Are programmers the new artists?

Are programmers the new artists?



Video Games are the only current chance at the total artform, so yes.

Well of course there is a point.

Waiting to the new Mr. Robot season, eh?

Programmer here. Programming is an art. Prove me wrong.

Programmer here, no it fucking isn't. Unless you're Richard Stallman or Daisuke Amaya or something.

Program here. I make artists. Grade me.

Yes and no. Some are, some aren't.

In the future, people will definitely research and look into "historic" code, etc., but they won't "read" it like literature or a play or anything like that.

I think functional programs, everday software, etc., will be on display to observe/use in museums like tools or clothing or pottery and everyday household objects are for ancient cultures now. We may even look at them like architecture - which I think can be art as well.

The closest I've come to a visceral artistic reaction with programming is in video games. Even then I think they still have a bit to go because most of the time there's the "film" and "music" aspect that i think contributed more than the programming. I just think it's hard to separate the game aspect from the art aspect but I have no doubt they'll get there someday.

The closest a video game has brought me to a truly artistic reaction was in Red Dead Redemption when Marston rides in Mexico and Bioshock Infinite. But again, the "film" and "music" aspect contributed heavily to that experience. I think the programming had less to do with it than those did.

Somebody as mentally sterile and linear as a programmer doesn't have the capacity to produce anything compelling. Code monkeys are the most dull people you can imagine.

Mark my words, in good time they will be considered to be the ditch diggers of our age.

>Somebody as mentally sterile and linear as a programmer doesn't have the capacity to produce anything compelling. Code monkeys are the most dull people you can imagine.

Yes, programming is an art. Trying to make the smallest programs in C, code golf, poetry in Perl, coding in esoteric languages like b***nfuck, Malbolge, making a loli kidnapping simulator, algorithm music, etc.

>Mark my words, in good time they will be considered to be the ditch diggers of our age.

While I do agree with this, there are ditch diggers in every industry. And ditch diggers built the empire state building - metaphorically speaking of course.

Terrorism is the last relevant artform. This image is far more iconic than any 'artwork' created this century. The logical evolution to conceptual art and performance. Total Denoument.

go back to academia nick land

go to bed stockhausen

go write a new book, don delillo

Anime's closer to being a total artform at the moment.

...It's already been completed.

There's a 'happy ending' where Madoka Kills all Magical Girls before their soul gems are corrupted because there's nothing else she can do, as in haha it's over, get on with your life then after the series finishes no good anime comes out after, so it's dubbed evangelion 2.0. That's what I plan on doing.

Academia doesn't want him either.

CS major here, you have absolutely no idea just how disgusting code can be.

Imagine if Bob Ross painted a nice peaceful meadow and then ran a bulky streak of alizarin crimson horizontally through the middle and started drawing bushes and trees on sticky notes and adding them to the painting based on what is needed at the time. That is programming.

programmers are the new factory workers.

Trans-nigger Proto-cyborg Queer Code Artisian White-vvitch here. Yes we are.

And even if you are, you're no more than an artisan

>and started drawing bushes and trees on sticky notes and adding them to the painting based on what is needed at the time. That is programming.
Very much so today. Most people will understand this as like the DLC model.

Bob Ross paints the worst picture that you might consider buying just to cover up that crack in the wall. This allows him to recoup any losses almost immediately amd maybe even make a little profit. He then releases over time further improvements to the painting, gradually making the painting good enough to put in more and more prominent positions, maybe even over the mantelpiece, which causes more people to buy these paintings.

Software is engineering, not art


Programming, computers etc. will not survive the coming storm

this looks shooped

I remember watching it on TV the day it happened (not American), was unreal, thought it was a movie at first.


nasheeds are the only true form of art of this century and beyond.
poetry, music and most importantly, Zeal.

I wish i could into programming :(

I thought it was a joke done in bad taste. I heard it on the radio tho, which mostly amounted to "the twin towers have been attacked so we're taking the day off" interspersed with auto dj songs.

name one art programmers did

engineering is art, not software

are factory workers the new artists? could it be???

No, theyre the new autists.

No. Programs are created for work, aesthetic experience doesn't even exist as a priority to the programmers.

BEFOREHAND: close door, each window & exit; wait until time.
open spellbook, study, read (scan, select, tell us);
write it, print the hex while each watches,
reverse its length, write again;
kill spiders, pop them, chop, split, kill them.
unlink arms, shift, wait & listen (listening, wait),
sort the flock (then, warn the "goats" & kill the "sheep");
kill them, dump qualms, shift moralities,
values aside, each one;
die sheep! die to reverse the system
you accept (reject, respect);
next step,
kill the next sacrifice, each sacrifice,
wait, redo ritual until "all the spirits are pleased";
do it ("as they say").
do it(*everyone***must***participate***in***forbidden**s*e*x*).
return last victim; package body;
exit crypt (time, times & "half a time") & close it,
select (quickly) & warn your next victim;
AFTERWARDS: tell nobody.
wait, wait until time;
wait until next year, next decade;
sleep, sleep, die yourself,
die at last

>do it(*everyone***must***participate***in***forbidden**s*e*x*)
Is this some sort of regrex?

>The closest a video game has brought me to a truly artistic reaction was (...) Bioshock Infinite.

Sorry but don't you consider you should experience a bit more in the medium before you can talk about it as an "art form"?
What do you even define as a "truly artistic reaction" ? Because it looks to me like you're looking for the same artistic reaction you get from movies and music, instead of treating video games as its own thing.

Personally I'm not a huge supporter of the "games as art" field, but the closest a video game has come to be an artform to me was when they were focused on gameplay, and everything else (music, graphics) were secondary actors meant to enhance the experience, not define it. i.e. Way Of The Samurai , Dwarf Fortress, Shadow of the Colossus, M&B, Doom, MGS3, etc.

Bioshock Infinite is just one step behind games like The Order, which I really wouldn't consider proper representatives of "video games".

It's a poem written in PERL.

What do you think about the original BioShock or System Shock for that matter?

Why would it bee?
Writing software is in no way more creative then engineering a car.

If you consider Programming art because it requires creativeness then you have also to accept that since hundreds of years ago mathematicians and engineers were artists.

Also mostly all programmers are not creative.
Anyone can code and it is neither hard nor requires great amounts of intelligence and creativeness.

>Richard Stallman

No kieren ser amigos x 100pre

Nice apocalyptic fantasy, nerd

>Also mostly all writers are not creative.
>Anyone can write and it is neither hard nor requires great amounts of intelligence and creativeness.

this desu fme

Artists, no. Wizards, yes.

>aesthetic experience doesn't even exist as a priority to the programmers
There is readability. You have to present the raw code in a certain way.

UI are also important.

They can't be in almost evry definition of the word artist. At most, they're craftsman, just like tattoo """"artists"""""

A better question to ask first, I think, would be: can programs expressing our image/an actual image of the world (i.e a simulation) be art? They would fill in the roles of painting and the like, if the answer is yes.

Then you could go deeper and try to find out what more is there to programmers that painters lack. For one they can create an evolving simulation of reality, like actors rolling out a play. But actors develop their image of reality around a script, something set on paper, while programmers need equations and the like to make a program evolve in time. It can then be asked whether or not developing reality through equations is a deeper representation than acting out a play, since it reveals the actual structure of how things develop (at least to a certain degree of approximation), and not subject to the prejudices and particular opinions of our programmers (as opposed to actors that put their feeling into plays).

If the answer to the very first question is no, though, then not much can be said about comparing programs to other, already established, forms of art. Is math art? Pure symmetry and group theory and geometry, is it all art? Then programs have a good case.

Otherwise, I don't even know how to call something art actually; what makes a song beautiful if not for a precise symmetry (or a precise lack of symmetry, in contrast)? What makes writing beautiful if not for the way it tickles our mind, through agreement or conflict (i.e symmetry or asymmetry regarding our own views of the world)?

Programmers are talentless monkeys. Have you ever heard a relevant piece of literature written by programmer? Even when they produce a new and creative software, they're most likely commissioned by other people who actually done the creative/visual parts.

Shouldn't this be on /g/?

Not really no. If we are going to talk about video games, then they typically have separate group of people creating the concept art which the programmers then implement. For the design of the game, they have a project leader who takes the game in the direction of his vision. They are more like craftsmen.

That being said, they can be. Sculpters, painters, and writers are all craftsmen. It's the implementation of these skills that matters.

That's called functionality, not aesthetic experience.

They are certainly world-builders.

Michel Houellebecq was a programmer.

Indeed, and I'm still waiting for him to write a piece of literature.

God is the original programmer. Is God an artist?

i wish we could abandon the word video game entirely, 1 because to most people it brings to mind a lot of garbage creations (ie mainstream blockbuster video games, or timewasting iphone/flash games), 2 because 'games' are only about a small percentage of the interesting things you can create with a computer.

>Programs are created for work
what if we created software for its own sake, rather than to do some work or fill some need?

>aesthetic experience doesn't even exist as a priority to the programmers.
soon programming will be taught in grade school, and everyone, even kids with artistic sensibilities, will be a 'programmer', and will probably be creating software to express themselves. this is just a matter of time.

or maybe not idk lmao.

>writing spaghetti code

for video games to be art, they need to stop being games

the universe is god's procedural art