Camille Paglia

What do you guys think of her?

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She's a very intelligent and rightly respected member of the field.

8/8 b8 master

She's a dumb bitch only slightly better than the sjws she sometimes slams

I would

Equally edgy and brilliant.

She'll never fit as a feminist because she's actually more of an art historian who has read a lot of feminist.

She's too well-read to be a navel-gazer so she will always be resented by the po-mo academic establishment.

We don't.

Do the SJWs even care about her these days? I keep reading about how she pisses them all off but I don't think she's mentioned much anymore. I guess she's too erudite for modern SJWs who think transgender bathrooms and people hating the female Ghostbusters movie are the biggest issues in the world.

Also, here's a fun fact: Harold Bloom taught her and loves her work. I think she could stand up well with him as a good meme critic here. She has the personality and edge for it.

>the po-mo academic establishment
Kill you are self, tea be eych.

The academic mainstream isn't wholly immersed in post-structural thought?

Basically if you don't tow the line of Foucault or Derrida you're deemed offensive.

geez stay out of the conversation pls

Only in junk fields like "Cultural Studies". Not in legit fields like Philosophy.

No they don't give a fuck. Most sjws don't read any feminism desu, they just absorb ideas through osmosis.

Her work is really forgettable. Not worth meme

>Her work is really forgettable
So is Harold Bloom's.

Read Glittering Images on a plane and thought it was fantastic. Really want to read Sexual Persona. Which David Bowie listing as one of his top 100 books is where I first learned about her.

It's nonstop witty and acerbic as fuck. You can breeze through it. Not nearly as daunting as its size makes it look because of this.

paglia bump

Stupid opinions on pop culture

She was spawned in 1990. There exists no photographic evidence of her existing before that

I've been trying to find young pictures of Paglia for ages so that I can masturbate to the idea of her choking me

I have a thing for women who mantle the weltgeist but are temporarily constrained by their culture. I want to eat young Camille Paglia's ass. Fuck, I'll eat old Camille Paglia's ass.

found one

Harold Bloom is a fucking gasbag
>Revenge of the Sith is the greatest work of art in any medium of the past 30 years

Normally I can shrug off bad opinions, but I was extremely fucking triggered by that statement.