Coinbase is a competitor.

Nothing is ever getting added to coinbase. The suggestion / rumor is a feeble attempt to pump a coin in every case.

The coinbase payment portal is powered by Request Network. The token will not be added however everyone that uses Coinbase will burn REQ tokens with their purchases.

this is also true. if normies can easily market buy and sell crypto with fiat through a wallet app powered by request, why would they even need coinbase?

>coinbase is a competitor
pic related


It's speculation at this point but it's almost 100% guaranteed. Why?

Request Network said they have a partnership with a big company from YCombinator and they will power a payment portal for them. They will reveal this partner in Q1.

Meanwhile Coinbase has said that they are partnering with a company to power their payment portal.

Connecting the dots tells me that Request Network will power the Coinbase payment portal with 90% certainty.

If this actually happens I can see REQ jump to $3 or $4 just off the back of one partnership.

Just let him stay broke and ignorant.

Checked. We're going intergalactic

Top 10 coin 2018