Share your biggest literary fascination with Veeky Forums...

Share your biggest literary fascination with Veeky Forums. This can vary from anything like your favorite author or writing style to historical era and context.

Early modernism makes my dick hard as fuck.

I write in a style completely inspired by Shakes, ee cummings, Joyce, and Pound. I will never be published. But I will smile now and then.

i loooooooooove stream of consciousness

Japanese literature. Kokoro got me into it, I had a year of reading where I read nothing but it and now I'm devoting a career to it.

Pretentious Narrative History

Historical Narrative
Epic Poetry

Pic related. I think I only have 4 more books to go before I have his entire oeuvre. My all-time favorite author without a doubt.

Only for the time being; you've only read so much

I've been into crime fiction ever since i watched True Detective

That show sucked.

I just like literature in general, OP.


then, fuck off

80s and 90s psychoanalytic and marxist lit theory. they were at their best because they were under attack by deconstruction and poststructuralism.

My nigga

Same, but I have some 'normal' things too.

I love violent imagery especially from women poets like Plath or Sexton (they always have this sarcastic taste of the KJV in them)

I've wanted to get into poetry more but the good kind always seems to take forever to get through entire collections or cycles of. I've been reading Flowers of Evil on and off for over a year now and I think I've only gotten through about 60 of the poems so far.

>biggest literary fascination with Veeky Forums

4 chan posts

Mostly mine

Poetry is hard, man. Prose just makes more sense (for the most part)
With poetry, there is a lot more to consider word-for-word. I prefer to really understand some poetry as opposed to glazing my eyes over collections willy-nilly.

Cioran, nigga.