How do I find true happiness Veeky Forums?

How do I find true happiness Veeky Forums?

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wherever it is, it's certainly not on Veeky Forums!

Become self sufficient. If that's not enough, then create something

happiness is a quality of slaves

you can't

Learn to enjoy the benign moments of every day life, and find a pleasant hobby to distract you from the discomforts of physicality.

you could just as easily say something like "joy is the quality of the saved"

don't be so silly m8


I agree with this user. It reminds me of a quote from Henry David Thoreau:

"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived."

Read up on Thoreau as a person and his life and it will grant you more clarity on the beauty behind this sentence.

I don't know how to be truly happy, but at least you have your heal- *Gunshot noise to the head*

Wouldnt just plain happiness do? What does it have to be true for? I mean, I feel happy all the time doing totally mundane things. I dont need this metaphysically justified happiness in my life. Like, all that radient ephemeral ethos that surrounds the true just seems excessive. Hell, I'd take contaminated happiness in exchange for some adventure and excitement. I mean, it might even just so happen that in order to experience 'true happiness' one has to forego happiness altogether for a durration whilst engaged in the pursuit. The journey of the seeker after something always has that arduous appeal which makes a great story and incidentally illicits that magnamity that 'true happiness' aspires to. In short, dont do that wimpering appeal to happiness at every turn thing it never turns out well in the end.

Smoke pot and watch Yu Yu Hakusho.

But you knew that nigga.

>How do I find true happiness Veeky Forums?

Learn how to subjugate your ego. You won't find true happiness through any other kind of attainment.

This place probably isn't very conducive to that, either... Misery can turn to contagion when you're constantly among the young and the miserable. You can only shitpost ironically for so long before you ask yourself why you're still even bothering with it.

Thoreau was not exactly the model of self-sufficiency though. In Walden he lived on a cabin at the edge of a town (on land that was owned by Emerson that he was staying on out of good will alone) and regularly went into town for supplies (that he payed for with money he had to work for).
So he built a cabin in a few weeks, planted some beans (which are just about the easiest plant to grow you can imagine) and then chilled out and did whatever he wanted.

Not to mention he was an arrogant pseud who couldn't write for shit

Brain chemicals bro.

Imagine how you would feel after you've obtained whatever boon you think will do to make you truly happy, then realize the mental state is not at all dependent on the boon.

unspook yourself

unmeme yourself

isn't this a pretty stupid thing to do according to Nietszche?

by quitting anime

>people have different ideas
wow, how'd you figure that one out champ?

appreciate what you already have rather than trying to get what you want

That's a very pretty creature, but if it came anywhere near me I'd be running for the hills. I hate the way their flying movements are so unpredictable and erratic.

>Yu Yu Hakusho.
my nigga

OP, happiness is quite different from person to person. However, I think some stuff can be applied to you: travel, get a hobby, create art, find interesting people, etc.

and leaving this site

It's cruel to give people false hope. There's little reason in vanquishing these particular fiends if you're merely going to fall into the jaws of yet another escapist vice.

Is Emerson worth checking out? What sort of thing did he write? I'm reading Thoreau right now, and the sentiment is good, his intentions are right, but it does seem a bit thin on the page. I read Harold Bloom say in an interview Emerson was far superior to thoreau (presumably for the species of writing Walden is).
I rather enjoy the style of Walden though, when it doesn't deteriorate into hectoring. It's funny, and there's lots of interesting vocabulary from his Latin background.

Forgo the seeking of meaning in everything. Learn how to enjoy experiences simply for what they are, as there not an ultimate meaning behind all, well, there might be, but just let it be sometimes. Smile and make it your goal to make others smile when in contact with you. Happiness is not so much a goal, but a decision that you make at every second of your life. You will never be able to control your surroundings, all you can control is your behavior.

Honestly, i don't know, dude.

Find something you want to devote your life to (a skill;a trade) and do it. For the rest- dealing with people, self control, and so on; read Epictetus' discourses. Also, even though big E wasn't big on it himself, exercise is good.

Lots of people are saying, but I think many people are on here because they don't know what to do with their time. If someone like that stops Veeky Forums they'll just kill time somewhere else


How do I subjugate the ego?

nietzsche was miserable, lonely and depressed.

Purpose, presence, positivity.

Can confirm

Earn 200k a year
have microdosages of various designer drugs in your system 24/7
develop symbiotic relationship with electronic devices
kill yourself before age 40 to 51

You are so fucking small potatoes.


I'm striving to be a big bag of rice, but I'll settle for being a 500g box of Uncle Ben's parboiled rice.

First post best post

read Aristotle, become virtuous.