Can someone help me out a little?

Can someone help me out a little?

What is non-fiction, really -- and got some good book recommendations on it?

Other urls found in this thread:

>those foxes

Non-fiction doesn't exist.

Even what you percieve as reality is fictionalized by your imperfect senses and faulty mortal reasoning.

No man has ever written a work of non-fiction.

non-fiction is a myth.

Oh fuck off, that's not profound

Ineluctable modality of the shitpost.


I don't care.

Just instigating conversation that highlights the limitations of language and cognizance.

Talk is cheap, really.

you're funny

I agree.

do you have more pictures of cute foxes first?

That's not a conversation that leads anywhere productive or interesting.

Ah, pulling from the bag of pseud's select. What other goodies you have in there?

Probably for the best, were this conversation "productive" would it produce aught of help, or hindrance you suppose?

Uncertainty is all, and dire and terrible thing, so much so that we'd rather lie to ourselves than admit it often.

"Interesting" is subjective, I find the precise limits of human language and understanding deeply interesting.

Our language for instance is full of glitches and errors that infrequently surface in conversation, and even educated men fall prey to the potholes of reasoning that seem to emerge from our use of language.

okay OP you drive a hard bargain but i can give you this nonfiction on meiji japan
chapter fifteen will tell you what to do if possessed by a fox, but i really can't give you anything harder until you give me at least two more cute foxes


non-fiction is a category of books that re-tell events that actually happened, in the form of a narrative. They differ from from fiction, because the events are based on things that happened in reality, and the characters are people that exist or actually existed. Non-fiction differs from something like history text-books,, because the events are told in the form of a narrative, story-telling takes precedent over facts (although some would argue that many history books do the same) and there really is no impetus to provide footnotes or anything like that.

Autobiographies and biographies are generally the most common types of non-fiction books.

Some non-fictoin books I liked

In Cold Blood - Truman Capote
King Leopold's Ghost - Adam Hothsechild
Late Night Wars - Bill Carter
The Bible - God

Why are those foxes so fat? Pet culture is awful.

okay OP i'll give you one more harder nonfiction article, but only because it tells you how to make cute foxes in case you don't have enough to take pictures of them
nature's awful, those foxes are cute af

>letting your pets be unhealthy
judge not etc

OP check out The Time of Troubles by S. F. Platonov

>The Bible - God

Hi Phrost.

>Literally a pack of foxes clearly outside

People treat them as pets and feed them hence the excess fat which they couldn't get in the nature.

They're not pack animals either, they wouldn't group like that in nature. Those ones are clearly begging from the human, not out scavenging and opportunistically hunting like they would.

Those are some cheeky birds, friendo.


I actually used to, but they're gone :|

read that Neanderthal Predation Theory book One of Us

It's a fox park in japan.