I have nobody to talk to in real life so I'll ask you fags.
I'm stuck at my parent's house going to a local community college and it stinks. It is no different than high school and I have no idea what I want to do for a living. Every time i get a job as an unskilled worker I get tired of it after just a few months and end up quitting. Every time I think about a career that i may enjoy I always end up changing my mind as my interests are always changing. I feel trapped. Should i join the army just to go out and do something with my life?
Should I join the army?
Why not? It's a good way to start life. You can stash cash, learn a skill, get that GI bill and if you sign up for 4 you should have an idea of what you want out of life (just don't die lol).
The problem is that the army sets up your life. You wont get that camaraderie anywhere else or paid housing/food. I don't think it's a good proposition long term but it's very easy to get trapped in the lifestyle.
Do you want to get executed in a desert somewhere for Israeli interests?
enjoy your PTSD
I would recommend the marines (dinner) or air force (more technical). But yea, you should
Isnt army in murica mainly for niggers who need to choose between dying on the streets or getting drafted
Largest employers are wal-mart and military
Im just saying it's for people who have no other options. Just like vietnam war, only the morons actually went to that war. For what? Fighting for banksters and small circle interests. Smart people avoided Vietnam completely. Once you go to a war, you will never be the same even if you manage to return in one piece
All men should serve for God and country
Ask yourself the question: Do you want to kill innocent people and get paid for it?
If yes, then go for it.
>should I be a dog for corporate politicians and bankers
Save up some money and travel, mate
>more target practice
kek comrade
>paid housing and food
Ya, that comes out of your fucking paycheck. Those cunts charge like $300 a month for their sodexo meal cards, still though, wasn't bad.
wtf im you, youre me. help someone something help
Was in the 82nd for a bit. Drank the koolaid hard. Enjoyed my time.
If you’re joining just to say “fuck it”, get an 11x op4 or op40 contract and you might get to do cool guy shit. Never be a leg. Fuck legs.
Yes goy go fight terrorism on the other side of the world to keep us safe. You’re serving america’s interest and totally not risking your life on behalf of Israel
Joining the Marine Corps was the best decision I ever made in my life. Was in from 2010-2014 as a 0311. Took a few years off to work climbing cell towers when I got out and now I'm taking advantage of the GI Bill and attending a state university for free man. I get $1300 a month for free and all my tuition is paid for.
The only regret I have is not picking a mos that actually has real world value once you get out. Being in the infantry has it perks but none of that translates into the civilian world unless you continue to work as a contractor or go into some type of law enforcement or security job.
Deployed three times during my enlistment, twice to Afghanistan and then went on a MEU. Got to see some pretty cool shit.
Do really well on the asvab so you can land a good Mos. Preferably one that sets you up for a career after your enlistment. Also look at Navy and Air Force, quality of life is much better with them.
For the stupid jobs like cooks and what not yea. Intel jobs and the skilled technical jobs are pretty dope though.
29 here and I regret not enlisting.
Worked in factories all my youth instead, zero cool stories to tell.
How bad of an idea is enlisting if I am not actually autistic or anything, but y'know a bit autistic in the Veeky Forums sense of the word. My boring job has also made me complacent
And if I have a college degree is it always better to just go officer route? Even if I have more of a follower mentality?
An additional question: going to DLI seems like easily the most patrician thing available. For this reason, would it be better to enlist as a linguist vs the officer route?
joined when i was 18. its pretty different in my country, its not a dumping ground for retards and criminals (for the most part), theres a long waiting list and you have to be in perfect health and have no criminal record. they pay quite well over here so for me it was worth it but it also destroyed my back.
overall i dont regret it at all, i met my best pals there and did crazy shit that people would think was a lie if i told them. travelled all over the world, got to goof around with all kinds of hardware, all while having a good laugh along the way. if youre physically or emotionally soft, shy, were raised by a single mother or dont have confidence i would highly recommend it. in some employers eyes, prior service is far more valuable than a degree. just keep your mouth shut and your ears open for the first 12 months and youll be fine. the physical stuff you get used to, its the mental shit that breaks people. great m8s, great times, get to do and learn cool shit and women get wet over it. do it and see, otherwise you can die wondering and that eats lots of guys alive inside. if you want to do it you should consider doing it because youll regret it when youre older if you dont. chances are you wont be deployed any time soon.
> it's very easy to get trapped in the lifestyle.
this. have an end date and stick to it. mine was age 25 and i stuck to it despite being happy where i was. it worked out well
where were you based? if you were on hawaii we might have met during RIMPAC
if you like having no friends then become an officer
>basically everything paid for
>you get paid but won't have much to spend it on if you're frugal and dont drink
>opportunity for traveling
>once you leave you're a veteran for life and get discounts
I was an army officer for 10 years. On the whole, it was pretty enjoyable. Four of us were pretty tight when we went through ADFA and Duntroon (Aus version of Westpoint). One is now a successful lawyer on muchos cash. One is a banker and doing very well. I'm a mid tier sales manager in pharma and our other mate is a basket case with PTSD, a failed marriage, a brat of a child and alcoholism. He is probably the brightest of us all. So it can go either way.
If you feel trapped in current jobs - joining a job that you can't quit seems illogical- but I'm sure that you've thought it through
If you dont join airforce you are a brainlet
Think about what kind of career you want, army or cvilian. If civilian, look for a job tht will give you professional skills.
If you're a quitter the military might not be for you but it also might shape you up.
It could make or break you in a big way. The thing that irks me most about this route is that you become a tool with no say in how you are applied.
I think we met during RIMJOB
Army reservist checking in
I had no money for a real university so I was like you. Army is the best branch, marines are retarded chads and chairforce is full of soyboys. I was looking at airforce til I met my future comrades: biggest pussies I had ever seen.
Option 1. Go army national guard in a state with tuition waiver. (You can move states for this, just get accepted to the college)
Very big scholarships (80% for me)
$250 a month for working 2 days
Gi bill pays $500 a month( covers my rent)
Contract up right after I finish college in 2 months
Takes a year to finish school for a good job
Enlisted gets shit on, you will end up doing dishes, scrubbing barracks
Option 2: ROTC, commission for guard or active
free college
guaranteed social circle in college, better than a frat
Officer rank will get you into god tier MBA if interested afterward
Guaranteed job in the coming recession
Active- stuck on army bases for 4 years after school
Guard- stuck in a state for 6 years (maybe 8)
Option 3 Active duty
Guaranteed friend group, guaranteed income, gibill possibilities afterward (college isn't that great for gibillers, too old to enjoy)
No responsibilities after duty hours (very relaxing)
Fixed income and paid expenses, can dump into crypto
All depends what you want out of life
Honestly ask yourself, do you think you can hack it? Its not fucking easy user.
You absolute reo cunt. 10 years and you got a thanks for coming medal during a time when Army saw the most deployments since Vietnam?
Couldn't even score a trip to the MEAO as a bitch for RHQ? Or some other meaningless observer/trainer role?
You shit cunt.
nice single gong you fucking pogue
kek how does someone do 10 years without accidentally accumulating multiple gongs. atrocious form
I've seen good blokes just absolutely fucked by postings and injuries, I've seen shit cunts get kissed on the dick and get sick trips.
But officers, fuck me. They fucking invent roles so the 22yo LT can go and be "regimental liason officer" and all sorts.
Lol you're a fucking retard.
>it's for people who have no other options
My unit is made up primarily of older soldiers (25-35) and 87% of my unit is made up of college graduates. Out of those 87%, 73% are from STEM fields.
This fiscal year we're getting 5-6 figure reenlistment bonuses depending on our workrole within the MOS and specific qualifications depending on need.
> Once you go to a war, you will never be the same even if you manage to return in one piece
You ever been to war, fucknut? Didn't think so. Way to buy into the Hollywood meme.
Im trying to join the Navy. Im a white educated male who graduated high school with a 5.6 GPA and an AA degree.
Why am I deciding to float on a ship for 50 days straight? Because my older brother got me put in jail because i beat him up and I have no way to pay for college. So would I join the Army? It was my first choice but Navy is a better deal if you ask me. See the world, not have to fight in dumb wars, (assuming we don't get atacked by aliens), and plenty of real world useful skills you can get out of it. Cons? I already know it's gonna feel like jail except there will 16 hours of work everyday. Idk user, if you like killing people go for it, but if you're just lost like me? Go Navy.
What’s in there? What bolt action rifle is that?
Before the Army I was a shithead that couldn't hold down a job.
I went into the Army and fought a little, made friends, got discipline, left, and now I'm doing a lot better.
m8 of mine who was in was a really solid dude, worked his ass off and is a sgt now with a single coca cola flapping in the breeze. only got one trip to timor and they pulled him off the trip before he reached his 90 days or whatever it was. he drinks a lot now
No, don’t fight and die for Jews.
>No responsibilities after duty hours (very relaxing)
Active Duty = "you're a soldier 24/7"
Depends on your leadership but "No responsibilities after duty hours" isn't a fucking thing on any post I've been. I've been called in numerous occasions for shit after duty hours.
Enjoy fighting in the South China sea
i aint afraid to die pussy. If you're a real white man then you've already accepted death like your forefathers did.
i once considered it.. I'm probably a good candidate except I know I get traumatized really really easily. My best friends abusive and suicidal dad killed himself when I was a teenager after he spent more time at his house then mine. My sister tried to hang herself and went batshit for a while, a lot of my friends are dead from violent injuries, I've had guns, knifes pointed at me, etc.
I can't even handle violence and loud noises or I go totally apeshit now. I tried going intelligence and well.... as other anons said
At the end of the day your contributions will mean nothing except uphold an evil empire that's only legitimized because it's less shit than the rest of them.
MOS? and yeah, youre there 24/7 on call but dont act like active duty is so fucking hard
What corps?
Sometimes you're just unlucky
>I tried going intelligence and well....
From what you said you, and the Army, dodged a bullet. You sound unstable as fuck.
> an evil empire that's only legitimized because it's less shit than the rest of them.
As opposed to what? An anarchic Eden?
No homework, no job project deadlines, you sleep like a baby. Yes they might wake you up and make you do shit, but your mind is at ease until then
If you really are a biz man, you’ll understand navy nuke is the best option assuming you aren’t retarded. 6 and out alone gets you 70-90k jobs as Non licensed operator in commercial nuclear power with a lot of upside potential and overtime. Of course you can also get big dick jobs if you do research and branch out of nuclear jobs.
>muh edgy background i need attention and fuck this evil empire which keeps my stupid ass alive
>Active Guard
>does PT when convenient
>works 8 hour days, if that
> Reservist/NG
> What is PT?
> Does 350-1 at drill
> Plays semi-soldier at AT
I work 10-12 hour days on top of getting up at 4 am to go do the bend and reach for the fucking moon gods or some shit. Work through lunch most days to the point where I sometimes dip out and go hide for 15m just to recharge. Is everyone in AD equally as busy? No, in fact, the workload and work schedules in our unit vary widely. Is everyone in the Reserves/NG as fucking useless as I made out above? No. So broad sweeping statements like
> dont act like active duty is so fucking hard
are probably a bit overzealous don't you think?
Fuck you, I'm pretty stable for what I've dealt with. I just know I woudln't want to put up with much more.
and idk maybe we wouldn't do shit like overthrow peaceful nations so we can grow fruit there for better dividend stock? Overthrow the most developed nation in the middle east for absolutely no tangible reason and create the perfect environment for radical islam? Fuck economically with countries that produce no real threat because they didn't gape their asshole for us?
You clearly have no clue what you're talking about. A size-able portion of us have homework and deadlines, either due to utilizing TA, or due to JQR requirements.
> but your mind is at ease until then
Yeah, because being AD means we magically have no other responsibilities.
> Fuck you, I'm pretty stable for what I've dealt with.
You sound as stable as the situation in the middle east.
And if you ever see real action you'll be just like me.
> Muh best buddy's dad killed himself
> Muh sister has mental issues
> Muh friends died violently
> Muh I had guns/knives pointed at me
I grew up in a third world shithole and deployed to more.
> Muh real action.
Join AFSOC. Walk the path of explosions with me desu.
Join the army if you have no other way in making it. Still, understand that if you join, you will become a zog soldier. Don’t parade your uniform and badges around like most retarded military zogbot faggots. You should feel ashamed for knowingly serving the world police force of hegemonic terror. You will be a tool for very rich people. That’s all you will be. But even Maynard James Keenan followed such a route so that he could go to college. He knew enlisting was pure faggotry and ultimately used his service against the military. Pretty funny, actually.
and? Lived in 3rd world shitholes too. Tell you're story if you're such a tough guy then who doesn't give a fuck.
Then you know that having "friends die of violent wounds" and having guns/knives pointed at you is fucking par for the course. The huge difference is that most people don't handle it as poorly as you or the entire third-world would be covered in little "woe-is-me" bitches with mental issues. You're not a special little snowflake and the world doesn't owe you dick. Perform some introspection, reassess your priorities, and move forward with your life. Even if that entails getting psychological counseling, which from the sounds of it, you definitely need.
> or the entire third-world would be covered in little "woe-is-me" bitches with mental issues.
but, it is faggot. And bet you're trying real hard right now to not confront your own issues by unduly taking it out on me.
>f older soldiers (25-35) and 87% of my unit is made up of college graduates. Out of those 87%, 73% are from STEM fields.
i dont believe a single word. army is for retards
with all these brothers in arms, we still fuck each other in biz.
>can't even handle violence and loud noises
Yeah bro, 90% of the world totally sounds like you.
well im probably a bit autistic already so it doesn't help.. but you are in denial if you don't think that the third world isn't disproportionately full of basket cases. but its rude of you to basically say I'm a basket case who hasn't moved on. I'm pretty successful in a completely different career path so eff off.
Trying to ignore your mental issues won't make them go away. You do sound like a fucking basket case, but at least you (sort of) realize it, so you have the opportunity to seek counseling and either move past it, or get some happy pills. lest you end up blowing out your brains one day when you can no longer fake having it together.
Anyway, I have to go to bed so that I can go to the bend and reach at fuck'o'clock in the morning. I know I gave you a lot of shit tonight, but I sincerely hope that you at the very least go talk to a mental health professional so that you can face your demons. Sleep well you loveable nutcase.
How do I become a hacker for the government? Is it possible to do this through the military?
It can be fun, but it just puts off having to learn a skill. Running around digging holes and getting cold and wet aren't exactly your ticket to easy street.
>better quality of life
>not living in a cubby hole that's temporarily yours as shifts rotate on a fucking destroyer or barracks barge
>not cranking
Non-MTOE soldiers and airman have it way better than this.
t. 6 year former soldier stationed at the largest US Naval installation on the Eastern seaboard and also another that may be the largest in the Pacific ocean
95% of people can't handle violent situations in the first place and will become traumatized to some extent. Loud noises simply make me anxious and retreat within myself and may have nothing to do with trauma. Not taking happy pills because all it does is keep you productive enough to pay taxes while eroding your personality permanently and making you incapable of being upset or sympathizing with others. If it is autism well then there's no cure so I might as well just focus on my strengths like what I'm doing and do my best.
Navy: CTN
Air Force: 1B4X
Army: 17C (I might have that one wrong)
alright thanks, you're not the first one to say so, even IRL and online.
Someone knows of Virginia Beach lol.
Hell's Kitchen bar, Peopermint Club, Keagen's Pub...goddamn some good times man lmao
Yup. Join the army and die for the rich elites.
> psss they don't pay much in the army either. Enjoy your PTSD.
Is the bowling alley on base still dope as fuck?
You got some options. 1) be an Officer/NCO and make a career out of it, if there's a field in there that you legitimately find interesting. 2) Do your 4 years, get some discipline and strong male role models (no homo) and then get out and use the skills and benefits you've earned to get ahead in the private sector.
I don't get why people keep saying this like it's a bad thing. We should ALL be willing to lay down our lives for G-d's chosen people.
Correct on the Army one. They also have 17 series in the National Guard too now, because let's face it, unless you're more American than Trump, if you're a shit hot programmer, you're going to work for Microsoft or IBM or something. This way you can serve part time and still make private sector money.
>>once you leave you're a veteran for life and get discounts
As a prior US Army infantryman,
It took my life from Zero to fucking awesome in 3 years.
Hands down the VERY best choice I have ever and will ever make until I die.
Don’t listen to the FUD.
>> Once you go to a war, you will never be the same even if you manage to return in one piece
>You ever been to war, fucknut? Didn't think so. Way to buy into the Hollywood meme.
What meme? This is 100% true. Why not talk to a homeless Vietnam vet. They tell you are fucking wrong you brainwashed dotard.
nice statistic you pulled from your ass. look, other people here have had family died, been in horrible situations, etc, but for some reason they're not posting about it seeking attention. you needing to tell us the what's happened to you just lets us know how little you've really been through.
Nice propaganda, pal.
Pretty much desu
I actually know a former CTN who co-started a data analytics company and sold it to silicon valley interests for millions after getting a bunch of blue chip clients. Shit's a gold mine, and the military paid for 100% of his training and paid him to go learn it.
again fuck off it's relevant to the thread, I was just thinking out loud really don't know why it's being so picked apart. don't think it's a good idea for people like me and I was just giving my two cents but whatever this has gone on long enough im out
college is a waste of time, dont be an army cuck, get a job and forge your own destiny
This. Reminds me of "suicide survivors" who tell everyone they're going to kill themselves.
Meanwhile people who actually want to kill themselves get that shit done, quietly.
rainf. right during the golden era too, homeboy just got unlucky because he transferred in from a reserve unit. i think he must have been on a seperate manning list for the unit or something
thats what i noticed with my unit anyway, it was always the guys who came in on their own that got fucked and the ones who came in as a big group on the same day all got earmarked
Shit I haven't been on Norfolk soil since I was 19. Been 10 years now and I'm back in my FL hometown. The one near Gate 5 and not the shitty one near demolished Groshong Hall right? It'll be forever dope as fuck in our minds even if it's gone.
this is how a coward speaks