Why do you write Veeky Forums?

When I write I feel like anything is possible. The way words can shape such mesmerizing stories amazes me. Also the feeling of having written something good is unlike any other.

>Why do you write?

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because i have autism and it's the only way i've ever been able to formulate my thoughts

If I became a famous intellectual, I can fuck teenagers forever with the prestige, and people will just accept it as me being eccentric.

Because someone needs to balance the stunted stilted silly simpletons like you out.

To make a billion dollars.

because if you don't at the least write down what you're thinking, let alone create something with it, your inner life will be gone forever when you die without the slightest trace of what it was like.

Because I've given up on having the life I want so I write to feel like god to put my characters through hell. They dance for me my love, they know what the numbers mean.

Because I like to sing what I write

because it's easy as fuck compared to literally any other artform.

Must have been easy for you to publish that smash hit novel then.

>success is apart of the artform

Writing and language is a tool we learn at an early age. Of course it's fundamental basics are easier than say music or painting...

Also I am saying you are all faggets you can't learn a real artform


I make music along with writing. Is making music easy, too?

yes making music is easy too
only making real art (paintings, sculptures ets) is difficult.

imo yeah (if we're talking barrier to entry) but you have to at least be a musical person

some people just can't into music

Making music is easy if you make niggerbeats out of samples or dubstep in FL Studio. A 12 year old child can figure that UI of that shit out and make something in less than a week. It's difficult to make something that actually sounds like something nobody has ever made before.

>It's difficult to make something that actually sounds like something nobody has ever made before.
nah, you're just overthinking it


Except to play complicated multi-part picking style while sing rapping is way harder to learn than typing out a story.

Most people can't even figure out how to play like Robert Johnson, it sounds simple until you try to play 2 guitar parts at practically the same time.

Sometimes I have something to say, and writing it down is easier than saying it aloud.

Other times I don't even know what I think before I start writing. Writing forces me to put words to thoughts, and doing so helps get my thoughts in order.

Most of the time, though, it's because I'm bored and lack talent in any area. Writing is easy to get into. I like to think I'm better than an angsty teenager writing about how much life sucks, but it's probably on about that level.

It's the closest thing to work that I actually enjoy.

To help me forget that I can't do anything I would actually want to be able to do.

I write because its fun.
I write YA bullshit in a futile attempt to cashgrab and because its also fun

>implying I write

you just did, bb ;)

The only thing I write is controversial graffiti around my small town.

It has given me many keks watching the shit flinging that results form it.

My town is small enough and marred in enough politics for people to get at each other's throats over it.

Lovecraft. I have never alligned or connected with a person as much as him. The more I read about him the more I see how much we have in common. Not just in common but things that are basically exactly the same. World view, upbringing, philosophy, events in our lives. The only discrepency would be maybe that I love alcohol and that I am not against sex so much.

Reading his work to me is like a christfag reading the bible. So given all theae things I feel that it is an obligation and a right that I carry on what he started.

It sounds fucking stupid but really that is why I write.

• healthy outlet/means of expression
• expand my mind and vocabulary because English is slowly being destroyed with each new generation.
• it's fun and builds esteem
• I'm a logophile at heart, I love and appreciate everything from fonts and letter combinations to the power of formulated sentences.

To make myself seem worthwhile, something, anything, just not "just" me.
And i love the feeling when my fingers fly on the keyboard, seemingly like they were a part of the keyboard and not of me.
I get into the state of mind where just my mind prevails, whilst my body feels like a means to an end.
But i don't write often because i get captured by mundane things that i really shouldn't have interest in/waste my time with.

It's either writing or suicide.

Because I have to.

Kill yourself

lol how old are you and describe to me your top 3 most proud moments in life plz

I'm 28. I haven't had amazing profound moments but rather a series of occasional realizations about life. Nothing enough to be labelled profound but they make me think when they happen.


That would make a great pasta:

"Joyce. I have never aligned or connected with a person as much as him. The more I read about him the more I see how much we have in common. Not just in common but things that are basically exactly the same. World view, upbringing, philosophy, events in our lives. The only discrepancy would be maybe that I hate Dublin and that I do not like farts so much.

Reading his work to me is like a christfag reading the bible. So given all these things I feel that it is an obligation and a right that I carry on what he started.

It sounds fucking stupid but really that is why I write."

Troll apart, I see what you mean, and it's understandable,as he was really unique, in that he was way more philosophically-minded than any other horror or fantasy writer
But anyway, do you have exactly the same worldview as Lovecraft ?

>Because someone needs to balance the stunted stilted silly simpletons like you out.


>Because balancing silly simpletons grants greater reader refinement

Oh ho ho what the fuck are you doing?

It will sound pedantic but I write because I am my favorite author.

It fulfills both of my main fetishes: be a force of creation and destruction and give meaning to existences.
*tips fedora*

>But anyway, do you have exactly the same worldview as Lovecraft ?
Mostly. I'm a materialist and an atheist. I think human life is pretty insignificant in the big picture. I don't think there is such a thing as good and evil. I think religion is a poison. And I think once you come to terms with these things it does plunge you into a great depression or just messes you up.

Lovecraft felt these things exactly and labelled it all collectively as cosmicism. I know I came off as a fanboy but before I even knew Lovecraft existed "cosmicism" is something I always felt.

The big difference is the racism. I'm not especially racist nor xenophobic. I do hate Islam passionately though.

That's a really stupid reason considering humanity will die someday and the traces of your precious little life along with it.

Not if you what you write is actually good. So, if you find it easy, your stuff is probably shit.

>Mostly. I'm a materialist and an atheist. I think human life is pretty insignificant in the big picture. I don't think there is such a thing as good and evil. I think religion is a poison.

Because I'll kill myself if I don't. I might kill myself anyway but the writing helps. It's the only time I really feel in control and understood. It makes me feel connected to other people.

Is your cat named Nigger Man?

1) Because I want to escape my shitty, monotonous existence as a call centre phone jockey

2) Because I hate what GRRM has done to the fantasy genre, more than words can possibly describe; and decided to make it my life's work to totally eclipse his abortion of a series before I die


I think the word you are looking for is douchey.

Why though ? It's not that I think I'm objectively the best author out there, it's just that I really enjoy reading my work. It makes sense in my opinion, I write what I like to read, that's all.

Because videogames became too expensive for me and weed has lost its wonder for me. Basically, I write because it's the only thing that can make me happy. Free escapism!

>2) Because I hate what GRRM has done to the fantasy genre, more than words can possibly describe; and decided to make it my life's work to totally eclipse his abortion of a series before I die


Pretty self-evident, no?


I don't have a cat. Too much obligation.

>videogames became too expensive for me
How is this possible yet you can afford weed? Steam has good games under $10, even more during their regular sales.

Because I need to.

To whine incessantly

To understand.

I love to write, but I can only find the motivation to do it when I smoke

>Because I hate what GRRM has done to the fantasy genre

I feel you, user, I feel you.

to fight my depression and not kill myself. I don't care if anyone ever reads my shit, I've literally been on the verge of suicide then after writing I feel better for days.

fer tha chicz brah

Its actually becoming nigh impossible because there are only so many ways to permits the elements of music which will also sound coherent and categorically distinct to the human mind.

If your primary influence is Lovecraft I can't imagine how tedious your own writing must be.

Oh and to help enlighten the human race and all that

Who are the nobility of the light?

i dunno.

but that feel when you finally finish a draft of a novel. and you let it sit for a week. and then you start reading it. and the first few pages feel fresh. and alien, like someone else wrote them. but that someone else is a lot like you, almost exactly like you, with the same humor and the same flaws.

that's p cool.

Your mother made you crossdress and live as a girl?

I literally have no idea why.

I've always been an artist, so I guess it may just have mostly to do with writing/drawing/painting about my perceptions of things, physical or conceptual or both.

>written something good
I dunno, OP, that's pretty subjective.