So why do writers fuck off to third world countries to write? how does it help in any way?

so why do writers fuck off to third world countries to write? how does it help in any way?

being in the ever present danger of getting malaria/aids gets you on edge in a constant way that cocaine alone could never facilitate

Fuck the third world

>so why do writers fuck off to third world countries to write?
do you have anyone in particular in mind?

this. The third world is for faggot losers.

White civilization is a testament to how inferior the third world is. They shouldn't even be alive

Also because it's way cheaper if they already start with some money.

the white man cometh

i would like to add that i thought i was on /tv/ so that's why i was thinking of writers doing coke

It helps with rent.

Also post some examples.

There's only a few examples of this really, I imagine, as far as prominent writers go, really you can only count places as 3rd world nowadays.

If you went to india in 1800s it was beautiful in many places, while poor of course, but was run by the british, a vacation spot to many rich British in the winter.

Russia which could also be considered "poor" or "underdeveloped" was still beautiful in its major cities and had massive churches adorned, still safe and full of culture.

You can only apply 3rd world to modern day terms, like later 20th century and onwards.

Even if countries were poor they had culture and not just disgusting ugly buildings like nowadays to try and catch up to everyone else.

I think this is a bad generalization op.

Most writers/artists are degenerates and social outcasts.
They go to the 3rd world to prey upon the locals by sexually taking advantage of the poor.

It's called living right under the nose of the enemy.

Possibly to get away from people whom they know (to be in peace and not be distracted).

Second, the currency exchange rate. Fuck, you take $5,000 - $10,000 to some piece of shit place where they barelly have clean drinking water and you're living like a king for two years: EASY (no financial worries - can focus on the writting).

Finally, to be edgy faggots. I'm an artist so I must take a trip abraod to create my art. Faggotry to the max if you ask me.

I'm a 12 year old Indian. What's this? 0 examples

Yeah I think this is the correct answer - the cultural value and openness is what drew writers to places like Tangiers for decades.

Why does everyone itt simply accept op's claim that writers go to third world countries at all? It's fucking bullshit.

why not third world and coke at the same time. no?

Are there many third world countries where prison sounds like a tolerable time?


>valid point

Writers tend to be middle-class with a little nest egg from their parents. In a first world country that money goes super quickly, in a third world country it will last a lot longer. I moved to Romania when I was 20 for just under a year and saved a lot of money, if I'd have stayed in the UK, the money I lived on in Romania would've gone in two months unless I was very careful. Obviously the country is nowhere near third world, but compared to the UK it's more than a little deprived

Also, life in the less developed world has far less distractions, your friends can't afford to go out every weekend, you spend more time doing cheap activities that let you think, like taking walks or hanging around with friends families. Life isn't as comfortable as in Western Europe, but as a Westerner it's comfortable enough to be able to concentrate on your work.

i think my post strongly implied both, that's why i wrote "cocaine alone"

there's lots of cocaine in africa, down there they smoke it apparently
like nicholas cage in lord of war

Hemmingway went to Cuba

Fitzgerald went to Paris

Hunter S Thompson would go on cruises

so maybe not 3rd world but they still went abroad

If you have money and can afford to go wherever you want you're just going to. Travel only seems like a big deal to proles and middle class wage slaves. Anyone with even a moderate amount of wealth will casually talk about flying to this place or sailing to that one.

>Tfw not sure if this is bait or if summerfaggery is hitting real in anno domini 2016

>there's lots of cocaine in africa, down there they smoke it apparently
>like nicholas cage in lord of war

You sound like a wise man who has clearly seen the world. I am looking forward to your enlightened novels

where in Romania did you go to, user? Looking for recommendations.

Benjamin Parzybok is a contemporary dood who does this and swears by it. He only starts writing stories when he's off in some superpoor country.

He says that seeking out alienation from his own culture allows him to see home with better clarity.

I'm not a big fan of his, but I tend to think he describes a legit phenomenon. That said, it doesn't necessarily have to be a poor (3rd world?) country; it just has to be hugely different from home. Expatriate's perspective, man.

>living in the illusive veil of commofdity.

Qualitative leap would be my guest.

Burroughs and Ginsberg did it so they could shoot dope kill people and fuck children. Hemmingway did it because he was an edgelord.

south american here.

because first worlders have it easy, there's nothing interesting about them.

thirld worlders still have to struggle to live, it makes for much more interesting cases of human condition and drama.

there's nothing interesting about a rich kid who's main concern is to get a new car for prom.

I don't care about human condition and drama. If you can't write a good sentence then I'm not reading what you write.

so you would not listen to some elder talking about his memories?

there's a certain beauty among the less intelectually gifted people.

struggle does not imply personal gain. If you truly are south american you should know that by now...

top lol friend

>he thinks there isn't an underclass within first world countries that not only starve and live in utter poverty but also have to deal with the humiliation of everything and everyone around them living in absolute hedonistic decadence while they suffer in silence, constantly being told it is so easy to win, constantly being fed medication, constantly being taunted, constantly being kicked in the teeth

you were memed

we're talking about literature though.
All great literature are about human struggles.

What struggles does a billionaire son has?
What interesting life could he offer as to make an interesting piece of literature?

A little nigglet growing up in some war torn country seeing his family murder and their sisters raped would provide for a more fertile ground for great literature than some rich kid struggling to make his parent buy him a lambourgini.

>le white countries are poor maymay
fuck off.

The poorests white people in white countries still make 3-4 times more than my family.

I'm sure your mother makes more than 7k a year faggot.

For a white person being poor is to not have hot water and buying a new BMW every week in winter.

fuck off.

>The poorest white people in white countries still make 3-4 times more than my family.
Citation needed
You don't read about the poorest white people in the news... as if skin color has anything to do with it anyway, you retarded cunt.

>I'm sure your mother makes more than 7k a year faggot.
Are you? How are you sure?

>For a white person being poor is to not have hot water and buying a new BMW every week in winter.
Lol, nice trolling. Made me reply.

>fuck off.
Oppression Olympics 2016

You have no idea what you're talking about. And this isn't the Oppression Olympics, so you can fuck right off.

dude, my family makes 400USD per month.

make the math.

Do you want to talk about it? Tell me more.

minimal wage here in cokeland is 250USD per month.

there are african countries where people make less than 1k per year.

there was these uganda youtube guys making dumb action films with 200USD and they made a kickstarter with 10k to provide with good cameras and afford food for their village.

white people are so sheltered they think anyone in a first world nation is poor because they don't have 2 BMW and 1 million dollar suburban house studying in a private school, going to MIT.

It's hilarious when they talk about not being privileged (I mean, all people in first world nations).

So what, you fucking moron?
That's more than some people in first world countries.

Keep crying about how oppressed you are, though. You're more oppressed than everyone else, right?

Fuck yourself. There are people on this planet who haven't eaten for months. You live in luxury compared to them. The hypocrisy is outstanding.

Is that it?

No retard, I'm not talking I don't live a comfy live, I'm talking why some writers go from comfy countries to see poor people struggling in poorer nations.

I don't give a fuck if you're more opressed than me.

>retard, I'm not talking I don't live a comfy live, I'm talking why some writers go from comfy countries

>you will never be Rimbaud and quit writing to move to Africa and be a gun runner
>you will never be Burroughs and move to Tangiers to fuck sweet boipussy


Romanian here. Just pick Transylvania, anything else is details. Cluj-Napoca and Sibiu are both cultural cities. Maybe there are others worth settling in, but I haven't visited so I can't say. In any case, the museum / event / salon scene in Cluj-Napoca is pretty good. Probably in Sibiu as well, but I can't say for sure. Those are rather big cities though, if you're just interested in relaxing somewhere quite you should pick a smaller town or a village, maybe one close to a city.

so the stereotype that american dont go abroad is true?

I'm American and my mom was born and raised in the Philippines. The jungle, not the city. It's different there, and more conducive to your "human-ness" for lack of a better word.

You wake up very early. Local animals make sure of that. If you want to eat meat, you either kill it in your backyard or walk to the market. If you want warm water you heat it up over the fire. Everything you want has a process, there's no pushbutton convenience. It's good for the mind, it's almost meditative. Also makes you appreciative etc. Relationships matter. You don't have friends for your amusement, people rely on each other to get by and everyone has a story. The atmosphere is just more kind and conducive to creativity. And they aren't petty. They're idea of a struggle is a bit more than muh social-identity.

And then you can do shit like watch cockfights and fish for eels and hang out with caribou and things that demand involvement from you.

Of course not having internet or phone service is a plus for a distraction-free environment. And the sunrise/sunsets are actually worth watching. And there's actual stars in the sky in the 3rd world. Things that feel nurturing and provide you with something to say.

How would someone go about becoming a gun runner?

>move to third world country
>be smart
>be likeable
>be lucky
>meet the right set of people
>impress them somehow
>use your already existing status as a writer/poet as leverage
>make sure everyone back home knows you're a super cool gun runner now
congrats, you're now a legend

Romanticized horseshit, t b h. For all the social ills of modern civilization, the conveniences of it should be appreciated. Having to do everything manually doesn't magically make it more meaningful, just more time consuming and tiring to the point where you actually don't think as much about how much time you're wasting on every little thing.