Nice propaganda, pal.
Should I join the army?
Pretty much desu
I actually know a former CTN who co-started a data analytics company and sold it to silicon valley interests for millions after getting a bunch of blue chip clients. Shit's a gold mine, and the military paid for 100% of his training and paid him to go learn it.
again fuck off it's relevant to the thread, I was just thinking out loud really don't know why it's being so picked apart. don't think it's a good idea for people like me and I was just giving my two cents but whatever this has gone on long enough im out
college is a waste of time, dont be an army cuck, get a job and forge your own destiny
This. Reminds me of "suicide survivors" who tell everyone they're going to kill themselves.
Meanwhile people who actually want to kill themselves get that shit done, quietly.
rainf. right during the golden era too, homeboy just got unlucky because he transferred in from a reserve unit. i think he must have been on a seperate manning list for the unit or something
thats what i noticed with my unit anyway, it was always the guys who came in on their own that got fucked and the ones who came in as a big group on the same day all got earmarked
Shit I haven't been on Norfolk soil since I was 19. Been 10 years now and I'm back in my FL hometown. The one near Gate 5 and not the shitty one near demolished Groshong Hall right? It'll be forever dope as fuck in our minds even if it's gone.
this is how a coward speaks