Then who do I listen to?

Then who do I listen to?

Other urls found in this thread:

your inner voice

Nobody and just worry about getting your ass out of bed in the morning.


Wittgenstein and Hegel.


Listen to yourself OP

Your parents.

What's God's opinion about pepe memes?

Lol at still posting the version that includes Putin and Trump


Have you ever seen God and Pepe in the same room?

I hate leftists, but the type of person worse than leftists are those idiots who are all "HEY GUISE DOES ANYONE THINK BOTH SIDES ARE BAD hyuck"

Verily, for they are one and the same.

I think that image deals more with the issue of putting someone on a pedestal and labeling them a voice of authority on a certain subject when they don't actually deserve the platform or label.

Only thing this pic is missing is Weird Twitter

Harold Bloom definitely fuckin deserves it

I post on mu a lot and i dont take fantano seriously at all, i understand its just his opinion, but a lot of people get fucking mad as fuck, especially underage fuckboys who worship kanye west because the mean man with melon head gave him a bad score.
The people who hate him put more value into him because they get buttmad at him scoring someone they like badly

>brother Nathaniel

literally just some old jew who converted to orthodox Catholicism and talks shit about jews

I think he's just a blep that doesnt' actually know anything about music (IE no formal education or training). And of course the things he likes aren't any better than Kanye

also h3h3 for not being any kind of intellectual
the rest are pretty much all confirmed shit though, except for maybe a half point for chomsky

Will Self is alright too

Hello, Spaft!

I'll give a half point since I haven't read any of his novels

You should listen to experts on a given topic, OP. Granted, there are a few experts in the OP pic, but most of them frequently talk about things outside of their field of expertise

>he entertained the thought of lits no true scotsman


People with knowledge about a certain topic deserve a platform to speak on that topic.

Then they should look for a way to get that platform.

Actually, we should give it to them.

No, they should try to get it themselves, like the people in OP's image.

Bad idea. If that's how we're gonna do things, then the people in OP's image are the ones that people are going to listen to.

Not if the people with ''actual knowledge'' start working a little harder to be heard.

Maybe they would if we gave them an incentive to.

If they need an incentive then they can go fuck off.

Where is Adam Carolla

Actual smart people

That type of thinking just encourages anti-intellectualism

I don't believe that was the intention, it's just that most of these are pseudo-intellectual fucks who would not have had a voice if we weren't all retarded.

Great, go change something about it.

Anti-intellectualism is great

I am trying to, by encouraging you to as well.

It's not working

Then I'll keep trying.

>in the same image with all these retards

The Greeks

Tbh if we were removing Pseuds from the list Chomsky wouldn't make the top 20 cut

Pretty much all of Chomsky's 'contributions' to linguistics have now been superseded.

All that remain are his stupid contributions to those fields he knows nothing about; politics, etc.

He's only pseudo-intellectual in the sense that he talks about politics and gets butthurt when political scientists don't take him seriously

He'd make the top 5 easily, actually

2bh, the ones I don't quite understand are Putin, Trump and Varoufakis

Who are top 5 from this list that have something to say and are intelligent?

Chomsky, Bloom, Self, maybe Zizek sometimes, idk who else

Will Self is a hack.

Sam Harris, he's certainly intelligent and always touches on very interesting and diverse topics. He generally tends to invite experts on said topics that he talks to. His podcasts are great. (bar 2 recent ones)

Ah, didn't know he did one with David Chalmers. That might be entertaining to listen to, since they have very different views on consciousness.

Listening to it now and it's starting to seem like they might not be so different


Why is Fantano on that list? Just some tell-em-how-to-think "critic". How is critic even viable anymore when data is so free and accessible? These people are so insecure in their likes and dislikes that they need to get on a pedestal and broadcast their opinions to the world.

Fuck a critic.

Worst thread on Veeky Forums right now

Yeah... because you posted in it lol

this is a very good unbiased list of pseuds. though like points out, fantano has never claimed to be an intellectual. i like how stefan molyneux bills himself as a philosopher, that's so laughably cringey.

basically these people are good for surface level commentary on current events, that's it. you should be reading works of actual cultural analysis or listening to lectures by real academics as your primary source of information. hell, even articles from online journals are better than this youtube dreck.

Saying his contributions to linguistics have been superseded is a lot like saying Platos's "contributions" to philosophy have been superseded. Well yes, few philosophers agree with the theory of forms or talk about philosopher-kings like a serious idea, but that's kind of missing the point.

I also don't know when h3h3 claimed to be an "intellectual", I think he's pretty self-aware in that matter.

Clifford Lee Sargent
>next to PJW and fucking Gavin Mcinnes

Schopenhauer is pretty cool

Cliff is too obscure to include, basically only people on this board know/care about him

Oh wait.. you're saying OP should listen to that guy. Lol pls

Ridiculous question. The Holy Trinity is omnipresent.

Fuck off cock drinker

Not listen so much as keep him in an open tab for when you're doing something monotonous.

He's got some cool opinions and the low subscriber count keeps everything comfy and sincere.

Fuck you OP


someone post the finished one

carlin is fucking garbage for idiots

What the fuck is wrong with Louis Theroux?!

anyone else think the OP's picture is big chunk of your viewing history being made into a collage, and is oddly accurate?
Everyone is in there. I've listened to hours of each person and know their views.
Now i listen to sargon, milo, gavin and read breitbart. but in the past I would follow the more lefty faces on there... I can only wonder what paths other people have taken.

the picture is surreal for me, is all i'm saying, it's too self-aware and it's spot-on, it feels like only someone with access and who studies to my internet history or myself could make it

this is a solid troll post, and it hit close to him.

>Now i listen to sargon, milo, gavin and read breitbart
how can you actually be this sad and pathetic

I came from the front page just to ask if it is normal that in Veeky Forums troll posts are answered with a succinct analysis instead of why it is shitpost instead of just calling OP a faggot like the rest of the site does

where's edward snowdonk?


I've always been a western chauvinist and a proponent of freespeech, especially speech that doesn't fit the establishment's narrative -- and the establishment today is undoubtedly the left. I've always been edgy. Sexism in video games is the modern violence in video games debate of the 90's, only it's by the left now,. I find these guy's irreverent personalities the most agreeable and amusing. They are closest to what I'm accustomed to from being on image boards all my life. I'm still not religious and i'm liberal on most social issues, which is the opposite of their views. Actually, christianity is mostly used a flag to fly under, it's more of a guide line then a rule - you don't have to believe in it, simply just acknowledge it's value and it's history to the west. If you're the "but the forefathers were deists" cringe-worthy, thin-skinned modern atheist, you won't enjoy them. But to meIt seems that their side doesn't really care if you come over with opposing views, it's all about Liberterianism vs authoritarism, who wants to intrude on your life most, and that is definitely the left.

tl;dr i enjoy the edgy humor, they don't shut down opposing views, oddily enough they're more liberal the the illiberal left.

I'm following whoever is the funniest, and that right now is the right. the left is humorless, dour, shrill.

build the wall 10 feet higher, and the west is the best.

do you have some kind of autism?

I mean, he clearly doesn't a give a fuck and he was just teasing you

yes. to cleanse the shit we must first analyze and deconstruct it

how has it been working thus far?

because your board is still filled with shitposting and, akin to warfare in mankind, will always be there

>him: you're sad and pathetic for liking them
>me: this is the reason for why i follow them
>you: he was just kidding, bro
wut? there's no hint at all of it being being a joke. All I see is a straight forward insult with not much else in tone but contempt. How did you get the idea that he was teasing me lol I genuinely don't understand?

>All I see is a straight forward insult with not much else in tone but contempt
that's literally teasing you
and you are retarded enough to waste your time writing that wall of text for someone insulting you?

you are autistic, end of the discussion

>read breitbart.

literally lmaoing now

>tfw no syriangirl gf

It took me less less than 5 minutes to write that, browsing image boards is a waste of time in general, I enjoyed putting my thoughts and reasons together into text form, and If anything is autistic is the belief that frank, explicit insults is "teasing.".
you're making assumptions about the posters intentions without any premise besides how you perceived it -- which I might add is stupid, and most likely wrong unless you're the samefag who posted it(which I'm starting to think)

yea, and this discussion is over because you're fucking retarded, and just to clear that was not teasing as I know you like to interpret insults that way.

>Neil DeGrasse Tyson
>pseudo intellectual

I'm certainly sick of seeing him everywhere and especially him being constantly fellated by Le Reddit and atheist fedoras, but that doesn't mean he's not an accomplished astrophysicist.

Whoever made this picture is really going to put Tyson, Bloom and fucking Noam Chomsky in the same boat as An Coulter, John Oliver and even that literal nobody fuccboi English twat from Info Wars? Get out of my office.

Also, George Carlin is awesome. Fuck off.

Also, what's wrong with that fat Skippy dude from Youtube? He just does standard unboxing and gaming shit? Right? Or does he do soap boxing about politics??



neil degrasse tyson is shit, all he can do is repeat poor sophistry
same for carlin
the problem is that you're an idiot yourself


The problem with them is that they write pop-science shit in fields which they have no relation to. They might be great at their special field but not when they talk about pseudo psycho-analyses, social criticism and other retarded topics.

I was only teasing. Even the part about not teasing, was teasing,

we don't like nihilists here

that's not nihilism, though

conflict is perennial and it is glorious

I mean, you could at least give examples of what you're talking about, right?

Irritating Reddit meme or not, Tyson is an accomplished astrophysicist, and the burden of proof is on you to make me see that he is somehow not at all intelligent--just pretending.

If you don't like Carlin's tone or is bluster, I guess that's understandable, but all he did was tell the truth.

Are you one of the disgusting obese consumerists he called out or something? Go eat some deep dish yak dick or something, then.

me too, how many awards have you won on jump contests? because that should have awarded you quite a juicy one

I love it as well

neil degrasse tyson is fat and goofy-looking

to the Greeks, ugliness was a strong objection, almost a refutation