Billy Butter has a lover; without no hands he lies above her, fucking lightly as a plover, first his sister...

>Billy Butter has a lover; without no hands he lies above her, fucking lightly as a plover, first his sister, then her mother. Here's Ben. There ain't no law in the Redeemer's church against a good fuck, is there Furber? Why of course not, Luther, only it's got to be your wife, and beyond five inches it's a sin to enjoy it. By christ you're a good sport, Furb. By christ you are. Pat. Hey boys, ain't Furb a good sport? Squeeze. By christ. You can play at our picnic. Rum a dum. Rum a dum. Rum a dum dum.

what the fuck is wrong with him?

Did I write this?

good stuff

Such good old boy
Very bluegrass

No, it's from Omensetter's Luck. I got meme'd hard.

dude, the first page of the Tunnel has the line "she committed her Tampax to the trash". what the fuck did you expect?

vulgarity is a part of life

postmodern authors such as Gass tend to exaggerate that. i think it may be because it has been under represented in literature up until the counter culture of the 60s

but thats also just my useless speculation

>It [Life] is Alice committing her tampax to the trash.

No, it's because it's funny. That's literally Pynchon's defense of the poop and toilet scenes in Gravity's Rainbow - it made him laugh.

But vulgar things aren;t funny in themselves. The humor comes from the context of it within the storyline. It's kind of immature otherwise

>not thinking Pynchon is immature when he tells poop jokes
user, you have much to learn

You've spammed that line in literally every Gass thread I've seen in the past 3 weeks, but you have not once--not even once--even attempted to explain why, in your opinion, that one 7-word line ruins the entire 635-page novel, which, to me, signifies that you (a) cannot, in fact, explain what is wrong with it, (b) have not, in fact, come close to completing The Tunnel, and (c) do not, in fact, have the common sense or self-awareness to see that no one other than yourself even cares about it.


I gotta go with "committed". It's like some kind of vain attempt at being different or eclectic or some shit. Just say she threw it in the trash. The idea of her putting Tampax in the trash should be the actual point of saying she did so (an attempt at explaining who this character is), not using the word "committed" as a stand in for some lack of deeper meaning

Utterly revolting use of a brand name.


>He didn't get the toilet scene

Pls pls pls pls pls be bait.


How do you know that, doof

Good pick. It's juvenile shit like this that makes me wonder why this board talks about Gass so much.

what makes a sentence about tampons juvenile?

being pomo means recognizing everything is just a Xerox of a Xerox of a Xerox

typical reddit edit: "a simpler and less meaningful word would have sufficed here"

Indeed. If--and I haven't read the book, so I don't know--this is in, for example, a passage which describes Alice's routines in religious terms, then the 'committal' of the Tampax would make sense as the ritual destruction of the unclean. And indeed, even if that is not the over all message, the word 'committed' is still richly suggestive in that sense, because for me at least I immediately think of a religious ceremony. I actually quite like the sentence, although I do somewhat agree it might be better if he had just used the generic tampon. But again, it's all about context.

Good post. Thank you.

This turns me on.

And when I wrote my book, to whom was I writing if not the world? ... the world! ... the world ... the world is William welshing on a bet; it is Olive sewing up the gut of a goose; it is Reynolds raping Rosie on the frat-house stair; it is a low blow, a dreary afternoon, an exclamation of disgust. And when I wrote was I writing to win renown, as it's customarily claimed? or to gain revenge after a long bide of time and tight rein of temper? to earn promotion, to rise above the rest like a loosed balloon? or was it from weak self-esteem? from pure funk, out of a distant childhood fear or recent shame? ... the world ... the world, alas. It is Alice committing her Tampax to the trash.

how edgy can ya get?

because we're not juvenile here?

>being this babby's first workshopcore

>pepsi max
>holes in shoes

yeah not gonna read his books dude

Eh, actually I like it, although I'm not sure I could do that jerky, alliterative junk for 895 pages. And I think that the Alice line fits in context. It's just catachretic.

you could get struck by that brain-boosting lightning we hear about and still write nowhere near as well as this

so writing mass ellipses, starting sentences with "and", and adding rape and Tampax will make me a better writer? gotcha.

yep just like drawing spots on your body in Sharpie will make you a better cheeta

ur a thick one

And what are ... you talking about, Tampax? i'm just raping you ... a question. And you're just being hostile ...


