Why in children tales good always win while in reality evil triumphs?

Why in children tales good always win while in reality evil triumphs?

Is it immoral to give children false impression just from the beginning? Children should be exposed to truth, not blatant lies.

Why do you masturbate to drawings?

I kill all my children the day after their ninth birthday so they won't have to experience how horrible the world really is.

>Why in children tales good always win while in reality evil triumphs?

Because it might confuse audiences that the evil in the first place is good, you have to have a play between the two or they might fail to recognize what is and is not evil; and why it's necessary to stand up for what you believe. Evil thrives when good men do nothing, and good men don't come from nothing.

Because they're sexy, duh.


To try and teach them not to be afraid to do the right thing (for a given standard of the "right thing" - see "Tomorrow's Pioneers")

If a story does not do this then it's probably not suitable for young children, as it will demoralize them and make them less effective as adults at fighting that which your community perceives as "Evil", because they will be demoralized by the long-held suspicion that Evil always wins out.

>Has never read Grimm
>Has never exposed himself to the entire oral folk history of any culture on Earth
>Limits knowledge to 20th Century disney
I think I've found the problem.

Grimm's stories are best for the environment they existed in; a world of danger and mystery where wandering into the woods one night really might mean you never wandered out again.

Nowadays as our world has become more gentle, and we've begun to doubt the current utility of preemptively traumatizing our children to gird them against the horrors of the world, Grimm's tales have become less relevant as parables for young children, and more as objects of immaterial folk history, no less important and beloved, but fundamentally changed in role.

Period children's stories are a fundamental part of understanding what lessons it was important to learn growing up in an era.

What kind of things would we consider wholesome for children today Veeky Forums?

Do we need more children's books about clever talking animals avoiding online fraud?

>What kind of things would we consider wholesome for children today Veeky Forums?

Moronic cartoons and obnoxious youtube personalities.

>What kind of things would we consider wholesome for children today Veeky Forums?
LGBT issues
Oppression by straight white CIS males
>Do we need more children's books about clever talking animals avoiding online fraud?
No. We need books about a penguin who becomes a pig and all the other animals accept xhim as a pig.

>No. We need books about a penguin who becomes a pig and all the other animals accept xhim as a pig.
You're thinking of something like the Ugly Duckling

>in reality, evil triumphs
>citation needed

Uses of Enchantment

Read it


You don't want to traumatize kids early in their life. That comes later.

we need to go beyond good and evil

It'd be quite short sighted and foolish to claim that evil triumphs over good. What hope does evil have anyway?

don't worry, Boob Gap, i like you.

"Good"? "Evil"? What the fuck are you talking about? In children's books, the young protagonists usually "triumph," but that's not the same thing. Besides, claiming "evil always triumphs" in reality is utter bullshit by almost any measure or definition of "evil" you care to try.

Because people have this notion that the world is, ultimately, fair, despite how absurd this belief is. The so-called just world fallacy.

Naturally, this belief plagues storytelling.


>believing in the utter cynicism that everything is bad
>Being deluded into thinking everything is good.
>Not understanding that children's books and stories are meant to be fun and or sell, and they have happy endings because not everyone is jaded like OP and some of the rest of you.

good and evil only exist to put you in favor of someone elses side.

In reality there is only perspective and the animal insincts we act upon.

Most children tales are individual journeys, which often follows the Hero's Journey. Certainly not all tales, but my favorites as a kid were always the ones where the identification of right and wrong, but hardly of good and evil. In fact, often times it's the main character that is the initial cause of the wrong-doing and must amend the travesty.

I don't think I started to run into tales of Good versus Evil until I started seeing bad movies which flip flopped between the Super/Everyman that saves the world.

>20 bucks