books that fucked with your mind
Describe your love interest
Great women of Veeky Forums
Why in children tales good always win while in reality evil triumphs?
Looking for books about jazz. I got the obvious ones, History of Jazz by Ted Giola and the Autobiography of Miles...
How do I do the dialectic?
Who is the GG Allin of literautre?
Anyone else here just completely put off by translations and translated works?
Philosophy professor for next semester is a women
I got visited by the police for being a suspected school shooter yesterday, recommend me some books lolololololol
Latest book haul thread
Your age
Was Socrates a Sophist?
Millions of stories that are basically all the same with slight variations
How often do you think Nabokov had to stop while writing this to wank it?
Recommend me some true patrician literature. I'm sick of only reading entry-level shit like Vonnegut and Faulkner
How can Veeky Forums defend modern art and modern philosophy+literature with a straight face?
Music has Beethoven's 9th Symphony
Am I a bitch to
How do we fix art, Veeky Forums? And I mean all forms of art. Painting, sculpture, architecture, music, literature
Non cuck literature?
What are you drinking and reading tonight Veeky Forums?
I think I might be gay. What books should I read?
Which books should I read so I can be snobby in front of people that haven't read them
Write what's on your mind
Does anyone have any charts or recommended texts for getting into
How does it feel, knowing all the "feelings" and values your books talk about are nothing but hot, abstracted nonsense...
Is this a good short story
Hemingway net worth
Tell me user, why do you read?
Why are so many Italians anarchists?
What are some good books about mommy issues?
So I just read this and it's tedious as fuck...
Hemingway Faulkner and Steinbeck are my top 3. Am I a pleb?
What does Veeky Forums think about William Gibson?
Let's talk about our futures, Veeky Forums. I'm an English undergrad, trying to decide what to do after I graduate...
Are headed towards an Orwellian type dystopian future or a Huxley type?
Simply, up-to-date authors the most relevant to real life
How do you deal with the fact that you thought you were smart...
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
Who chained them in the cave in the first place
Veeky Forumsmu/ thread
I want to learn more about Psychiatry/Psychoanalysis
We have every reason to suppose that Nietzsche had a profound knowledge of the Hegelian movement...
The classic Penguin Books cover layout is the objective best general form of cover designs ever made...
Second-Hand Notes/Annotations
The reason why you are miserable is you've been emasculated
Did this election debunk democracy?
Friendly reminder that if you don't have significant writing experience before the age of 25 your potential will always...
Vineland animosity
ITT: Books that ruined your life
How does this make you feel?
Can you answer for the 20th century Veeky Forums? Why, with the exception of Ulysses...
Rejection thread!!
East Asian Literature
Is this the only way to get children to read in this era?
Wow. This was fantastic
Karl Schmidt vs Max Stirner
Is Schopenhauer underrated?
Why do people in this board tend to bash The German Ideology? That book is perfect and Memex Stirner got BTFO...
I just finished reading this, thoughts?
Post must read ya books
Show me your comfiest reading place
Goodreads Thread
My father was too soft on me and my mother an anxious mess...
I just read the first volume...
Tfw too poor to buy books
Is this our new god Veeky Forums?
Was he the smartest man in history?
At what point does a literary work collapse into "genre fiction"? how does one avoid such pitfalls?
What is your favorite work of poetry?
Thoughts on Touched with Fire by Kay Redfield Jamison ?
Katie thread. I wonder what's she's reading now
Rare finds
How do you personally say DFW? I say it duff-wub
Someone is selling me their copy of the Romance of Three Kingdoms...
So Veeky Forums, what's made you cry this week?
When you grow out of pseudo-intellectual 'highbrow' literature and go back to reading the beloved genre fiction of your...
What are motifs that crop up in your writing?
What is importanter, philosophy or literature?
What's the most Veeky Forums lifestyle:
Could Gene Wolfe's Book of The New Sun be filmed? who should be the director? who should play Severian?
It's the most horrible thing you ever seen brah
Last 5 books you read
Never read a book before
The dominant institutions of 20th century American literature, and culture in general...
Talking to girl from online dating
Cute girls doing cute things
Yale may cave on English poets course after students called it 'too white'
What are some anti America books?
It's currently 105ºF. What are some good books to read on a hot day?
Veeky Forums, you're the least stupid board on Veeky Forums...
Hey Veeky Forums let's have a practice lap on our writing skills...
It blows my mind that people still don't get this
Adventure novel thread
What's your opinion on him?
Nobody talks about Clive Barker but there are threads devoted to Stephen King unironically
Rate this awesome book
I know for a fact he'd be a frogposter today
Could video game has a literally merit?
Is this the most pretentious novel that has ever been written in the history of literature?
This is objective
Sunset found her squatting in the grass, groaning. Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler...
Who are some other good red-pill philosophers?
It was all a mistake from Socrates onwards
ITT: Books you don't have a high enough IQ to enjoy
People just hype this because Chinese sci-fi is a novelty, right?
Divine Comedy
What do you guys think of 'East of Eden'...
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
Which country has the most patrician culture?
Why are you still trying to be a novelist when filmmaking and video game development exist?
The protagonist is supposedly the one writing the book
Hi Veeky Forums, my boyfriend is a violent, ectoplasmic purificatory incarnation who doesn't have normal emotions...
From an aesthetic standpoint, what is the most beautiful language?
How do I read the bible
Why so many smart people dismiss philosophy?
Give me one good reason why astrology and zodiac signs study isn't the greatest way to live and successfully predict...
Is Cyberpunk a dead sub-genre?
Donna Tartt
Was it fair?
Then who do I listen to?
Recent Purchases Thread
Hey Veeky Forums, what are some books that changed your perspectives on life and contributed to your self development...
You're with a guy like picrelated
Mfw I am rationally winning an argument and my opponent starts virtue signalling
Recommend me some good literature for improving your writing
“As a mother of five, with another one on the way, my ironing board is always up.”
What does Veeky Forums think of his body of work?
Thoughts on Ken Wilber
Represent a Veeky Forums board with a major author
What does people here think of jonathan safran foer?
Do you think Kojima is well read?
What is so great about post-modern literature? it is not height of literature or anything like that
What is the greatest closing line in literature?
How's the writing career coming, Veeky Forums?
Share your writing
Taking out a seventeen-year-old to dinner in a couple of days (I'm nineteen, so it's not that weird...
Reading Yourself Stupid
Was he autistic?
What do you think of Socrates' acceptance of his death sentence?
How is it possible to be a great writer if you haven't really lived?
Any transgender-friendly books, Veeky Forums
Why isn't anything philosophical coming out of East Asia?
Was Stephen Dedalus a gay?
Someone explain to me the appeal to lovecraft, I dont get it. I've read call of cthuluhu, the thing on the doorstep...
Any good literary twitters to follow? writers, translators, publishers, whatever
What do you know of HyperReel and New Media ?
Things for plebs that Literature somehow helped you avoid or overcome
Best 20th Century Literature
You only have books written by white males user, what's up with that?
Veeky Forumsmu/ thread
Guys, I study film
Do you unironically think DFW was the best writer of the last forty some years? Because I do...
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
What the fuck was his problem?
ITT: Book Hauls
What went wrong?
Endnotes instead of footnotes
Gatsby translated
Pop Mathematics
Started reading seriously a year ago, can't seem to enjoy video games anymore...
Newfag here. Can someone explain why female authors are so disliked?
The fact that religion has failed to prevent violence or prevent itself from promoting violence itself for thousands of...
Found Stirner in 2013
Book has a character in it called Pepe
Required philosophical reading
“Why are so many Nazis still alive? What makes them almost immortal?” - Roberto Bolano, Nazi Literature in the Americas
Okay lit, I am looking for something great, not a romp. Not a work of logical explanation...
On a scale of 1 to 10 how talented is john green?
The Bible used to be the linchpin of Western morality, art and literature, but that's passing
Looking for some badass English names for a Knight
I can't be the only one that really dislikes Canadian lit
Write a university girl a love letter
Do any of you cultivate an aesthetic in your life? A conduct of some kind?
Start with the Greeks
Post your favorite excerpt from the book you're currently reading
Pode relatar, anão
Dadrock lyrics are referenced in the text
Hey Veeky Forums, what is a good, safe-ish major that I should choose as my second major besides English...
I notice an increase atheist attacks on Dostoevsky on this board. Now, I could be wrong...
Technical Jargon in GR
What is the most difficult book that you've read from start to finish?
What's the last literary passage you masturbated to?
What's the last interesting thing you learned from a book?
Do you study anything Veeky Forums related?
I keep seeing him in my Nightmares, Veeky Forums
Bored on my break at work
Started reading this the other day, Veeky Forums. Please tell me the rest of it is as good as the prologue
Mention 3 legitimate arguments why we should hate Ayn Rand
Does Veeky Forums smoke?
Books that make you laugh out loud
I feel like there wasn't a cohesive enough statement for alt lit so it couldn't really change or evolve and when your...
Songs that remind you of books
What are some books with /r9k/ tier protagonists and/or themes?
Has there ever been a bigger hack than this man?
Itt times you found a movie superior to the book, or just differences you enjoyed or hated
How the hell did Joseph Conrad manage to become one of the greatest English prose writers despite only having learned...
I was recently hearing to many languages, and, based on the sound alone, I made a list of my favorites:
Let's discuss this
How do you get motivated to read, lit? I have a problem...
Hi every1 im new!!!!!!! holds up eagle and snake my name is frederick but u can call me Z4r4ThU5TrA!!!!!!!! lol...
Depression and bleakness
What's your excuse for not reading this yet?
Book has more than 300 pages
I just saw this picture
Infinite Summer - Thread #3
Are there any books that at least somewhat describe schizophrenia?
Why don't I enjoy poetry? Why does it just seem like prose cut into pieces?
ITT come up with terrible opening lines for a novel. I'll start
Nabokov's Lectures
Writefags on Veeky Forums, what is the key to plot?
/BTG/ - Book Theft General
What is the edgiest book you ever read?
What's a good book for when you hate work, you hate being alive, you hate moving a single muscle...
Does Veeky Forums agree?
What was his problem?
"But work gives life meaning," global capitalism cooed in your ear
Does anyone else have a recurring fantasy/desire about being a part of a small circle of literati who develop a...
Is Dostoevsky good?
Are these the two most hated authors on Veeky Forums?
So I'm wanting to read Being and Nothingness. What do I need to read to understand it or can I dive right in...
If life has no purpose, why live?
Pick only one:
You goddamn posers; I can't believe I have to make this thread. The fuck you do for Bloomsday?
Been thinking about reading this but everyone keeps telling me it's a bunch of rambling nonsense that isn't worth my...
It's good so far. Thoughts?
How can a single male be so devoid of testosterone?
Creative Writing Pieces [Post Some Of Your Own]
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
Sup lit just reading some poe
What do you guys think of Charles Manson's ramblings? They say he's crazy, but he makes a lot of sense to me
What does Veeky Forums think of The School of Life?
So is this book any good?
Who's your favorite character in your favorite book?
How do I into Joseph de Maistre?
Meaning of life
Post /fedoracore/
Oh god go thru the comments
What do you think of this pic?
Do people really earn a lot from writing smut or is it all a meme?
Are there Hegel fanfics?
Could anyone here recommend some books that can help one overcome misanthropy?
Why do we never discuss based Quine?
What's a word for if someone, tired of having to go along with pretences...
Define postmodernism
Is there a release date yet?
Posr your stacks, Veeky Forums
Is useless to ask /a/ for things like this (there is no hope for those lost souls)...
Did he?
It wasn't scary
How could some authors write such masterpieces while being constantly drunk/high on drugs? Alcohol kills brain cells...
What is the most wonderful philosopher to follow? What will happy your shit up the best?
What are the best books on writing, Veeky Forums?
What made you cry this week, Veeky Forums?
Anyone else bothered by how much post-millennials and some millennials like to throw around pointless buzzword names...
What is your honest opinion of picrelated?
One of the key things evident from Death Stranding’s E3 2016 reveal trailer is “the idea of life and death being...
Veeky Forums, do you smoke?
Are there any other philosophers who are as literary entertaining and thought provoking as Schopenhaur?
Are there any novels that are completely devoid of plot?
"Come on dude!!! one more book and ur set!! Havent you heard the big news? Tiffany is a sapiosexual...
Book has feminist or 'progressive' themes running through it
Shadow had done three years in prison. He was big enough...
Is it unreasonable to drop a book because of a grammar mistake...
The translator included his own dedication
Why is every character in pic related a psychopath?
Is there any first-string male writer who hasn't been shat on by the establishment? DFW's a creepy beta...
Who Are Some Well-Known Writers Who Spent A Period Of Their Lives Living Alone Without A Job In Order To Focus On Their...
I honestly can't read fiction
So why do writers fuck off to third world countries to write? how does it help in any way?
They ate the kid, right?
I would honestly love to see Veeky Forums discuss the lyrics from the new Death Grips album...
Can you write better than this man?
Enjoying IJ so far. How long did it take you to finish?
Really tired of some people writing 500 hundred pages where 350 more or less are a black boring void
ITT: Try to write as much as you can of the first page of a book from memory...
I'm looking to learn German and am currently using Duolingo to get the basics of the language...
Creating Characters
Which books make you feel like going on an adventure yet transcend children's literature?
I think this is relevant enough
Was he an active nihilist or existentialist?
What are some books that will teach me how to write a novel?
I read books that are harder to read than Harry Potter because they make me feel like an intellectual
Is this... overrated?
What other Veeky Forums related websites do you read/browse? Do you subscribe to any magazines?
Can we get one of these going? Would appreciate some dumps
Satirizes Victorian hypocrisy
How do I get to know the real Judaism? What are some quality works on it?
How do I get to know the real Islam? What are some quality works on it?
Is quietism the endgame philosophy?
Don't be Boxxy'd around !
Tfw your one fifteen-minute period of oceanic feeling per decade is undermined by the knowledge that it will end as...
Are there any philosophers who argue that the thing to strive for is love/a loving nature and go into detail on their...
What are some novels where the protagonist's motivation is primarily sexual, e.g. Lolita?
The influence of ancient literature on everything ahead
Good books on Luddism/Deep Ecology/Simple Living/anti-Technology
Books to read whilst drunk?
Veeky Forums has shifted from a DFW board to a Pynchon board
Rewrite the sunset squatting scene in the style of your favorite author
Have you read the entire works of any authour(s)? Who?
ITT: Authors who would browse Veeky Forums if they were born in the 90s
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
How do you study literature
/wgg/ - William Gass General
What is your favorite work of erotic fiction Veeky Forums?
Post your tumblr and get recommendations based off of your aesthetic (this is sort of like the post a picture and get a...
What is the philosophical current that best describes the current century (2000-2016) and who is its leading...
Tell us your rashest literary opinions
I'm convinced no one on this board has actually read Atlas Shrugged
Discover a new author
So why does Veeky Forums shit on e-readers yet approve of Audio books. This makes no sense to me
If there wasn't aging and human beings had the ability to live forever there would be meaning in life
Whats the funniest story you've heard Veeky Forums and where did you hear it?
New Savannah poem regarding the events in Orlando
I'm socially awkward and depressed, Veeky Forums, how can I better communicate my feelings through language?
Dumbass Reviews
How difficult is this to read in Spanish?
Tfw you realize Based Schopenhauer was right
Next year i'm majoring English Literature in uni, what are some basic literate publications I should start with
Is there a rebuttal to moral relativism that doesn't involve religion?
I'm so tired of being sad
Has anyone here read ALL of Harry Potter? What would you rate it?
Lovecraft Thread
Wake up this morning
Is this Eco's best work and/or the best place to start with him?
Is listening to music while reading a meme?
Virginia Woolf and DH Lawrence
What's the most depressing novel you've ever read?
What's the difference between Continental and Analytical philosophy?
Why is reading so fucking boring?
What are some literary works that exalt the human body, particularly a physical ideal?
Faulkner hate thread
Do you think we could get her to read some real literature? maybe if we spameme'd her comment sections...
Itt: books Veeky Forums underrates
Marx's capital
Do you think that older textbooks were better written than modern textbooks...
Book(s) You Can't Finish
Bad Writing
I just checked out Madame Bovary and Les Miserables in French and English
Should you read a book if you are not retaining it?
Do you rate this man lit? How much?
My friend wrote this poem for the victims of the Orlando shooting and shared it on Facebook. What do you guys think?
Are there any good books written by a black person?
Is there any book that can help with severe depression?
Hemingway, Ernest. A writer of books for boys. Certainly better than Conrad. Has at least a voice of his own...
Daily reminder you don't have what it takes
Hypothetically speaking, how would you describe the perfect booktuber channel? Does that channel already exist?
What's the worst novel you've ever read?
What do you guys do once you finish a book you hated that you spent money on, do you throw it away?
This guy walks up to you at the book store and sees you reading your effeminate meme literature and berates you for not...
Author isn't white
Where do I start with Mr. Charles "Cormac" McCarthy? Is he even worth reading?
ITT: the marvels and wonders of self-published literature
Infinite Summer - Thread #2
What is the most dangerous philosopher to follow? What will fuck your shit up the worst?
I didn't really enjoy this. Are his other works better?
Hey Veeky Forums
Is it possible that shakespeare was indeed a black woman?
ITT: We try our best to piss off Veeky Forums
Why Byzantines didn't produce a single classic work of literature?
""""Holy"""" Bible
Hey Veeky Forums
What is Veeky Forums's opinion on The Cantos? How difficult is it, anyways...
Just read this and thought it was absolutely beautiful. Read it, Veeky Forums
What does Eastern philosophy have that Western philosophy doesn't?
The fuck did I just read?
So I constantly see comments about Frankenstein specifically with people calling the monster Frankenstein...
Is there such a thing as objective quality in books or is it all subjective...
Do any of you had parents who pressure you to be a writer?
Tell me about your reading habits, user?
Why is Gravity's Rainbow more celebrated than V.?
How come Veeky Forums never talks about this book? It's one of the best novels of the past centuries?
Can someone give me ways to steal from bookstores
Why does it seem as if most authors were assholes / unlikeable in person?
What are some reasons to learn Italian Instead of French?
Finding lookalikes
What's objectively wrong with the idea that the society must be guided by a select elite...
Hey Veeky Forums
Download here USD 53 $ worth of all Roosh V books including the newest 2016 June one
Penguin Clothbound Classics
How many physical books do you own right now?
Theatre/Play General
'The Library of Babel' - Jorge Luis Borges:
Autism and Snark
In "The World as Will and Representation", section 6...
So, how many of you have actually read "the ego and his own"
So, does Veeky Forums actually buy books, or do you only get them from the library?
I just finished reading Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas. Where do I go from here in regards to Hunter S. Thompson?
Cato the Elder
Just look how fuck able Sylvia Plath was
Is it fair to say there are no books quite like this baby?
How do I find true happiness Veeky Forums?
Summer Reading
10 pages in and its the best prose I've ever read
What are the best books published within the last six years?
Is this accurate?
Veeky Forums Recomendation Charts
Poems you like
Well Veeky Forums is 12 Years a Slave a classic?
The Waves
What are you reading?
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
Has a book ever given you a boner
What books should I read if I want to become a psychopath and live life on ez mode?
Moby Dick
Read a Book in 10 minutes
Who is your favorite Pynchon character?
Spanish Books
Goethe and Faust
What does the literary community think of today's tragedy?
Have you read any good books about relationships?
Why is DFW a hack according to a lot of people including certain meme academics...
Describe the smell of your seat using a book title
Describe your dream man
How has Veeky Forums helped you?
The youngest brother in my family refuses to read books even at the threat of getting disinherited...
What are you writing Veeky Forums?
Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
Tell me, why is he wrong again?
Who here studies or studied philosophy at the graduate level? How was it and what do you do now...
Are there any great novels about celebrity life?
Can someone help me out a little?
Literary tattoos
Who are the most immoral/evil/depraved/corrupt/ungodly writers, in terms of their writing and the lives that they led...
Describe your dream grill
Which philosopher has had the greatest influence on Veeky Forums, or on you personally?
Post an image and get a book recommendation based on it
Do you read any non-fiction at all?
I need to write a 700 word essay about the Holocaust, please help me
Good Self Help Books
Yevgeny Vamyatin's We
Is being on the internet all day denying the will?
Who's Veeky Forums's favorite psychologist?
Is anyone else seeing this huge Scientism strain running throughout public discourse...
At what point did she cross the line from "untalented, but honest and earnest writer" to "complete fucking hack"?
If I told you I read Tolstoy's entire bibliography how would you react?
$1000 via PayPay to the poster who satisfactorily answers all these questions
Does Veeky Forums know any good Chinese Veeky Forums?
Hey Veeky Forums, any books similar to pic related? I really liked the religious theme surrounding the story...
What is the most expensive book you have on your shelf?
What if we actually are living in a computer simulation...
I don't like either of the current poetry recommendation charts and want to make a new one based on...
I have never gotten into reading as much as I would like to. Saw this image awhile back and saved it...
So was Meursault always an absurdist?
Goddamn it, Veeky Forums
Was Mr. Dubois wrong about literally anything?
What do you guys think of Alan Moore? I really enjoyed his Crossed series
Did you get assigned quality literature while you were in high school?
He says 'scientism' unironically
Ohhhh haha now I get why thomas pynchon is so wacky
Would you help me get into poetry please...
And Holden really wanted to be The Catcher in the Rye
Should I read The Odyssey before Ulysses?
Is negative hedonism the end-game of ethics?
Are graphic novels literature?
Any books to help me get laid?
Why is modern Japanese literature so fun?
How perfect is the English in pic related? Also, spot grammatical error if any
Does Veeky Forums like ASOIAF or is it too mainstream for you elitists?
What does Veeky Forums think of Harry Potter?
Why was the boy found dead in the toilet by the squatters?
Who else here have confidence issues b/c of a YA book series?
Are penguin classics any good?
In a decadent society, does non-participation become a virtue?
Rewrite a passage from your favorite author as if Donald Trump were saying it
Is there any worse language that English is?
You ever feel like the world is actually a very rich and interesting place with tons of fascinating things to think and...
Do you have to be an avid reader to be a good writer?
What is the Evangelion of literature?
How do people fill bookshelves like this. it's the entire canon on the wall i doubt anyones read that many books
Best short story author of all time?
Any other books about literal cuckoldry?
With the rise of E-Books, why are novels still printed today?
Are programmers the new artists?
Is there a way to buy like 1500 books at an auction similar to wine auctions...
What's your stance on writing in the margins of books you own?
How does one overcome nihilism?
Hey Veeky Forums what are some mythological stories where the hero is judged on virtue alone and not strength/...
What is your favorite book written in diary format?
What's the most epic novel you've ever read? That one you goosebumps just by remembering it
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
I'm an 18 year old male eager to get into reading...
Nihilism: nothing has a purpose, so why bother working hard
Authorship and Alcoholism always go together. Why is that?
What have you read this year?
Who are your top five living authors?
I feel bad for Brock turner. He’ll have to spend his entire life hated, in the shadow of what he did...
Greatest American writer?
What are some good erotic literary novels?
If you arent
And he's all right now, in fact, he's a gas
Why does Veeky Forums hate Stephen King? Or at the very least not think highly of him?
ITT: new unpopular opinions thread that you wholeheartedly hold regarding literature
I've finally decided to tackle this thing over the next few months
I want to talk about Star Wars novels
Christian Mysticism Reccomendations
Oh I heard about this Chomsky guy on Veeky Forums
If you could live in a house with a all the books you ever wanted and enough food and water supply for a lifetime but...
I actually never read Ann Frank's novella. Also why did she write it almost like a play in narration?
What is the most though provoking or mind fucking book you have ever read /it/ that just blew your mind away?
Well Veeky Forums, it finally arrived. After reading about half of it I'm pretty sure it's Ruggles...
What is the oldest story involving a gay romance ever told?
Even though I spend most of my time reading and contemplating metaphysical philosophy...
Most important poet who ever lived
Where to start with him?
Tfw in AP bitches just bitch about feminism and queer oppression
Are there any books with the same themes as Gurren Lagann?
H-hey user, um, have y-you noticed that most o-of your books are b-by men? A-And are a-about men...
I know it probably gets asked a lot, and you're probably tired of hearing it by now, but PLEASE...
Who knows Latin? What do you think about it? Do you think it's a waste of time? Give me your thought on it...
What is some good gay literature?
Is there hope for poetry as we move farther into the modern age?
No matter how well-read you are, it won't improve your chances of finding intimacy and love
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
The Bell Jar and the poems of Sylvia Plath
Good recs for more lesbian oriented literature?
Post an image and get a book recommendation based on it
ITT: Name a hidden spook no one is aware of
Has anyone here had luck with self publishing erotic ebooks?
Thoughts on this? The first 50 pages are surely astounding
What's a book that's actually fun to read?
Why is this not considered Pynchon's best novel? It's easily his most accessible, humorous, and interesting work
Are you currently writing anything, Veeky Forums?
I'm in the verge of wasting $100 on philosophy books. Should I do it?
Recent Purchases Thread
Book Lists
Catcher in the rye
How and why do you continue living if you realize nothing matters, Veeky Forums? What is your answer to nihilism?
Writings on books
In the literary machine that Proust’s “In Search of Lost Time” constitutes...
I know this isn't /pol/ but which political spectrum would/lit/ fall under...
Has anyone refuted Nietzsche?
On the Jews
Would you read a book about
Have you ever read more of a meme book?
Lit, I feel like I've had my humanity taken from me by the American school systems. I used to be a happy person...
What are some books that could get a 15 year old into heavy literature...
How many Veeky Forums friends do you have irl?
Reminder that Hermione Granger in the original series was depicted as white...
Language learning general
Most beautiful sentences in the English language
Can literature be appropriative?
I can't think of a word, Veeky Forums. What's a title to give to like...
God I fucking hate myself for falling for this meme ass series...
What is the draw of vonnegut? I have had slaughter house five on my shelf for years, and I never got very far
Minority/women authors that are /lit approved or most /lit approved...
English/Creative writing major
How much money can someone realistically make with writing?
Is it any good? Seems like an interesting plot, but do I need to start with earlier pynchon...
Been interested in the Spanish Civil War thanks to Hearts of Iron 4. What are some good books about the war...
State your case
Poetry/Critique thread
What's the average age of the Veeky Forums reader?
What does Veeky Forums think of pic related?
Have you noticed how it is perfectly normal to have good female musicians, sometimes even better than male ones...
Let's do a faces of Veeky Forums thread. However...
What's a book that will bring some warmth to the jaded and cynical eyes...
What's your favorite emotion Veeky Forums?
What comes to your mind when you see this image?
I want to act like a machine. What should i read?
What does Veeky Forums think of this book?
What are the best books that show how awful niggers are?
Where do I start with him?
So, Veeky Forums...
"Also, I would like to see equal attention given to the sexism in popular work by men...
Board specific words
Just watched the movie and it was amazing. Is the book as good? Thoughts on people who watched both...
Why is it that people don't read anymore?
Who are some philosophers whose ethical philosophy is chaotic, relies on intuition...
Do you think marxism can be defeated?
Who else here spend more time thinking about books and about having to read than reading? I do, and i hate it...
What do you think about bolaño's books?
Why is it that a lot of people thinks if something is made under the influence of LSD and other shit its the most deep...
I need to become a pseud and fast! what are some compulsory books every pseud should read?
Post books that SJW, women and beta cucks will not read or understand
I hate Islam
What is some trap core literature?
Wake up
We wuz kangz VS legitimate history
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Okay, Veeky Forums, just finished pic related
What if I told you about the dragontails, what would you expect from such a tale?
I was thinking of picking up these bad boys
How it is even possible to reconcile reading while working full time job?
Help me Veeky Forums. I can hardly read anymore. I can barely focus on anything...
Original Memequads OP here
Mfw this was even easier than Dubliners
Is it really better than the movie?
How do I analyze books?
Sup Veeky Forums
Who's your favorite Shakespearean villain and why?
Literary theories in academia
Hot and Cool Mediums
ITT: post your favourite British poet
Has an autismo ever produced great literature? What about decent? Serious question
Can someone walk me through Nietzsche's catalog of work and give a brief explanation of what each one has in it so I...
What do you "have to say"?
Author is ugly
Great world builder, terrible writer
Well well well gass poster. I finally found a copy of your fucking book...
Let me just lay things out for you in just as broad a way as I can, then try to narrow it down...
I bet you pretentious faggots can't agree on a definition of 'Post-modernism'
Does anyone else here think Lovecraft genuinely transcended the "good / bad" dichotomy?
I don't get this board, but I've only been here for a few minutes total...
Two quick questions: is it absolutely necessary to read The Iliad before reading The Odyssey...
Any depressed/anxious anons read depressed/anxious lit?
Any french Veeky Forums fellows here? I came here a while ago for reccomendation on french litterature...
Chaos magic, also spelled chaos magick...
About to read pic related. What should I expect?
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
Actually decide to read the Ego and its Own
What's your summer reading list looking like?
Memes can be best understood in analogy with unicelluar life. In my perception...
This is basically Pynchon as an action movie
So I should probably read The Phenomenology of the Spirit before I read this, huh?
What is the most disturbing, fucked up book you've ever read? I don't mean like, disturbingly bad...
Her cunt became the world
Ask a Norwegian guy who is going to spend a whole year by himself in a cabin writing a novel anything
Is it modern? Is it postmodern? Is it literature?
This is actually shit and has no deeper meaning except surface entertainment
Has anyone on Veeky Forums read the whole of In Search of Lost Time? Is it as good as they say? How difficult is it?
Does it deserve to be part of the meme trilogy?
Hello Veeky Forums
Understanding Women
Write what's on your mind
What was Aragorn's tax policy?
Literary Confession Thread
Proofs of God
Daily bookshelves thread
Sup fags
Anyone else realizing they won't make it as a writer?
It's real
So, I have been immersing myself in meaninglessness. I read the stranger by albert camus...
He dies
What are some philosophical books that BTFO marxism/socialism?
Matching sets
Fuck meme trilogies. Design a course syllabus and reading list of 5-6 texts...
Surgeon here
How does it compare with Mason & Dixon and Gravity's Rainbow?
Decide to engage literary giant, James Joyce
"Dickens? He's so overrated."
Why didn't you like the Catcher in the Rye? The consensus on Veeky Forums (it appears) is that its shit
Guilty pleasures thread
Writers of Veeky Forums...
I'm looking for recommendations of literary magazines with good short stories...
Think we'll all still be speaking English in 500 years?
Some men just want to watch the world burn
Who is the Jeff Mangum of literature?
The Kingkiller Chronicles
About to read this for the first time
Books with devastating endings
What is this meme trilogy everyone mentions?
The Recognitions by William Gaddis
Veeky Forums tiny chat
Books like this ?
He uses the Oxford comma in a sequence longer than three
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games