If it happens the FOMO is gonna be insane, I easily see JNT reaching a billion or more in mcap if they tokenize a few hundred millions.
Which is better and why?
>Were this and only this to happen. that would be immediate 200x at the bare minimum.Most likely far more with speculation. with 200x you'd be looking at 68$ per jnt.
Sounds too good to be true.
its a hypothetical example designed to help you understand the mechanisms by which this could moon. The number 10 billion i used was for example only.
None of this means fucking anything, you mongoloids.
Great point.
However the idea with something like JNT is that it can be literally backed by something more than speculation.
Currently, it hasn't been backed by any real world assets, and the price is 100% speculation. However, if the SEED group actually announces backing and it's not a "pajeet scam," do you really think the price will dip significantly below its backed value?
How often does tether lose more than 5%? It's much more tenuously backed than JNT would be.
>only the earliest or most patient participants will win
.... yeah. and it just launched. weve been holding since day 1, which was mere weeks ago, patiently. how exactly does this post invalidate anything weve said?
fuck off faggot
>tfw I thought I was late in 2013 when btc was $500 and normies started fomoing in
if only I knew
Still waiting on a response. Or you can just admit you're wrong, ill accept that.
fuck it
50% amb
25% jnt
25% coinmetro
just fuck my shit up senpai