What coins are you buying during this sale?

You're not entirely wrong, however the most reasonable solution is to consider all beers to be equivalent. The question is ambiguous as written but the "most correct" answer is obviously 15. Those who give other answers aren't stupid, except this guy:

Beer before liquor, never sicker.
Liquor before beer, you're in the clear.

Thanks for the partial credit. Math isn't about deducion based on hunches, it's logical. If you treat this is a substitution cipher, then then is no answer. If you treat it as a test of lateral thinking, then 15. It comes down to how you want to approach the problem, and I choose mathematically.

If i had made this puzzle, I would have decided that d = 6.283.

Legitimate companies that sell actual products and pay dividends....the odd company with a solid growth case like some emerging biotech. Def not any coins or Muh Amazon with 300p/e ratio lol

Looking at something mathematically is one thing, but don't you think you're being overly pedantic? If someone writes down two X's on a paper as part of a system of equations, do you assume those X's are different unless they're written exactly the same? How consistent does the handwriting have to be? The most reasonable intention of the person making this problem was either just trying to troll as hard as possible, or convey that 2 mugs = 2 implies that 1 mug = 1. I suppose you're strictly correct but mathematical notation can be ambiguous without changing the underlying mathematics, and must be interpreted.

I would assume that x = x in each case. If they had two variables, n and m, I wouldn't assume that n = m/2. You can call it pedantic, to me it's just logic.