what else do you like for a quick gain? need to increase this stack but would rrather do it organically through a good trade or two
Comfy @ .55$
Kek, you probably did him a favor by getting him in shape.
As far as monetizing my fuckery, you can influence the spot price a bit by doing this, but the volume available to buy or sell that you can influence is usually pretty small. Still getting used to it though, I'm sure I will be using it to un-naturally have my way with some bots after coaxing them out of their comfort zone in the future. I want to make it as date-rapey as possible.
>next showdown
just got my mom and childhood best friend to go all in.
kek fucking hell user. you should make a documentary about it. im glad i found out that there are fuckers who can do this before i get into algos. i really hope we never meet on the exchange
Bot molester : The sell off
>bot molester
best part is he doesnt even know who hes doing it to and isnt making any money doing it. just doing it to enjoy the idea of some complete stranger on the other side of the world losing their shit over it.
If I met you in person I would buy you a drink, but on the exchange...
>Its Going Down! (((tm)))
This is advanced 21st century crypto-bastardry, and if I can't get rich, I'll at least stick my fingers in a whole lot of pies!
Same here, I'm 90% Link, and 10% Req for shits and giggles. Link has nowhere else to go, but up now.