Have you read any good books about relationships?

have you read any good books about relationships?

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>that hint of arch cleavage


Between men and women?
And good in the sense that they have explanatory power? Because The Shining is also a book about a relationship.

Not my diary desu

Would Gone Girl count?


The Works and Days, by Hesiod. It also covers a lot of everyday matters


My first thought was "she'd be more attractive with practical footwear."

>watch on wrong wrist

are you unaware of the existence of left handed people

Is that Rashida Jones?

Anything by Richard Yates.

i thought that one too, but here face isnt that soft and her eyes are different

I'm left handed. That has nothing to do with anything. I still wear a watch on my left wrist. In fact, the art of turning my arm over to view the time is enhanced by my left-handedness.

What's a good modern book on themes of a man vs god, or man vs the greats, man vs giants, etc.. Anything about overcoming the bigger foe.

Wind-Up Bird Chronicle helped me to understand marriage when I was a lot younger.
Strong Motion, by Franzen, was important to me as one of the only books about a younger man in a relationship with a decently older woman.
Lots of books deal with relationships in serious ways. Doris Lessing understands relationships extremely well. The Argonauts, by Maggie Nelson, is an exceptional literary non-fiction work. Basically you can look at a lot of literature and focus primarily on the relationships dynamic present.
Eric Rohmer is good if you are interested in film at all. And there are a lot of other good filmmakers whose films are primarily depictions of relationship dynamics and issues and such. I also saw this recently and thought it was one of the most intensely accurate depictions of what it means to be in a real relationship I have ever seen: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Everyone_Else

there are no gods or really any equivalent other than the faceless "modern society." and if that interest you at all consider looking into postmodern literature pretty broadly.

>there are no gods or really any equivalent other than the faceless "modern society."

really? there's no modern books about say, a smaller poorer man financially fighting against a corporate giant? a man overpowering against the powers that be? no generic anarchy bullshit though.

Hey, what kind of dog is that? Looks like it has cocked ears.

doubles don't lie

I don't remember anything about relationships--not with women anyway. There was a lot about man's relationship with his farm animals though, heh.

More like Stone 'er!, am I rite guys?

Anna Karenina.
The Love Affairs of Nathaniel P.
