Hemingway net worth

>one of the most famous authors of all time
>worth only 1.4 million

Jesus christ Hemingway, really?

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get the fuck out of here with this furry garbage


That's not corrected for inflation though.

being an "author" is a fucking spook, if u wanna stack that paper go into finance

"Stacking that paper" is a fucking spook.

maybe, but these comfy as fuck versace loafers ain't a spook, stay 99% poorlord

you literally just described the spookiest of spooks. I bet crocs are comfier.

My surgeon wore crocs. I love crocs.


[citation needed]

Inflation Calculator; there are dozens of them online
Do you not know what google is?

Hemingway was also notoriously bad with money
You forget that he went on months long trips every year, sometimes multiple in a single year, in addition to things like boat upkeep, general living expenses, alcohol expenses (which can be enormous), divorce settlements, etc

its cute

I bet the shotgun that he used to off himself is worth at least that much.

Does anyone know where I can find more of nthat furry

I'm not a furry but I'd like to see some more pictures of it haha

You really have to look at what the stuff in the portfolio is worth *now*, not what it was worth in 1964. Looking at the article, the guys doing the evaluations were expecting the value of his portfolio to decrease as it is typical with authors after their death - certainly the opposite has happened.

> The author also left two of his original manuscripts to his wife -- "A Farewell to Arms," valued at $4,500, and "To Have and Have Not," valued at $5,000.

The A Farewell to Arms original manuscript certainly is worth much, much more than $4500 now, when even letters take away $150,000 - $350,000 at auctions today: justcollecting.com/books/ernest-hemingway-memorabilia-ten-classic-items

His stock portfolio screams 1960s though:

> Some of the larger holdings included common stocks in Eastman Kodak, 304 shares valued at $32,233; General Motors, 540 shares at $24,088; Bethlehem Steel, 240 shares valued at $10,081,and 336 shares of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company, valued at $39,447.

You can't directly compare these prices for current shares though, shares often get split or merged during the life of a company.

>There’s a chapter on the gun with which Hemingway killed himself, which was taken to a welding shop to be destroyed shortly after his death. The gun, variously reported to be a Boss, a Model 12, or a Bernadelli, was determined, through sleuthing by the authors, to be Hemingway’s W&C Scott pigeon gun . They were even able to find and photograph a few surviving fragments of the lockplate.

Aw :(


Please guy's I really need more of this furry squirrel man, at least someone tell me his name so I can Google, thank you haha..

>hating on sensuality and high aesthetics

more proof the high priests of stirner (aka shitposters4lyfe) are just secular ascetics, stay spooked, stirnerbois

Do you even know what a spook is?

i think its a girl

He lived the fucking life

you people are the worst.

That's also fine. Just please. Tell me her name or show more pics.