Book recommendations

Memorial day got me thinking about the second World War. Anyone got recommendations? Looking for histories and non-fiction critiques specifically. Primary sources and secondary literature are both welcome. Thanks Veeky Forums

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also, reflection journals and good novels written by people who went to war are more than welcome

Italo Calvino-into the war, is a sort of fictionalised memoir of Calvino's time in the fascist youth in Italy kind of like Catcher in the Rye.

Rommell the desert fox, and Hiroshima i really enjoyed both.

Diary of Anne Frank, surprisingly not memey at all. Really good.

The Cannibal by John Hawkes

It's fiction but he was an ambulance driver during the war.

second world war was pussy shit.. WW1 was the most kickass war ever 75million ppl died

Okay so post some book titles. I don't care about what facts you picked up on the internet.

you're a fucking retard

While the God's Were asleep, the good soldier svejk, storm of steel, all quiet on the western front, journey to the end of the night are all top tier WW1 novels

Clausiwitz (almost postive that isn't correct spelling) - On War

I'm reading a psychological-typological interpretation of Hitler and the war. It's titled "The Track of the Wolf" by McRandle. And I'm reading a book on Alfred Rosenberg and race-religious ideas in the Third Reich. That's by Albert R. Chandler. Eventually I'll read books on Goebbels the propagandist. Also, I plan on reading a book called "The Holy Reich" by Steigmann-Gall.



Are you fucking stupid?

>David Irving

Post some book recommendations. I bet that you've never read more than one history book about WWII. And that one might've been some school text. Why would you even post in the thread?


The Prize by Daniel Yergin has the history of oil exploration and war for oil during the WWII era. I read this a couple months ago. Well written.


The meaning of the Second World War Ernest mandel

Richard J Evans trilogy

Flyboys, bro. Super chilling descriptions of what war was like in Asia and the bravery of the navy pilots. My great grandfather is actually mentioned in it. Highly recommended.