Books with devastating endings

Books with devastating endings

> inb4 stoner

Brave New World, Shutter Island, The Sun Also Rises, The Great Gatsby


Brave New world?


How is it not devastating?

He is overwhelmed by the permanence of his new life in the far advanced society with his only two loves forever gone from him and has no option left but to end his life in grief and sorrow. The whole thing is an allegory of how our society is spiraling towards a society free from humanity and if we were to glimpse at the future, we too would feel helpless and at fault.

I just love how the last part of this book starts so comfy, with Henery and Catherine in Switzerland. Then everything just goes to shit in the last chapter. It's just a big "Fuck you" from ol' Ernie Hemingway



The White Ship desu senpai


that dude's face in the background is a lil creepy

hadnt seen it before, nice catch

The Idiot

>Bye, arms
Fuck yeah OP, tears everywhere.

Why the sun also rises? I literally just read it, doesn't seem to do much besides give me contempt for Lady Ashley

Wasn't all that much of an ending, not much happened

Behead All Satans

johnny got his gun

My biography has a devastating ending. He dies a virgin and never had friends.

>Now I will relinquish; now I will let loose. Now I will at last free the checked, the jerked- back desire to be spent, to be consumed. We will gallop together over desert hills where the swallow dips her wings in dark pools and the pillars stand entire. Into the wave that dashes upon the shore, into the wave that flings its white foam to the uttermost corners of the earth, I throw my violets, my offering to Percival.


He's coming to terms with the fact that all of his hopes, dreams, and what might-have-beens are all fantasies coming crashing down. He's in love with a woman he can never satisfy (cock blown off in the war), and she's telling him that she's leaving for good. He's completely hopeless, and truly one of the Lost Generation.