I keep losing money. Please help. What coins will get me in the green


etc my man, any minute now! we going to fucking mars - everyone is gonna be rich, isnt that amazing?

I'm surprised no one on here is talking about TKY

I'm talking about the all time chart. There hasn't really been a moon given the coins use-case

being an attractive white female is the equivalent to being crypto rich.

I only came here for this

welp, time to masturbate.

I finally found a salsa to that frog

This is a fucking MASTERPIECE. Mona Lisa of out times. Look how fucking PERFECT this reproduction is.

Put it all in ethereum. Walk away from crypto for a year.

You probably don't have the fortitude for trading, so just buy and hold. Small consistent gains over a long time are much better than trading losses. I don't have the patience for trading.