Against Technology

Recommend some forceful and brilliant ANTI-TECHNOLOGY writers.

They can also be pro-nature and pro-tradition in general.

The more radical, the better.

Other urls found in this thread:

John Zerzan

Unabomber Manifesto (seriously)

When ya get cancer don't come crying to get chemo for being among the weak according to your own (probable) logic.

I wish there was an antonym for luddite.

People who blindly love technology, see it as the solution to all our woes, etc.

Most alleged luddites (by which I mean, people who are smeared as such) are, in my experience, people who are quite happy to concede that technology has brought us many benefits; but not without its fair share of problems too.

One can be skeptical of technology and use technology, you dingus. Heidegger for example certainly wasn't against technology per se.

>I wish there was an antonym for luddite.
For me, that's certainly the transhumanist crowd who cheer whackjobs like Michio Kaku.

DH Lawrence



>Michio Kaku


Enlighten me.

Pentti Linkola

luddites are worse than neo-nazis

Cancer is a metabolic disease though

Walden, Tarkovsky's favorite.

There are far more utopian technocrats than sincere luddites.

me desu


Robert E. Howard

A scientist who has a lot of respect for developing string field theory and other bits around sting and m-theory. But then waxes lyrical on how his childhood fantasies about Flash Gordon and Star Trek might actually become real!!!!11

He says some interesting things but the bullshit is too much for some, especially since he attracts a lot of tinfoil hat wearers and flying car bullshitters. He tried to do the Chomsky "I will e - mail everyone back" about 10 or 15 years ago and that didn't work out so good.

I find him adorable verging on insufferable. Veeky Forums hates him for they hate themselves.

Lady Chatterley's Lover

There's a few anti industrialisation rants.

It doesn't surprise me, really.

I've always found something somewhat infantile/naive about the Japanese psyche.

Unabomber Manifesto
The Collected Communiques of Individualists Tending Toward the Wild
Fredy Perlman - Against His-Story, Against Leviathan!

Zerzan is OK I guess. Supplement him with actual studies on pre-agricultural societies (Limited Wants, Unlimited Means is a good overview and intro).
