A gender-neutral pronoun, the passive voice...

>A gender-neutral pronoun, the passive voice, and the Oxford comma walked into a non-academic bar and absolutely no one cared

I don't get it

I love this.


99% of Veeky Forums doesn't get this joke

this is what i'm up against here

i get it

I chuckled.

>this joke walked anywhere but Veeky Forums and no one cared

I exhaled out of my nose slightly harder than usual

this sentence doesn't use a gender neutral pronoun.

i thought the point was to be ironic

>disagreeing with the oxford comma

this joke walked into Veeky Forums and i idgaf'd

"one" is a gender neutral pronoun

its a bad joke and it will never be a meme

I got it but I didn't think it was funny or worth a reply. It's bit of a shitpost, yeah?

This was the only thing I understood.

>implying it is important anywhere but in academia

Who gives a fuck about an Oxford comma

>caring about grammar
bix nood mofugga

this is really dumb and i like it

It's just as important as correctly using there/their/they're

But there is no passive voice in this sentence...right? And the gender-neutral pronoun I'd supposed to be 'no one'?

it doesnt use the passive voice either you noob. it's just a dumb joke probably intended for the same folks who think grammar sticklers are actual white supremacists.


This is pretty good.

you seem like an outstandingly bright individual, fair lad

have you contemplated establishing a tripcode?

For what purpose?


I've seen those English dramas too.

Always makes me think of a cute blonde I made out with in old Boltzmanns office (I Viennese). We got drunk, she took me home and as soon we entered her bad, I had to excuse myself and then went to the toilet, vomited and fell asleep

Well, ain't that fine and dandy?

There is literally nothing wrong with using "they" as a gender neutral pronoun.

That's what they all say and now look at them.

Also how stupid is OP for not knowing what the passive voice is? It is thought OP I'd very stupid.

where can i find an academic bar?

Any bar can be an academic bar if you know what to look for.

I prefer 'it'.