I think this is relevant enough

I think this is relevant enough.
Government is changing our (Canadian) National anthem to be gender neutral.

>The bill would change the second line of the anthem from “true patriot love, in all thy sons command" to “in all of us command."

I cringed hearing how badly that sounds in the anthem, Robert Weir probably died again. On aside I don't care at all about the (gender)neutral stance the government's wanting to take but jesus christ can we not rewrite it and maintain the poetic nature of the god damn anthem?

Really not relevant, but who cares? I graduated from public high school three years ago and I haven't heard the national anthem since.

Riding the Toronto subway is like being put in a headlock by a sweaty Indian and forced to smell the armpit of another Indian while six hundred Chinese people form a circle and scream at you

I want the pain of being Canadian to end but it never stops. Every day I wake up and turn on the news and there's something new and even more gay happening. Every day I wake up and the Prime Minister tells me I have to celebrate Ramadan. I just want it to stop. I want to walk down the street and say "Good morning, Carl!" and Carl just waves back, instead of every day being like a bad minigame where you navigate a brown maze by jumping from yellow tile to yellow tile.

Please make it stop.


You should all be euthanized

it's a good thing

imagine you were a canadian girl and every time listening to the anthem you would shed a tear knowing that your country thinks of your gender so low that it even aims its anthem at its sons only

This is a missed opportunity to go full dada.

>all thy sons command

turn it into

>all thy he/she/them/xir/hir/xer/xhe/bloop

>in all thy sons command
They are obviously talking about Jesus here.

As much as I hate the French Canadians, their version of the anthem is much better:

O, Canada
Terre de nos aieux
ton front est ceint de fleurons glorieux
car ton bras sait porter l'epee
il sait porter la croix
ton histoire est une epopee
des plus brillants exploites
et ta valeur, de foi trempee
Protégera nos foyers et nos droits
Protégera nos foyers et nos droits

Yeah it was written in french first anyway, the english version was created later

>Government is changing our (Canadian) National anthem to be gender neutral.


Nice digits u got there. Also smash ideological state apparatus. Do not camouflage its inherent criminality in 'inclusive' 'PC' language. Burn it down.

but women should know that they're inferior and not worth as much as men

If there's one group of people who I associate with in-group loyalty, it's definitely women.

women don't know true loyalty. They're not ethical beings. They care merely about Chad cock and money


The redpill has been presented.
Anyone who disagrees from this point on is an SJW cuck

Internet men don't know true loyalty they're not ethical beings. They care merely about losing their virginity and money.

damn, that redpill pounded my ass pretty hard

>poor reading comprehension on Veeky Forums
>from a tripfag no less

If you can't grasp such a plainly worded point then you don't have the power to respond to it adequately.

No, I think you have the reading comprehension problem.

Imagine being gay though, that would be worse I think...

Hey shut up actually I'm OK you know, why'd you have to be like that then you're a total asshole I think

Yeah I think he/she is an asshole and you're right you knwo

Why? Because of the stupid decisions of elected officials that I didn't vote for? Chances are your country is doing some pretty retarded shit right now too.

gay sons of canada were still mentioned in the old anthem since they are sons so "true patriot love, in all thy sons command" is about them too

if you mean trannies, yeah, those weren't mentioned

Sons was meant to be gender neutral, in the same sense that "mankind" is considered gender neutral.
An unnecessary change from Weed-man.

National anthems are stupid.