VEN Comfy thread

VeChain Thor
>Tracking 5,000,000,000 bottles of authentic Italian wine and putting the entire journey, story, and generated data of the product into the palm of the consumer's lavishly accessorized hand.

Waltun Coin
>tracks chinese plastic toys or something. What is this even for? Do we even have a CTO? Does anyone here want to be CTO? Keep doing the great work.

they see me...

fuck sake

26 cents entry

Then they say that they have a special "pool" for partners to "acquire" (note, they carefully didn't use the word buy) VEN, increasing the circulating supply even further.

Then they say they want to hire 100 more people by the end of the year, meaning more VEN dumps by the foundation.
Why the fuck would anyone hold this?

That, and Sunny personally buying and selling on the exchanges is a huge red flag, who do you think dumped right before the event started!?

The fear that I have with VEN is that their main worry is always going to be the people they have partnerships with. They have full control over the price of VEN/THOR and if their partners think the price is too high then they WILL change the price/supply.

If VeChain has full control over the supply of the token that's actually useful (THOR) where the fuck would the value from holding VEN come from? That's my fear atleast and I think that's partly why they have been able to land all these partnerships before launching their main net. Hey we're like ETH but it'll always be cheap to use our blockchain since we control the supply.

Great business plan for VeChain but I don't see how it benefits us holders. I'd rather invest in their stock than their tokens as of right now.

comfy depending on which one i roll

god damn it

